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American Foxhound - affectionate and faithful friend

More than four hundred years ago, hunting dogs were brought from the UK to the USA. A direct relative of them was an English foxhound. It is believed that the dogs introduced in 1650 Robert Brooke. These animals have lived in the estate of Brooks for more than three centuries.

The birth of the American Foxhound breed occurred in 1857 by crossing the English Foxhound with his French colleague and the Beagle Beagle who lived in Ireland. The result of such a complex selection work was the emergence of a new hunting breed - the American foxhound.

This dog is used when hunting opossum or raccoon. In rare cases, it can take part in the hunt for a bear or a puma. Such a dog can hunt in any terrain, easily adapts to difficult living conditions, calmly tolerates climate change. Currently, this breed is used in four completely different directions, requiring the dogs of different qualities. They successfully participate in field trials, where they need to show quickness of reaction and speed, competing with other breeds. In addition, they take part in the friendly foxhunting, where they do not require too much running speed and loud, barking barking. And, finally, foxhounds are used in a pack consisting of 15-20 dogs. This is a large animal. Its growth is on the average 54-56 centimeters, and weight - about 35 kilograms. American foxhound is unpretentious, does not need any special care. With food, too, there will be no problems. For him it is not necessary to buy special dog delicacies. The only thing that is required for this dog is a large territory so that it can swing freely. Excellent gets along with people, likes to play with children. Can watch them for hours, so Americans consider these animals to be excellent nannies. The American foxhound, whose photos you see in this article, is completely devoid of aggression. He does not show it to people. However, as soon as he sees other people's dogs, the instinct of protecting his territory awakens in him.

American Foxhound is not very susceptible to diseases. In this regard, he can be an excellent hunter and favorite pet. The owner of this dog must remember that it is strictly forbidden to overfeed - the animal very quickly can gain weight, and this will have a detrimental effect on his abilities as a hunter.

Today, it can be said with certainty that these animals have long been considered not exclusively hunting. Much more often it's just domestic dog breed American foxhound. It is an affectionate and devoted friend for all family members who need care and attention.

If you live in an apartment or a house without a spacious courtyard, then you must spend long daily walks with the dog, because the American foxhound is in great need of movement and physical exertion.

Due to the very capricious, with some degree of stubbornness, the nature of the foxhound, the training process should be entrusted to an experienced specialist who is well acquainted with this breed. Only in this case you will receive an obedient and loyal friend.

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