EducationSecondary education and schools

Children of primary school age. The general characterization of primary school age is brief (psychology)

Some believe that the development of the child begins in adolescence. Here it is a question of his full maturation. This is true, but some features of the development of representatives of this age group are showing themselves quite well in the younger school age. The child is already grown up. Yes, but he does not consider himself such. This is the standard thinking model for developing people. Why? Yes, because he remembers himself, as he was before. But he does not know what real adulthood is, he has not yet experienced it.

Therefore, all the same, the junior school age is called the peak of childhood. And it's not just that, because the main points that are present in childhood, the younger students are also available. For example, the propensity to fantasy. Although it is somewhat less than in children who go to a kindergarten, but at the same time much more than even teenagers. This is due to the still undeveloped frontal lobes of the brain, which terminate their formation only in 12 years. Sometimes at a later age.

Difficulties in composing a characteristic

General characteristics of junior school age - it's a little thankless task. Each person shows himself in his own way at this age stage. Some can help parents and even earn some money, while others continue to play in the sandbox. As for earning money, this often happens with the assistance of parents. For example, a child can be given money for good grades in school.

There is one point. Junior school age can be different. Most often, money is given to the child already in later stages of this period, since little children do not really need money. However, children are different. Someone starts to demand pocket money from parents at the age of seven, and someone such an idea and ability comes only in adolescence. True, adolescence should be a stage when a person must at least somehow work. Yes, let the parents. But the mechanism of its existence must be an adult. Okay, we're already moving away from the topic.

Adds the difficulty of compiling a detailed psychological description of this age stage and the fact that a child can belong to different nationalities, cultures, which complicates the process of systematization. Therefore, the general characterization of junior school age should concern only a certain culture. In the post-Soviet countries it is very similar, so this is a big plus. Let's look at the main points.


General characteristics of junior school age must necessarily include this important element. After all, training is one of the fundamental characteristics of man. So, only by learning, a child can fully socialize. The school becomes the agent of education at the younger school age. Thanks to her, he can not only absorb the information that is provided for by the school curriculum, but also communicate with peers and the teacher, gaining more and more new knowledge.

For junior school age is usually characterized by good learning. So, children tend to learn what they say. Also the development of competitiveness. This age period is characterized by high competition. Then it will go to "no", since for children of this and later stages, the predominance of desires over necessity is still characteristic. So parents should develop willpower.

Yes, at a younger school age, the training of willpower is a rather complex process. After all, the frontal lobes are not yet sufficiently developed to perform arbitrary regulation of the actions. Nevertheless, representatives of the younger school age are already more conscious.

The question of willpower

It can not be said that the junior school age is a period of full childhood. So, the child already knows what to say, and what does not follow in this situation. Of course, this does not happen in every situation and not with every child. Nevertheless, what the child does already becomes more meaningful. It is already easier for him to force himself to do what is given him psychological discomfort, and he treats it calmly enough. Nevertheless, there is one point.

General characteristics of junior school age, or rather, one of its most frequently encountered items, most often speaks of the restlessness of children. This trouble sometimes occurs in adults. It is from inconsistency that laziness is taken. However, it can be a consequence of laziness. But the experience of doing homework, not delaying for later, in children can be positive. Nevertheless, this does not always lead to this effect. Children quite often give priority to pleasures, and what to do is often ignored.

The inefficiency

Also, the general characteristic of junior school age includes such a point as immoderation. What does this mean? Imbalance is the inability to control the intensity of something, keep your emotions and perform actions at the level of the golden mean. For example, a child can walk all day and completely ignore the homework.

This phenomenon, like the absenteeism of school activities, among representatives of this age group - this is a fairly rare phenomenon. Nevertheless, in the classroom you can see a group of people who not only do not go to classes themselves from time to time, but also incline other people to it. This leads to a negative impact of the school environment on the socialization of these children. Therefore, the average general characteristics of junior school age may not be very beautiful. Naturally, if it will be an honest teacher.

Only in this age period a child can eat a mountain of chocolates, and then nothing is. However, some still remain at this stage and continue to brazenly indulge their desires, which perform only an alarm function, and are not the main motive for action. So it is necessary to eradicate in children attempts in any way to exceed the threshold of permissible pleasure. This still did not lead to anything good.

Assimilation of educational material

It is difficult - this is how the younger school age can characterize the assimilation of educational material. General characteristics include such moments as difficulties in retelling texts in a short time. And where it is specifically about a brief retelling. Detailed retelling of children of this age is obtained quite well, since in this case one should not try to separate the main from the secondary.

This is still a rather difficult task for representatives of such an age category as the junior school age. A general characteristic explains this by the fact that the frontal lobes, which are responsible for separation of the main from the secondary, are not yet sufficiently formed. Yes, these are the same parts of the brain that are responsible for the child's will power and control of desires. After all, it is directly connected with the logical interpretation of the situation. Still, children are still inclined to go on about emotions, but this can eventually go away.

Relations with parents

This issue is already acquiring adolescent traits. Characteristics of primary school age indicates that children belonging to this age group love their parents. But at the same time they are trying not to show it, and at times even try to get the better of them. At the same time, the parents' opinion is still valuable, despite the fact that communication with peers is also an important element of the child's socialization.

That's why after a while there is a need to face a choice: either peers, or parents. In this case, there may even be a rebellion of the child himself. Some say that this happens in adolescence. But nothing like this. This can be at any time. Just the motives are somewhat different. Although here they can be similar.


Characteristics of primary school age includes still such an important point as cunning. Children really at this stage tend to be cunning. And this can not be called a full-fledged deception. Just people from 6 to 10-11 years resort to all sorts of tricks. For example, if they get sick, they can easily exaggerate what they really feel. Actually, the child's brains develop, so the tendency to wag the tail can also develop.

And it is important to understand that not every child can be cunning. Everyone tries to do this, but not everyone gets it. This sometimes leads to the fact that education in the spirit of honesty really works. But in some cases the child can really very well be cunning, or the parents can also turn a blind eye to it. In this case, this can lead to duplicity of character in the future, which can make communication with other people much more difficult.


And what about diligence? Are there any moments? It all depends on how the child feels at work. No one likes to perform uninteresting work, which, at the same time, undermines self-esteem for a person. Therefore, such activities will not be successful for your child. Therefore, his attempts to learn a particular case should be encouraged. For example, if he wants to learn how to program (and this is a fairly common desire for children at the present time), then this should be encouraged.

In general, any attempts by the child to gain some skill should be approved. After all, there are no useless skills. And if you apply them comprehensively, you can achieve even better results. Here is such a hardworking characteristic of the younger school age. Briefly speaking, hard work is finding your self, your calling and following it. Therefore, if you encourage these attempts with your child, it will be very good.

Junior school age - a general characteristic: the psychology of the child

Very important is the psychology of the child. After all, the general psychological characteristics of junior school age is the most contradictory one can think of. About adolescence, for example, it was said very much. There are painted strategies of education, which, in fact, is not so much an upbringing as a normal teaching.

Children of the age category under consideration still need to be educated. Although this should not be done as intensively as when adolescence begins. You can still punish, but recently it is believed that it is much more effective to show the natural consequences of what the child is doing wrong. After all, in the psychology of the child there is already resistance to the parents. It often happens that a child loves his parents. Yes, of course. How can it be otherwise. But here to show the children are afraid, embarrassed for the reason that they think that if they do, they will not be so grown up. In general, for a given age period is characterized by a large number of cockroaches. But in adolescence, there will be even more. Get ready.

General characteristics of the development of a child of primary school age

This age stage can be called a period of active development of the child. Just at the beginning of junior school age is a physiological crisis. The child can feel tired, irritable and unsociable. Yes, childhood is a difficult period, nothing can be done about it. It is important to note that this physiological crisis, despite such a complex word, is a favorable mom, which contributes to the socialization and education of the child. This is, so to speak, a positive crisis.

Nevertheless, one should take into account the irritability that the child has, and understand that this feature is not too terrible. Just need to simulate the natural consequences of his behavior. Do not scold, but it will be better if you show him what his actions can lead to. This will teach him to be responsible for his own actions, which will become the basis of his adulthood.

Councils for the education of children of this age category

And now the general characterization of primary school age is brief:

  1. The child is beginning to feel himself a full-fledged subject of social relations, which lays the foundation for his development. It is believed that it is necessary to support the beginnings of the child in adulthood already in adolescence, but it is desirable to start earlier, at least begin to develop the correct model of behavior before the onset of the transition period.
  2. At this age, frontal lobes of the brain actively develop, which provokes a detachment from phantasies (gradual) and an active interest in the realities of life. It is important for the parent to remember that these realities should be shown to the child of this age pointwise, so as not to shock him and not injure him.
  3. The general characteristic of development in younger school age implies that the child can be somewhat irritable. Work with a problem, not a consequence. Develop a sense of responsibility in it.

These are the main points that should be learned from this article. General characteristics of children of primary school age are much more complicated, and you can feel some of the theses only on your own experience. Should be approached rationally, some issues should be considered in general from an individual position. Despite the fact that the characteristic of primary school age is actively used, psychology is much further than templates. And you need to understand this.

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