
Cromoglyn. Instructions

"Kromoglin" instruction refers to a group of membrane stabilizers of mast cells, antiallergic drugs. The mechanism of drug exposure is due to its ability to block the entry into the mast cells of calcium, thus preventing the degranulation and release of allergic and inflammatory mediators (histamine and bradykin), a substance (slowly reacting) and other biologically active components.

A drug is produced in the form of a solution for instillation and a nasal spray.

Absorption of the drug with intranasal use is from the mucus of about 7% and depends on the volume of mucous secretions, with an increase in the amount of which decreases the degree of absorption.

In case of accidental ingestion, absorption of the drug from the digestive tract is minimal (less than 1%). Excretion is performed in an unchanged form with bile and urine in approximately the same amount.

"Cromoglyn". Instructions. Indication.

The medication is prescribed in ophthalmic practice for the treatment of conjunctivitis of the allergic nature of chronic and acute course, spring keratoconjunctivitis.

"Kromoglin" (nasal spray) is indicated for therapy and for the prevention of year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis.

In ophthalmology, the drug is indicated for adults and children over the age of four.

"Kromoglin" (eye drops) is prescribed a day by drop four times. If necessary, the use of a drop of six to eight times a day is allowed. Intervals between installations after achieving therapeutic effect can be increased.

"Kromoglin" instruction allows children under four years of age to be administered and supervised by a doctor.

Burial is carried out in the conjunctival sac, pulling the lower eyelid, without touching the eye. To evenly distribute the solution, you need to blink.

In the form of the spray "Kromoglin" is recommended to use one injection four times a day in each nostril. Typically, the dosing regimen is set individually by a specialist. In some cases, it can be administered by injection six times a day or two to four times.

To the side effects of the drug "Kromoglin" the instruction refers to the sensation of the presence of an extraneous object in the eyes, burning, congestion, swelling of the conjunctiva. After injections into the nose, patients may notice minor transient irritations, in rare cases, headaches, nosebleeds, coughing, taste changes, choking, mucous membranes, angioedema, hoarseness, swelling in the larynx.

Hypersensitivity is a contraindication to the appointment of a medication.

The use of the drug during lactation and during the period of gestation, especially during the first trimester, is possible only on the recommendation and under the supervision of the doctor. According to clinical and experimental studies, the teratogenic effect of the active ingredient (cromoglic acid of the sodium salt) was not observed. The active substance is able to excrete with maternal milk in an insignificant amount, which, apparently, does not pose a threat to infants.

When using the drug "Kromoglin" is not recommended to use contact lenses. If necessary, the use of hard lenses is allowed, which should be installed no earlier than fifteen minutes after using the solution.

Patients who temporarily lose clear vision after the administration of drops are not recommended immediately after applying the drug to engage in potentially dangerous work.

Cases of overdose in clinical practice are not described.

The drug should be applied after autopsy for four weeks.

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