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"Ceftriaxone" for cats: instructions for use, dosage, composition and reviews

"Ceftriaxone" is a strong antibacterial agent that is active against most microorganisms. It suppresses the growth of the walls of pathogenic bacteria, so it does not get used to it. It is often used "Ceftriaxone" for cats. It is needed for the treatment of severe infectious diseases, as well as for the prevention of infection after surgery. But this drug can be used only for the veterinarian.

The property of the drug "Ceftriaxone"

It is an antibiotic of the third generation, belonging to the group of cephalosporins. It is active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It is very effective against a large number of microorganisms due to the fact that it breaks the permeability of the membranes of their cells, which leads to their death. Particularly sensitive to its effects are staphylococci, streptococci, colibacteria, clostridia, shigella, salmonella, enterobacteria, meningitis, and many others.

When "Ceftriaxone" is used for cats

Pets are often sick if they are not well looked after. There are at them such infections which are peculiar both to people, but besides, cats and special illnesses are ill. Especially they are exposed to animals that walk on the street. If the fluffy pet is sick, it is best to contact the veterinarian. Often during infection, doctors prescribe "Ceftriaxone" for cats. The instruction recommends to apply it in such cases:

  • For venereal diseases, for example, with chlamydosis;
  • In case of development of sepsis;
  • After a castration operation or sterilization to prevent the development of infection;
  • In the recovery period after surgical treatment of urolithiasis;
  • At otitis;
  • Meningitis;
  • Cystitis;
  • For bacterial infections of the respiratory system;
  • With infections of the skin and soft tissues.

How to make a cat prick

To prevent the development of infection after sterilization and in certain diseases, veterinarians often prescribe "Ceftriaxone". The injections of the cat have to be done by the owners of the house, it saves time and money for a daily visit to the clinic. But not everyone knows how to do injections. The basic rules are the same as for injections for people: sterility, observance of the exact dosage, and others. But for pricks to a cat there are some features.

  • "Ceftriaxone" is administered to the intramuscular animal. It is best to do this in the back of the thigh. It is necessary to watch, that the muscle of the animal was not tense, for this, calm the cat, massage her paw.
  • Lubricate alcohol with an animal's skin is not necessary, since cats have an antibacterial layer on it. The main thing is that there is no inflammation or dirt at the injection site. And do not touch the needle with your hands.
  • To administer the drug, it is better to use a thin insulin syringe. It holds just 1 ml. That's the amount of Ceftriaxone solution needed for large animals. And better this syringe because he has a thin needle. This injection is already painful, and with a thick needle it will be even worse.
  • It is better that during the procedure someone keep a cat. The injection should be done with clear confident movements, try to finish everything quickly.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

This antibacterial agent is very strong. "Ceftriaxone" often causes side effects, and there have been cases of even the death of the animal when the drug is misused. Therefore, it can be used for treatment only after examination of the animal, to exclude the presence of contraindications. And it is not recommended to apply "Ceftriaxone" for cats in such cases:

  • With renal insufficiency;
  • When liver function is impaired;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • Kittens;
  • If there is an ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When allergic to the antibiotics of the penicillin group.

Side effects after application of the drug

"Ceftriaxone" for cats is prescribed by veterinarians frequently, but not all animals tolerate this drug. Very many in its application experience serious disruption of many organs and systems. Such side effects may occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • Flatulence, constipation, an intestinal disorder;
  • Allergic reactions, urticaria;
  • Difficulty breathing, bronchospasm;
  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • Deterioration of blood composition;
  • Problems with the urinary system;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Headaches, dizziness.

"Ceftriaxone" for cats: instructions for use

Use this antibiotic to treat your pet can only be prescribed by a doctor, and strictly observing the dosage. The drug is produced in powder. Therefore, it must first be diluted with Novokain. Cats can not be used to dissolve Lidocaine. For 1 g of antibiotic, take 2 ml of anesthetic and 2 ml of water for injection. A medicine is administered to the cat intramuscularly or intravenously via a catheter. In the latter case, it must necessarily be a doctor.

And in what quantity should you prick "Ceftriaxone" to the cat? Dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the animal:

  • For small cats weighing less than 2 kilograms, you can enter at a time no more than 0.5 ml of the drug solution;
  • Larger animals need to inject 1 ml of "Ceftriaxone".

The injections should be done once a day, but sometimes the doctor recommends dividing the daily dose by two times. Treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the animal's condition. If the cat has become easier before the end of this period, injections do not stop. You need to complete the full course, appointed by a doctor.

The owners of the animal need to know that after treatment with "Ceftriaxone" for 3 months the cat can not be mated, otherwise there may be complications during pregnancy, and the kittens can die.

Reviews about the use of the drug "Ceftriaxone"

Very many owners of furry pets write that this antibiotic saved their pet from a serious infection. In general, "Ceftriaxone" is prescribed after sterilization operations. The owners note that this medicine helped to avoid complications, the wound quickly healed, there was no pus. Many animals tolerate the drug without side effects, the only drawback of these injections - they are very painfully installed. But there are also such reviews that note that the cat developed a severe allergic reaction, vomiting or disruption of the kidneys. If you do not pay attention to side effects after the first injection, the animal may die.

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