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Lishay in a child: how to treat and prevent the recurrence of the disease?

Did you notice that your child continually scratches a piece of skin? Did you notice a pink spot on the baby's body? Perhaps you, like 90% of parents, have faced a rather unpleasant problem - lichen in children. Symptoms of the disease and its varieties will be discussed in today's article.

Red lichen

In this disease on the inner side of the arms, around the elbow, on the wrists, as well as on the back, abdomen and chest, papules of a rounded shape with a waxy gloss and red, violet or crimson coloring are formed. Their sizes range from small grains to peas.

At the onset of the disease, children suffer severe itching and scratching in affected areas. Subsequently, the itching decreases, and the color of the papules turns pale. After their disappearance, pigmented spots appear on the skin. To avoid transition to a chronic form, treatment should be done only by a specialist!

Ringworm in the child: how to treat

Typically, the carrier of this disease are animals. During the incubation period, which lasts up to one and a half months, the infected person has no symptoms of the disease. Later on the neck, shoulders, chest and face appear itchy reddish patches of rounded shape, covered with crusts.

But sometimes it affects not only the smooth skin, but the scalp, on which the lobules form. This is usually accompanied by headache, fever and general malaise.

Quickly and independently get rid of the disease you will not succeed. The dermatologist will prescribe antifungal drugs and will require regular disinfection of the baby's room and clothes. This is important, since ringworm is very contagious!

Rubbish in a child: how to treat

When contact with a patient or his things, a child may pick up a pityriasis. Unlike previous types of disease, it is not accompanied by itching, but only by a slight ecdysis. Spots on the affected areas have a brownish, pale pink or very light hue, which turns white after the first tan.

It appears on the upper back, gradually shifting to the chest and stomach. The dermatologist for greater efficiency of treatment will advise in every possible way to support a skin of the child in cleanliness and dryness, putting on it antimycotic ointments.

Pink deprive a child: how to treat

Lishai Zhibera is a rather rare disease that is attributed to infectious allergic skin diseases. The main symptom of it are pink flaky spots of round or oval shape.

As a rule, this disease does not need medical treatment and passes by itself. There is no relapse - in the body, it develops persistent immunity. The main thing is not to irritate the affected areas with harsh detergents and do not allow sunlight to hit them.

Tinea in a child: how to treat

One of the dangerous varieties of the disease under discussion is shingles, which can provoke both child's hypothermia and overheating or the presence of an infectious disease. It appears in the form of vesicles, located along the nerve trunks or branches, and is accompanied by a fever, pains and general malaise. This is the most difficult to treat lichen in children.

Treatment: ointment and antiviral drugs that are used only under the strict supervision of a dermatologist! The child, in the case of a complicated course of the disease, is also prescribed antibiotics. To block pain, electrophoresis, blockade and reflexotherapy are used.

Do not be ill!

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