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Cake with greens and cheese - a recipe with a photo

In any national cuisine there are recipes for pies. They are prepared from yeast, fresh, puff, chopped dough, are closed and open, with a variety of fillings, ranging from meat to fruit and berries.

A cake with greens and cheese is present in the kitchen of each country. But everywhere it has its own cooking features.

Ossetian pies with cheese and herbs: a recipe for cooking at home

Ossetian pie looks like a round cake with a lot of juicy stuffing inside. It can be prepared from a wide variety of ingredients, an obligatory component is only Osetian cheese (it can be replaced with a young cheese or Adyghe cheese).

Ossetian pie with cheese and herbs is prepared from yeast dough, without preliminary cooking of the dough. To do this, a little less than a kilogram of flour is sieved immediately, then the egg is hammered, 500 ml of milk is poured, ½ teaspoon of salt is added, a large spoonful of dry yeast, melted margarine (100 g), sugar (2 tablespoons). While the dough for three pies fits in a warm place, you need to prepare the filling.

Osetian or Adyghe cheese, cheese or suluguni grind on a grater or with a knife, add a large bunch of any greens, if necessary, salt. From the dough to form three cakes, top to lay out the filling to form a cake. Bake at a temperature of 220-230 degrees 20 minutes before a crispy crust. Ready to grease the pie with greens and cheese with butter. Leave for 10 minutes to allow the oil to soak, and you can try.

Ossetian pie with cheese and greens of beets

Tasty and useful Ossetian pie with cheese, greens and beet leaves is called "Saharajin". To make it, you need a minimum of ingredients, and taste is able to conquer even the most demanding gourmets.

Pie with cheese and greens with beet leaves is made from yeast dough, as in the previous recipe. But the filling is prepared from finely chopped young leaves (rammed glass), green onions and dill (on a small bunch), Ossetian cheese and spices to taste. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the cheese-green mass is laid out in the center of the dough made from dough. The baking time of the cake is 20 minutes at 210 degrees.

Achma with cheese, sour cream and greens

Achma is a multilayered pie with cheese stuffing. It is a national dish of Georgian cuisine, so it is traditionally used for its preparation suluguni - salted pickle cheese.

Achma in the modern interpretation is prepared from different types of cheese. The main requirement is that it should be brine and have a salty taste. For example, no less delicious is the filling for a pie, made from suluguni with cheese or Imeretian cheese.

At home, acmma is a pie with cheese and greens. It makes the taste of baking more intense, and the pie itself is very fragrant and useful. The filling for achma is prepared from such ingredients: suluguni cheese (suluguni and brynza, suluguni and Imereti cheese) - 0.5 kg; 200 ml of sour cream; A bunch of greenery (parsley, dill, coriander). The dough for consistency and composition resembles the same, which is used for dumplings and vareniki. To prepare it you will need: 125 ml of water; 350-400 g of flour; 3 eggs, ½ teaspoon of salt.

Knead the dough tight. Turn it into food film and leave on the table to "rest" for 40 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the filling: chop the cheese, melt the butter in a water bath. Combine cheese, butter, sour cream and greens, mix well.

Prepare two pots of water: boiling water and cold. From the test, form nine balls. The first should be slightly larger than the others, it should be rolled out to size the baking tray and laid so that the sides extend beyond the edges of the mold. Top the top of the filling. The remaining balls are also rolled thinly, but before they are laid out in a mold, they need to be boiled alternately for a minute. After that, each layer of dough quickly falls into ice water and only then goes to the baking tray. The top layer of the dough should not be boiled. On top, the pie with greens and cheese is smeared with butter and craps in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Grease the acme with butter and leave it under the towel for 15 minutes. After this, the dish can be served to the table.

Tiropita - Greek puff pastry with brynza and greens

To make a pie, you need a puff pastry (2 layers of 250 grams). It should be rolled to the size of the mold and sent to the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. While the dough is baked, you need to prepare the filling for the pie.

Fry the bulb in a frying pan and two cloves of garlic. Remove from heat and combine vegetables with herbs (along a bunch of parsley, cilantro and dill). Add the cheese, finely chopped with a knife, two raw eggs and some cream of any fat. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

Peel from the puff pastry to get out of the oven, divide them along another two parts and form a pie with greens and cheese: 1st layer - dough, 2nd - filling, etc. There will be 4 cakes and between them 3 layers of filling . Lubricate the last cake with yolk and send to the oven for 20 minutes. Ready puff cake with cheese and greens to cool and serve. It is equally good as a snack, and as an independent dish.

Pie with spinach and cheese

This cake can be prepared from any dough, but it is the tastiest of all made from puff or filo. When choosing any of the options, the principle of forming a pie is the same: on top and bottom is dough, in the middle - a juicy filling. The cooking time of the dish is 35 minutes (15 minutes at 220 degrees and 20 minutes at 180).

For the filling, a bunch of green onions are first fried in vegetable oil. Then 2 spinach beads are added to it. The resulting mass to cool, add the greens of dill and parsley, 500 g of brine cheese and 3 whipped raw eggs.

Now you can form a pie with cheese and greens. This recipe is simple, but the taste of baking turns out amazing. A useful pie can be an excellent breakfast or a snack.

Kish with green onions, cheese and eggs

Kish is an open pie with a base of chopped dough and a juicy filling. It is a dish of French cuisine. The filling for kish has a liquid consistency and looks like an egg filling for an omelet. It can be very diverse.

At home you can cook a delicious French pie with cheese and greens. The recipe provides for the presence of such ingredients for the filling: a lot of green onions (300 g), 100 g of salted brine cheese, 50 g of butter and four raw eggs. Dough for kish is kneaded from cold foods: 220 g of flour, 110 g of butter, 1 egg. All the ingredients right on the table need to be chopped into a crumb, and then put into a bowl and knead. If necessary (if the dough is very steep) add a couple of spoonfuls of cold water.

First, the bake is baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. At this time, it is necessary to put a little onion on the butter. Cool, add cheese, beaten eggs and salt. Pour the filling onto the cake and send the mold to the oven for 20 minutes (220 degrees).

Kutaby with greens

Kutaba is a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine that looks like chebureks or cake-shaped cakes. In Azerbaijan, they are cooked as often as Ossetian pies with cheese and herbs (the recipe is presented above) in Ossetia.

Kutabs are made from unleavened dough from water, flour, salt and a spoonful of sunflower oil. For the filling is used a large number of very different greens (400 g) and a little salted cheese (brynza, suluguni - 150 g). Pies of thinly rolled dough with stuffing inside fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown and still hot lubricate with butter.

Pie with sorrel and cheese

To bake this pie, you will need a traditional yeast dough with milk, prepared by a sponge. The filling is made on the basis of sorrel (500 g) with the addition of 2 teaspoons of sugar and 100 g of goat cheese. All the ingredients must be ground and mixed thoroughly.

The dough is divided into two halves. The first part to distribute the form, lay out the filling and cover the second. The edges are troweled, and from above make a small hole to exit the steam. Bake at 190 degrees for 45 minutes or until crispy.

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