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Brynza: the benefits and disadvantages of this product

Let's first determine what kind of cheese - brynza? The benefits and harms of this product largely depend on what it is made of and how it is produced. Brynza is made from sheep, less often from cow's milk. Unlike hard cheese cheeses, this sour-milk product is not cooked. That is, milk is left to sour. It's at home. And in industrial it is curdled with the help of a rennet enzyme, heating the milk to 30-35 ° C. It turns out a clot of a gentle curd. But in order to extend the shelf life of this short-lived cheese, it is placed in barrels, in a saturated salt solution. A good brynza there should last about 20 days. In Russia, this product is sold in a sealed package with a small amount of brine, so that the product does not form a crust. In the Carpathians, the cheese is extracted from the brine and dried. Then the product becomes dark yellow and crumbling.

How to distinguish a good cheese from a bad one?

Cheese bought in the store must be in a sealed package. When you open it, together in the cheese must be some amount of liquid - the remnants of the brine. Cheese should resemble pressed cottage cheese white or beige. On the cut, you will see several irregularly shaped voids. The very structure of cottage cheese will be weakly porous. If such a shop product has worn (become dry and hard) edges, and inside you can see yellow, orange and greenish blotches - it's stale cheese. The benefits and harm of cheese depends largely on its consistency and salt concentration. It also matters, from what milk is made cheese - sheep is valued more. But the most useful curd cheese is a ghoul. He is made in the Carpathians from the sheep colostrum, the first milk.

Ingredients of brynza

But what is in this type of cheese? What kind of minerals and trace elements is made from brynza? The benefits and harms of this product directly depend on this. From solid varieties of brynza is distinguished by a richly salty taste. And it is not surprising - after three weeks spent in brine! This is almost the only harm of hard cottage cheese: even a healthy and a young man has a lot of salt is not recommended. You should also be wary of cheese to people with diseased kidneys, blood circulation disorders and those who have problems with the urinary and cardiovascular system. Also, this cheese is contraindicated in people with gastritis, with high acidity of the stomach, as well as those who do not tolerate lactose. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up cheese. If you use a cheese head in cold water for about 24 hours before use, excess salt will leave the product, and many useful properties will remain. And if there is no time for soaking, it's enough just to pass the cheese over with boiling water.

Useful properties of brynza

If you compare this product with hard cheeses, the pressed cottage cheese is much more useful. After all, for the preparation of cheese, milk is not subjected to heat treatment, which means that vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and mineral substances (calcium, potassium, fluorine) are not destroyed. Fat in it is also less than in hard cheeses, but more protein. For the human body, the composition of brynza is better balanced than in "Maazdam" or "Gouda". Like any fermented milk product, this salted curd contains a large amount of phosphorus, sodium and easily assimilated calcium. But the opinion that the cheese helps peristalsis of the intestine is a myth. In salt brine, not only lactic acid bacteria, but also all sorts of microorganisms die definitively.

Who is especially useful cheese?

This product can be consumed by people of all ages, except perhaps infants and young children. And for pregnant women, cheese is even recommended, because the calcium contained in it helps to form the skeleton of a small calf. For the same reason, salted curd is shown to people recovering from fractures, as well as suffering from osteoporosis, rickets and other bone diseases. This cheese is rich in amino acids and B vitamins. The benefits of brynza are manifested in its beneficial effects on hair, bones and teeth. It also has a good effect on the digestive system. In the Carpathians, cheese is called "Hutsul Viagra", as it increases the general tone of the body and promotes increased potency.

Brynza: benefit and harm for slimming

Well, in terms of energy value - can you use this cottage cheese to people who are dieting? We are glad to inform you that, in contrast to hard cheese , the cheese contains very little fat. In a hundred grams of the product, only 260 calories are hidden. This is if the product is made from cow's milk. Sheep's cheese is more nutritious - 300 kcal. But modern chemistry is everything! Look for in stores a diet fat-free brynza. Its energy value is only 160 kcal. It is known that milk and hard cheeses can lead to gastric and intestinal disorders. But not the brynza! The benefits and disadvantages of this product depend only on the quality of the preparation and storage conditions. Keep in mind that after opening the package cheese can be stored in the refrigerator (preferably in its own brine) for not more than a week.

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