
Decorative pond on the site

Your site is not just words about the right to own land, it's a small world in which every person feels like a god and a king. He is there chief and he is able to create his own and unique world. Arrangement and decoration of the land can be carried out in various ways. This is the path, and the lawn, and gazebos, and various zones. But separately it is necessary to allocate a decorative pond, with beauty, appeasement and elegance of which, there is not much compared.

Choose a place

Any creation of artificial reservoirs must begin with planning. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the location of the future pond, its design features, methods of supply and removal of water. With regard to the choice of location, the most optimal option is the arrangement of a decorative reservoir in the recreation area, then it will fit perfectly into the framework of quiet rest and give a kind of piquancy at noisy seating.

Size and construction

As for the size and design features that will distinguish your decorative pond, then in this issue, first of all, you need to build on the place you have previously chosen. If there is only a small patch in the allocated zone, then, of course, you should not even think about a large pond. If the spaces allow, then you can make an artificial pond of impressive size. But the size of the dimensions, and the appearance is much more important, because even a modest in size pond can be made insanely beautiful. The main thing is not to make it rectangular or square, but to try to bring its external appearance closer to the natural reservoir.

Lodged decorative pond

Under such a concept as a pond bed, we mean a finished mold made of plastic or fiberglass, or a concrete or clay base with a waterproofing layer. This element is designed to create a shoreline of the pond and its internal relief. The easiest option is to deepen the finished plastic or fiberglass element into the ground, because The laboriousness of this work is much less than the arrangement of the concrete foundation and its subsequent waterproofing.

Filling the pond

After the foundation of the future reservoir is laid, it is necessary to start filling it. Well, if there is a well or well on the site, then problems with filling should not arise. If there are none, then as a source you can use the nearest pond, or rainwater. The supply of water from these sources is carried out along a watercourse, which can be decorated in the form of a stream.

Retraction system

Any decorative pond must have a water drainage system. This is due primarily to the cleaning works. If you do not carry out preventive work, then the water can blossom. Also consider the diversion of water should be in case of seasonal filling of the reservoir.


But just choose a place, dig in the tank and fill with water - this is not a decorative pond. It is now necessary to ennoble it all. Firstly, the coastline can be decorated with stones and cobblestones. You can also plant ornamental plants. The pond itself can also be decorated with water plants and stones or pebbles. It is often possible to find elements of illumination or decorative garden figures, which also decorate an artificial reservoir on the site.

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