HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes of leg pain and joint problems

The causes of pain in the legs can be very diverse. If you decide to go to a specialist, be prepared to be primarily interested in the symptoms that accompany pain.
Pay attention to what's still bothering you. These can be swelling of the legs, swelling, burning sensation, skin discoloration, convulsions in the lower limbs. Using pills and compresses, you can remove the external manifestations of the disease, but you need to focus on eliminating its cause. For example, if the feet suffer, visit the osteopath. The choice of a specialist should be determined by the nature and area of pain.

Causes of pain in the legs

The human leg consists of three parts - the foot, shin and thigh, each of which includes the following types of tissues: ligaments, tendons, bones, joints, muscles. On injury of any of these elements, the body responds with a sharp pain. When falling, as a rule, there is a bruise of tissues or sprain; A severe injury can cause bone fracture or dislocation of the joint. However, the causes of pain in the legs can be caused not only by external factors. These include orthopedic pathologies: flat feet, curvature of the hip joint, scoliosis. In addition, discomfort in the lower limbs often disturb people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. With varicose veins also observed   Pain in the legs, the causes of the disease can be very different - from pregnancy to smoking. Patients with influenza and pneumonia often have elevated fever and aching pain in the bones. Symptoms such as swelling, seizures, tingling in the area of the feet are characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Painful sensations in the muscles appear as the body's "response" to overexertion (this feeling is familiar to those who after a long break got on a bicycle, got on skis or just came to the gym).

Problems with joints

The causes of pain in the legs include various joint diseases, especially arthritis and arthrosis. The last ailment is an inflammation of the joint tissue and affects, as a rule, elbows and knees. In addition, if your toes are sore, it can be caused by a disease like gout. To distinguish it from arthrosis is quite simple: the color of the skin changes dramatically, the pain does not subside in the state of rest and intensifies at night.

If the legs are swollen and, as you think, painfully react to weather changes, most likely, you have arthritis. In this case, treatment should be started immediately. Without contacting a specialist in time, you risk as a result to get completely deformed joints of hands and feet, and maybe even a disability degree. Do not be afraid to visit a doctor and wait for the pain to pass by itself. Virtually all diseases that provoke unpleasant sensations in the leg area are treated without surgery. It is likely that a specialist will diagnose you have a metabolic disorder or difficult circulation. In this case, a qualified osteopath will help you.

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