HomelinessPest Control

Cockroaches. How to get rid of this neighborhood?

How to destroy cockroaches? This issue worries everyone. Many people are faced with such trouble as the appearance of insects in the house. The most unpleasant of them are cockroaches. How to get rid of this neighborhood? What methods of fighting these insects are most harmless and effective?

Benefit and harm

No matter how disgusting the cockroaches cause, they also have some usefulness. They eat up scraps and scraps for a person, thus cleaning the dwelling. But few people will be grateful to them for this.

The damage from these insects is much more weighty. First, they serve as carriers of dangerous microbes. Secondly, few people want to eat food, which ran a cockroach. And the last thing - this neighborhood looks rather aesthetic.

Causes of appearance

Basically, cockroaches are planted in places where sanitary conditions for human habitation are not observed. Dirty dishes, not always taken out garbage, rarely cleaned housing - these are the main reasons for the appearance of unpleasant neighbors. Then a problem arises in many people who have such trouble, like cockroaches, how to get rid of these insects once and for all.

Methods of struggle

There are two types of control of these pests: using chemicals and folk remedies.

Today in stores you can buy a huge amount of chemicals that will help get rid of cockroaches. But most of them are ineffective and relieve such a neighborhood only for a while. Let's consider some of them:

1. Gels. Use this tool is very convenient. They are sold in syringes, ready to use. The result can be checked in a few days.

2.Lovushki. They look like small boxes with holes through which insects penetrate inside, where they seize a poisonous remedy, and not only infect themselves, but also infect their relatives.

3. Domiki. They represent a house inside which there is a bait. Around the house there is an adhesive tape. Insects tend to bait, on the way getting on the sticky tape and sticking to it.

4. The cream. They outline all places of congestion of insects: skirting, shells, walls and so on.

5. Aerosols. They need to spray places of congestion of cockroaches. But there are some disadvantages to using this drug. After all, it's all the same pesticides, they can not be used in homes where there are children or animals. They are quite serious damage to human health and pets.

If there is no possibility of a chemical attack, and cockroaches all over the house, how to get rid of them effectively and without harm to health? People's recipes will come to the rescue. The basis of them - boric acid, which is the most effective way in the fight against parasites. It is completely harmless to humans and animals, and for insects - the worst enemy.

Here are two recipes for how to destroy cockroaches with boric acid:

1. Fill with boric acid all corners, plinth, a bucket for waste and all the places where insects gather.

2. Mix boric acid with a steep egg, roll the balls, which are arranged in the corners of the cluster.

Unlike chemicals, which are aimed at destruction, boric acid has a poisonous effect. An infected insect may not die, but will forever try to leave this place.


Before proceeding with the destruction of cockroaches, it is necessary:

- wash all cabinets, shelves, corners in the kitchen, a sink, a trash can, while using detergents, then wipe dry and maintain cleanliness until complete elimination of parasites;

- Do not keep food open, it is better to put it in the refrigerator or densely to pack in plastic bags.

The maintenance of the house in cleanliness can for ever relieve of necessity of search of the answer to a question: "Cockroaches how to get rid of them for ever?" The main thing is not to be lazy and do everything that follows.

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