
Body mass index for men.

Lack of body weight, as well as overweight, adversely affecting human health, can lead to a number of diseases. Excessive harmony often provokes dystrophic changes in the organs and tissues of the whole organism, causing irregularities in its functioning. Excess body weight leads to the development of atherosclerosis of the arteries, which prevents normal blood supply. As a result, may develop ischemia (a decrease in the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues). And already against the background of actively developing atherosclerosis there are such accompanying diseases as stroke, trophic ulcers, myocardial infarction, impotence, diabetes mellitus, decreased immunity, etc.

Undoubtedly, both the mass deficit and its excess are detrimental to the body. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor your weight so that you can start taking the necessary measures in time to correct it.

Body mass index for men

Many members of the stronger sex do not notice such a defect as overweight. But it is he, according to the unanimous opinion of doctors and nutritionists, is the cause of various problems. Obese men are more likely to suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes and suffer from infertility. All because between the hormonal background of a person and his weight there is an interdependent relationship. In order not to provoke the appearance of all kinds of troubles, it is necessary to control the body weight independently. Optimal is the weight at which in the human body there are no violations of its functioning. In all people, it is different and depends directly on the build, height and age.

How to calculate body mass index for men? There are many formulas by which you can determine the ideal weight. However, not all of them are convenient in practical application. Perhaps the easiest and most popular is the body mass index for men in Quetelet. This method has long been taken as a basis by doctors to determine the desired weight of the patient. It is based on the dependence of the growth of a person and his mass. It is very important that in this method a certain weight range is used for calculation, and not one of any value. So, to calculate the body mass index for men, it is necessary to divide its weight by the height in squares. Let us give an example. We calculate this formula for a guy whose growth is 1.7 meters (and in square 2, 89), and weight 65 kg. The body mass index for men with such parameters will be equal to 65: 2.89 = 22.4.

The results of calculations can be found as follows:

  • If the index is less than 16, 5, then such a person has a deficit of mass.
  • From 16, 5 to 18, 5 - is observed with insufficient weight.
  • 18, 5-25 - the indicator of the norm.
  • From 35 to 30 - excess weight.
  • Index 30-35 - indicates obesity.
  • 35-40 - the presence of obesity of the second degree.

Nevertheless, BMI is an indicator that can not be used in all cases. People with a large muscle mass, children and pregnant women should not be guided by it. To determine the BMI as accurately as possible, you need to know how to weigh correctly. This procedure should be done in the morning after waking up, after visiting the toilet. Growth is also recommended to measure after sleep.

Consider what an amniotic index is. This indicator characterizes the level of amniotic fluid in the womb of the mother, in which the future child is. The calculation of the index is made using ultrasound research, or visually. The second method involves careful transverse and longitudinal scanning. If the appearance seems to be that the amount of amniotic fluid between the fetus and the abdominal wall is significant, then polyhydramnios are diagnosed. In the event that this space is less than the prescribed one, one can talk about water scarcity.

When calculating the index of amniotic fluid, it is necessary to divide the uterus into four squares. In each of them it is necessary to determine the maximum vertical pocket. The obtained indicators are summed up, and the result indicates an index.

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