HealthDiseases and Conditions

Blister on the lip, in the groin and on the genitals

Seeing the blister on the lip, people jokingly say: "You'll be less kissing." This statement is not far from the truth. Since the virus, which will be discussed, is easily transmitted through a kiss.

Types of herpes

Herpes is a virus that causes both lungs and serious diseases (various infectious diseases that affect the mucous membranes, skin, nervous system, internal organs). The complexity of the damage to the body depends on the type of pathogen. There are 8 of them in person. Namely:

  • Herpes simplex type 1. Its manifestations are bubble rashes or a single blister on the lip;
  • Herpes simplex type 2. It is manifested, mainly, by the defeat of the genitals;
  • A type 3 virus. It can be manifested by chicken pox or shingles ;
  • Virus type 4 (Epstein-Barr). It appears as an infectious mononucleosis;
  • Type 5 virus (cytomegalovirus);
  • Viruses of type 6, 7, 8 are studied.

A specific feature of this pathogen is that it penetrates into nerve cells and is embedded in their DNA structure. After that, you can not get rid of it. The virus also migrates through the nerve endings. Therefore, the skin appears different rashes. First of all, we are interested in simple herpes of both types, since it infected almost the entire population of the Earth (up to 95%), and 3 types of two types.

Ways of infection

The ways of infection with herpes are different (although the source is a person):

  • Air-drip;
  • Contact (those same kisses and more);
  • sexual;
  • During pregnancy or childbirth from the mother.

Stimulating factors

In general, the carriers of signs of infection with herpes are not manifested. But under the influence of certain factors, the development and reproduction of the pathogen is stimulated. Promote the appearance of the active phase of the disease:

  • Diseases that depress the body's defense mechanism (immunity): infections (HIV, ARI and others), oncological diseases;
  • Ultraviolet light in large quantities;
  • Hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • acclimatization;
  • Menstrual period;
  • Taking certain drugs;
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Herpes on the lips

A sign of labial herpes (simple type 1) is a single blister on the lip or multiple rashes. Infection occurs mainly in childhood. Symptoms can occur up to eight times a year. If the immunity of a person is very low, then this figure increases many times, and the geography of the lesion (oral cavity and other parts of the face) is expanded.

The first "bell" is itching and burning in the place of future lesions of the lips, with further redness and swelling. Then there is a blister on the lip or a few. Over time, there is a violation of the integrity of the bubbles, and then their drying. The final stage is the cleansing of the affected areas.

Genital herpes

Blisters on the genitals are a sign of genital herpes (simple type 2). The reason for its significant spread is sexual freedom. Rashes on the genitals behave the same as on the lips, but the course of the disease may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Women often have a second stage of rash. In addition to the rash, there is pain during urination, discharge from the urethra and vagina.


Chickenpox is also herpes. This type of pathogen is transmitted by airborne and contact routes. It is transferred mainly in childhood, after which lifelong antibodies are produced. But it is possible and repeated infection. For chickenpox, rashes are characteristic throughout the body, in the form of small blisters (even blisters in the groin and on the head). After a few days they burst, and then they are covered with a crust. Further the skin is cleared. An adult man tolerates this disease very hard. Treatment consists in combating the symptoms and consequences of the disease.


This is a reappearance of varicella, mainly in older people. Foci of rashes are located along the course of the affected nerve endings. The disease appears with a significant decrease in immunity.

In the end I want to say that the doctor will appoint you the necessary course of treatment. Do not self-medicate. And remember that despite seemingly not too serious manifestations, herpes is not a disease with which you can "play" by drinking various herbs and independently prescribing these or those ointments.

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