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Composition of mushrooms. Benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are rightfully considered to be the most protein product, in which useful substances are even greater than in meat or eggs. Moreover, they are an indispensable ingredient in most dietary dishes, since their calorific value is negligible.

Categories of mushrooms

By itself, this product has a very high nutritional value. Mushrooms not only add flavor and pleasant aftertaste to dishes, but are also extremely useful for the body. In the human diet, the main role is played by fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Just these components in the mushrooms abound, along with vitamins and minerals.

One of the advantages of mushrooms is that they do not contain vegetable starch, but they have a lot of sugar and glycogen, especially in oleores and poderezozikov. White, in turn, is considered the most nutritious and protein. Edible mushrooms can be eaten both fried and boiled. But in any case, they need to rinse well and clean the flesh first. Mushrooms are divided into categories:

  • The first include the most delicious and valuable species, such as white and red.
  • To the second category are attributed the boletus, mushrooms and podberezoviki.
  • The third includes a very average mushrooms to taste. The composition and calorie content are slightly worse and lower than those of the two previous categories. This autumn fall, blue rush, moss, etc.
  • The last group of mushrooms for nutritional value include oyster mushrooms, marsh owls, green russules and others. Representatives of this category are popular only among fans and budget buyers.

What is the use of mushrooms

As studies show, people who regularly eat them suffer from cancer 65 percent less than others. The use of fungi for the body has been proven more than once. No wonder they constantly have a place in the diet. Mushrooms are also useful in diabetes, atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, arterial pressure. Even in ancient China, healers used their fat to treat influenza, ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver.

The white fungus contains a large amount of protein and glycogen, which are necessary for the normal functioning of all the internal organs of man. People who consume this variety suffer from migraine, heart failure and multiple sclerosis less than others. The recommended daily dose is 1 teaspoon of white fungus powder. Podisinovik is optimal for cleansing blood from cholesterol. Chanterelles are considered an excellent means of getting rid of intestinal parasites. Also these mushrooms are useful in angina and furunculosis. Redheads have a restorative effect on the body. They are eaten raw, cut into slices and seasoned with salt.

Honey mushrooms are an anticancer agent, and are also often used as a laxative. The fact is that these fungi have a unique hematopoietic ability, so they are indispensable for a diet with leukemia. Birch (chaga) grows directly on tree trunks. It is used as a tincture for strengthening immunity and preventing tumor diseases. The composition of the mushrooms of the Bollet family (such as oil mushrooms) includes a special resinous substance that can save a person from severe headaches. Often they are used as a preventative against colds.

Composition of mushrooms

The main and most important component is protein. The amount of this substance in mushrooms is greater than in peas and meat. In addition, the composition includes nitrogenous compounds used in medicine for the prevention of various diseases. The white fungus contains up to 5% protein, in the podberezovik - up to 4%, but the leader in this race is a giant raincoat (from 6.5%). It is proved that most of the vitamins are in the caps. In turn, the legs contain a large number of fatty acids and enzymes. Also in the composition of mushrooms are various extractives, trace elements and fats.

Of the category of carbohydrates is to identify glycogen and sugar. It is these ingredients that give the mushrooms a sweetish flavor. Most of the glycogen is found in tubular mushrooms, for example, in poderezozikov and oilyats. In addition to all the above, the composition of mushrooms is animal starch, so useful for the body.

Calorie content of mushrooms

Many women who follow their figure are interested in the energy value of the foods they eat. Caloric content of fungi is so small that they can be consumed in large portions daily, unless there is an allergic reaction. However, their nutritional value is comparable to cereals and many vegetables. The optimal option for any diet will be white mushrooms. Their composition and calorie content can not be overestimated. In 100 grams of ceps, the energy value is only 35 cal. As for the most low-calorie species, it is possible to identify blackies, which contain about 10 cal.

It is important to understand that fried or baked mushrooms have much more energy value than raw and boiled. When cooking for a couple of calories they are equivalent to 50, and when frying - to 150 and above.

Mushrooms in dietetics

Oyster mushrooms and mushrooms contain a minimum of fats compared to other species, but the amount of protein in them is much greater. These fungi are widely distributed in strict diets aimed at regulating metabolism and reducing cholesterol. Many gastrologists advise them as a substitute for meat products.

The use of mushrooms in combating excess kilograms is their low caloric value and high nutritional value. For losing weight, tea varieties are very effective, because they contain a lot of biological components useful for the intestines and stomach. These fungi allow the metabolism to be accelerated in a short time. In a week it is recommended to eat at least 300 grams of green weight.
In the Tibetan medicine, milk fungi are widespread. Since ancient times, monks used this variety to treat ulcers and cancerous tumors. In dietetics milk fungus is allowed only in fermented form.

White mushrooms: tips

This fungus is rightfully considered the king of the plant world. It is not only nutritious and aromatic, but also very useful due to the large number of protein compounds.

The white fungus itself is yellowish or brown in color. It stands out from the others with a large hat and a thick leg. Its dimensions can reach up to 40 cm in diameter. The height of the largest specimens is 30 cm.

It is worth noting that the white fungus is easily confused with inedible analogues. The principal difference in flesh. In white mushrooms it is light gray in color. Inedible varieties are not suitable for cooking.

Ingredients and calories of ceps

Representatives of this family are remarkable stimulants of taste, since they contribute to improving the secretion of juices in the stomach. That's why they are so often added to different dishes instead of meat.
The chemical composition of white mushrooms includes vitamins such as, B1, C and D. In addition, they contain a lot of carotene and riboflavin, which strengthen hair, skin and nails, and also normalize the activity of the thyroid gland.

The composition of the white fungus is rich in sulfur, lecithin and polysaccharide, which purify the blood of cholesterol. It is worth noting a large amount of protein. White mushrooms have antitumor, antimicrobial and tonic properties. The antioxidants included in their composition enhance the defense of the immune system, and numerous enzymes help break down excess fats and fiber.

In 100 grams of net weight contains up to 35 calories.

Champignons: tips

These mushrooms are difficult to confuse with some other species. Their size (under favorable conditions for growth) can reach 25 cm. Color - milk. The hat is round, smooth, and the foot is flat, with a ring in the middle. Flesh is dense, white.

Champignons can be eaten raw, but they can not be stored outdoors for long. They contain a lot of vitamins and such useful substances as calcium, zinc, phosphorus and many others. The best way to cook is to fry.

Composition and caloric content of champignons

In addition to proteins and carbohydrates, they contain ash compounds, fatty acids, minerals and dietary fibers. Also in the composition of the mushroom mushrooms is about 20 amino acids, such as cysteine, lysine, tryptophan, etc. Of the pulp of some representatives of the family do antibiotics.
The chemical composition of fungi of this species is rich in vitamins B, C, E, PP, calcium, chlorine, zinc, sodium, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus and iodine.

One of the advantages of champignons is their low energy value, which does not exceed the mark of 27 calories per 100 grams.

Contraindications and harm

When collecting or buying mushrooms it is worth to be not only selective, but also attentive. Fears about possible harm are not groundless. The fact is that fungi are the primary natural sorbents, because they absorb into themselves such toxic substances as mercury, strontium, cesium and others. Also, they can absorb lead and heavy metals, so harmful to the human body.

The composition of mushrooms is often diluted with poisonous substances, which are more numerous in concentration than in many inedible species. Therefore, you should never collect or buy them in industrial areas. In any case, for children under 12 years of age, fungi in the diet are strictly contraindicated, since in a young organism there are not enough enzymes to quickly digest them.

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