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Causes of uterine myoma and symptoms of the disease

One of the most common tumors of the uterus is myoma. This benign pathology develops from the muscular layer of the uterus, located between the inner layer and the serous membrane (outer layer). Most often it is faced by women older than 30 years. According to the results of research, uterine fibroids are found in 18-25% of women.

Causes of uterine fibroids

To date, the causes of uterine fibroids, unfortunately, are not fully understood. However, it was proved that its occurrence is associated with an imbalance in the level of sex hormones in the female body. This discovery made it possible to designate that this tumor is hormonally dependent, which is certainly valuable information in the treatment of this disease. For example, during the menopause, the tumor can completely disappear due to the lowering of the level of hormones in the blood. Accordingly, the sites of fibroids increase under the influence of a higher level of estrogen or in the violation of the balance between progesterone and estrogen. These causes of uterine fibroids are leading. In addition to these factors, stresses / excessive physical work, endocrine system diseases, the presence of infectious chronic diseases, the presence of obesity, as well as hereditary factors also play a significant role.

The causes of uterine fibroids, which contribute to the progress of the disease, also stand out. These include abortion, the presence of inflammation affecting the female sexual sphere, a long intake of oral contraceptives. They can arise in the event that up to 30 years a woman did not give birth and, accordingly, did not breast-feed, and also with prolonged stay in the sun.

The main symptomatology

The manifestation of this disease depends on many factors, including age, localization, also depending on the cause of uterine fibroids. However, while the nodes are small and located inside the muscular layer of this organ, the tumor develops without symptoms, as it grows, there is symptomatology:

  1. Cyclic and acyclic hemorrhages. Menstruation becomes more abundant and prolonged in time, in some cases more than 7 days. In addition, there may be Uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  2. The consequence of profuse and prolonged bleeding is a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. There is anemia. The woman has a feeling of general weakness, increased fatigue, skin becomes pale.
  3. If there is a disease of "myoma of the uterus," the causes can provoke pain in the lower abdomen. Depending on the stage of the pathological process, they can be temporary or permanent, be cutting or aching.
  4. Functions of the urinary and gastrointestinal tract are disrupted, as the growing tumor begins to squeeze them. The consequence is a delay in urine, or, on the contrary, an increase in urge.
  5. The causes of uterine fibroids can lead to infertility, which can be associated with hormonal imbalance and squeezing of the fallopian tubes. However, with this tumor pregnancy can occur.

Thus, the causes of uterine fibroids and symptoms are diverse. If you have any of the above symptoms, do not delay - go to the doctor, because any disease in the initial stage is much easier to cure.

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