Health, Diseases and Conditions
Chickenpox. Symptoms in adults
In the list of common infectious diseases - chicken pox, which is caused by varicella-zoster - a virus from the herpes family. A person is highly susceptible to this type of virus, so about 80 percent of the population tolerates the disease most often in childhood. But there are many cases when chickenpox falls on adults, and most often those who avoided this in childhood.
Typically, infection occurs in public places, because the virus spreads along with the flow of ambient air.
Varicella-zoster can be transmitted 2-3 days before a person has the first rashes on the skin and until the entire rash is dry.
Any person, regardless of age, can become infected with chickenpox, especially those who live and work close to the patient. The virus can get into the body if an infected person sneezes or coughs nearby, if the sick person has shared snack remnants of the products or unfinished drinks with healthy if the liquid has got on the skin from a painful blister. Therefore, if the chickenpox is in an adult, he should immediately call a doctor and take a sick leave for about two weeks (the incubation period) so as not to infect colleagues at work. In adulthood, the disease often lasts longer and harder, sometimes it is accompanied by encephalitis and primary wind pneumonia.
The disease is chickenpox. Symptoms in adults are more severe, although after an illness the organism to it is most often not susceptible. If this happens, then, as a rule, the course of the disease occurs in a milder form and with mild symptoms. Medicines such chicken pox in adults are repeatedly called a breakthrough infection. The cause may be severe stressful situations, nervous overexertion or weakening of immunity due to chronic diseases.
Bacterial complications are caused by an anachronic chickenpox. Symptoms in adults are the same as in children. The disease begins with common cold symptoms - fever, sore throat and headache, fatigue and malaise. In a day, as a rule, there is a rash on the skin, the mucous membranes of the entire body in the form of small, wet pimples and red spots.
Blisters can cover not only the face, neck, back, chest, but also the genitals, the scalp. If they are available, it can be argued that the diagnosis is chickenpox. Symptoms in adults manifest themselves on the skin are usually stronger than in a child. The reason is a stronger reaction to chickenpox than in children. In the course of the disease, it is very important not to allow combing of the itchy rash so as not to damage the skin.
Special treatment with antibiotics and other medications is not prescribed. Prescribe only vitamins to support in the fight against the disease immunity. To calm the itching prescribed antihistamines, and to reduce the temperature - paracetamol. Those who have chronic diseases, in some cases, are prescribed immunoglobulin, interferon and antiviral drugs. Hygiene and good care is afraid of chicken pox. Symptoms in adults, as well as in children, are treated by cauterizing the blisters on the skin with green for the purpose of drying.
The virus lives for a long time in the human body after recovery. But chickenpox in adults is very rare. However, as soon as favorable conditions appear, the virus can become more active, and, as a result, the probability of the appearance of shingles.
Especially dangerous is chickenpox infection for pregnant women and people with weakened immunity, because their body is difficult to fight infection. Chickenpox in pregnant women can be the result of the birth of a child with congenital pathologies. They treat the future mother with a specific immunoglobulin, which sharply raises the chances of the baby's future being born healthy and full.
Preventing the prevention of chickenpox is vaccination.
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