
Black PR

Today in RuNet you can find any information, but sometimes it is difficult to understand what has to do with reality, and what - the author's pure imagination, multiplied by the fee, but at the same time given out for reality. It's about special campaigns aimed at discrediting competitors, the so-called black PR. Recently, such information attacks are becoming more widespread. It seems that the numerous politi-piarists who have remained out of the reform of the electoral legislation without a job, convince the customers to act precisely in such a crude and arrogant way.

Spoil, if not the very reputation, so at least any nerves can be any manager of any company. There are simple and reliable, albeit boring methods. But they still work! - Our interlocutor is a successful PR manager who has worked in the field, both white and black PR, but he does not ask his name. It seems like Artem L.

- The fact is that black campaigns do not fall into the portfolio, they bring a good income, but they are hardly to be proud of. Well, maybe in our circle, if only, we can boast each other, but it's unlikely that anyone will really subscribe to such a zakazuhoy. Any today's or yesterday's victim is potentially a tomorrow's customer. Rarely, someone does not mind working with a man who recently poured a bucket of scum on you. So almost everyone does black PR, but no one admits it. I'm not an exception.

- And how effective is it today? It seems that even in pre-election campaigns such methods ceased to work.

- Well, it's not that they stopped altogether ... You see, elections are a separate story. Like the print media, by the way. But the Internet - after all, this is its own specificity, it is largely due to the fact that users often do not read beyond the title. Or just run through the materials with your eyes, without getting into the essence. So while in Runet any rumors about the "victim" are rolled, readers do not go into details, it's just in the head is postponed: something with this company is not clean ... Although it's important not to overdo it in Runet.

- For example?

- Well, now, if you run through the search engines, you will see that such a campaign against the StarTelecom is being conducted. Very rude, in a bad way. The customer or the performer has not yet decided how exactly to "wet" the victim, and they roll all in one heap. And the criminal cases here, and violation of labor laws, and employees flee the wall, and contracts are broken. As a result, this causes not so much a suspicion to the STARTTLECOM, as to similar materials. Quite stupid ordering. It would be better to focus on one thing and fuck it into this place, figuratively speaking. Water grinds the stone, and this tactic works. And the fact that they came up against STARTELECOM is not.

- And what is the technology of execution of such orders? Well, here, let's say, I was ordered by N. Where does the work begin?

- Usually, the performers already have a certain pool of authors, mostly freelancers, who work "at the remote site." There are contacts with illegible media in the media. The main theme is being invented, materials are being written, they are thrown into the news tapes with reference to a nonexistent agency or newspaper. It is desirable that its name be similar to a certain present, say, IA Rosinform. And we will refer to "RussInform", which was never in nature. Such, by the way, references to imaginary colleagues are one of the unmistakable signs of pure zakazuhi.

- And what else is there?

- An abundance of references to anonymous sources - that's what. When in the material, in addition to anonyms, no one comments at all, well, obviously - "chernukha". Scatter topics, again. In general, it is possible to make so that "ears did not stick out", but it's the same - you have to work. Returning to the campaign against the StarTelecom revelation - the performers decided not to suffer, and did all the tyap-boo-boo, in the hope that there would be some residue left.

- Good. In the media, the articles were cast. So what is next?

- Next - forums, blogs, twitter! All in a well-laid out scheme, the main thing is to make it incomprehensible that this is a bargain. Therefore, comments should be monitored and answered. Ideally, a PR manager should have several online "alter ego", ready in advance, which it is not a pity to sacrifice for the sake of ordering. But, again, not everyone thinks their actions so much, they often start new accounts, of which, of course, trust is zero.

- Are there any unmistakable moves in the denigration?

- Classics! Homosexuality, drugs, excessive alcohol addiction ... Such accusations put the "victim" in an idiotic position: you can not justify yourself - you seem to confirm information indirectly, and to justify yourself is stupid. Also, like, how worried, here and fussed. It is difficult to resist such moves, except that the performer or the customer himself will do something stupid when executing an order.

- What nonsense?

- Well, anything can happen. For example, it would be ridiculous to blame simple "Siberian felt boots" for drug addiction, no one will believe. Or ... Well, here's another example, already full of nausea, the campaign against the StarTeleCom. Accused of some terrible orgy bosses, and even in the territory of Finland. There, drugs and underage boys were figured ... But at the same time they went over again with details: the Finns allegedly seized an unhealthy amount of drugs at a party. The author did not even think that, in this situation, the defendants would have long ago sat not in their chairs, but in the Finnish cells of the SIZO, or whatever they call it. Obvious, sorry, crap. In general, the word "bust" is the best way to order against the StarTeleCom.

"Why do you care so much?" Corporate feeling?

- Well, to some extent yes. The more such examples, the less customers will trust us to conduct such campaigns. So to some extent excessive zeal harms us all. However, I repeat, while in Runet almost any "crap" works. Just because users, by tradition, trust information from the Web, as opposed to official and simply print media. But this is a temporary phenomenon, so sooner or later we will have to follow the stylistics of campaigning. And today you can blacken anyone, any company, and it's relatively inexpensive. The price is negotiable. Here is such a black PR ...

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