Health, Medicine
Burning in the urethra
Burning in the urethra can indicate the development of various pathological processes.
Experts define the main diseases, accompanied by such discomfort.
Burning in the urethra is a common symptom in urethritis, prostate inflammation in the acute or chronic course, stones in the prostate gland. Such a sensation is typical for developing tumors, cystitis, as well as a number of venereal diseases.
Pain and burning in the urethra in women are typical of urogenital chlamydosis. It should be noted that in some cases, the disease may not be manifested in any way. Chlamydosis refers to infectious infections from the venereal discharge. There is a disease as a result of the defeat of chlamydia genitals and urinary tract. The main danger of chlamydosis is the development of infertility in the absence of timely treatment.
Burning in the urethra accompanies the development of gonorrhea infection. This venereal disease is spread by sexual contact. The disease affects the genitourinary organs with the presence of a cylindrical epithelium or uroepithelium. They include the cervix, the lower third in the rectum, and others. The disease can also be accompanied by excreta.
Burning in the urethra is a symptom of urolithiasis. This disease is characterized by the presence of concrements in any organ of the genitourinary system. The disease can develop in both men and women, regardless of age. For the disease is characterized by a too frequent need for emptying. However, during the course of deurination, the jet can suddenly dry up and appear only after the patient's position has changed.
Urethritis is accompanied by soreness and burning sensation when urinating in men. Treatment in this case is assigned an individual, depending on the characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease. Different sensations during deurination indicate a variety of the disease.
It should be noted that burning sensation is more characteristic of the chronic stage of urethritis, while in acute form patients often experience severe pain when urinating.
Regardless of the nature of the manifestations of symptoms, you should consult a specialist immediately. Otherwise, the developing infection may involve other internal organs in the pathological process.
In the absence of timely treatment, urethritis becomes the cause of prostatitis in men and inflammation of a different course in women.
When trichomonads penetrate the human body, trichomoniasis occurs. These protozoan parasites live in seminal vesicles and prostate, and also in the vagina. Primary penetration of Trichomonas provokes inflammatory processes in the urethra, accompanied by burning and soreness in the urethra during deurination. In addition, women are characterized by concomitant lesions of the vagina and uterus, as well as lubricating glands. Discomfort in the form of rubbing, burning and soreness in men indicates the development of prostatitis and urethritis.
Unpleasant sensations when urinating, in some cases even indomitable character, accompany and such a disease as thrush (candidiasis). Symptoms of this disease have a very negative effect on the condition of patients. In a number of cases, candidiasis provokes the development of neurotic states. The disease is accompanied by a strong swelling of the labia, abundant discharge from the vagina of a characteristic white color, resembling coagulated milk.
It should be noted that almost all infectious lesions of the urological, venereal and gynecological spheres are successfully diagnosed and eliminated with timely access to specialists.
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