Food and drinkWines and spirits

Cooking apple cider: a recipe for excellent wine

Cider or apple wine is known to mankind for a long time. The first recipe for cider from apple juice is associated with ancient Egypt. Modern classic Technologies developed in the culinary traditions of England, France and Spain. As a rule, only a beverage without pasteurization and yeast is said to be a real apple cider. The recipe allows you to cook cider at home, even if you do not have any winemaking experience. So, consider several techniques.

Simple recipe for apple cider

You will need juicy and ripe apples, it is best to combine sweet and sour varieties. Do not wash them too carefully, simply wipe with a dry cloth. On the skin of apples are microorganisms that will play the role of natural yeast. Cut the fruit from the core and chop them. Put in a glass bottle or jar, for each liter of apple mass adding a hundred grams of sugar and a few raisins. If the fruit is not very juicy, in a ratio of one to one, add water. Put a rubber glove on the neck of the container , which will block access to oxygen and prevent souring. Put the heat away for a week. By this time, the glove should be densely filled with gas. Drain into a clean container half cooked apple cider. The recipe is no less simple: remove the jar in the refrigerator for four days, then pour the drink into another bottle so that the remainder from the bottom of the jar does not fall into it. Tightly cap and put away for storage. You can keep such a cider for about a year.

Classic Apple Cider

The recipe for this drink is somewhat more complicated. You will need sour wild apples of this degree of ripeness, when the fruits are already practically falling from the branches. Squeeze juice out of them with a juicer, discard the cake. Fill with juice two-thirds of a glass bottle with a water seal. The water gate does not allow air to penetrate inside the tank, but removes carbon dioxide from it , which occurs during fermentation. In fact, it's an ordinary lid or cork with a tube, which is dipped in a jar of water, so that you can make such a device yourself. Remove the bottle into heat for a month, then gently pour the juice into a clean jar without pouring out the sediment accumulated on the bottom. Cover the jar with a lid and put it away for several months. The temperature for storing cider should About ten degrees. Pour ready cider on bottles. Apple recipe, considered classic, allows you to store the drink for up to three years. Keep bottles horizontally, removing them in the refrigerator.

With what to drink apple cider?

Cider recipe, as a rule, recommends drinking it chilled to twelve or fourteen degrees. To fully reveal its taste, pour into a glass from a height of about a meter, so the drink is saturated with oxygen and get rid of excess carbon dioxide. The best dishes for cider include prawns, fried beef, pancakes and cheeses. With moderate use, the drink does not have a negative effect on the body and does not cause a hangover.

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