Health, Medicine
Bifurcation is ... Aortic bifurcation
The term "bifurcation" has been used in the medical literature for a long time. Today, several concepts are known at once, which include this word in their composition.
On the meaning of the term
Bifurcation is any bifurcation. And usually this concept indicates that the division occurred in 2 parts with approximately the same diameter. It is important that both branches branch off at comparable angles. Excellent examples are bifurcation of the carotid artery, aorta, or trachea.
Despite the fact that this term is best "caught on" in medicine, it is quite possible to use it in other areas. For example, in geography, there is sometimes such a thing as bifurcation of rivers.
The importance of bifurcation in medicine
The division into two approximately equal branches of the vessels or the trachea is of great importance. For example, aortic bifurcation allows for normal blood supply to both lower limbs. It divides the largest vessel of the human body into the right and left femoral arteries. At the same time, the bifurcation of the trachea allows both lungs to be supplied with oxygen equally. So bifurcation is an important phenomenon in medicine.
About the aorta
Bifurcation is a division into two roughly equal parts. In the case of the aorta, this term has been used for a very long time, but in fact it is not entirely true. The fact is that the common iliac arteries are not equal continuations of the aorta, but only its branches. It itself descends even lower in the form of a small thin vessel.
Aortic bifurcation occurs at level IV of the lumbar vertebra. This site is one of the most critical in terms of the stability of the vessel before the constant blood pressure. The fact is that it is here that aortic dissection often occurs . It is conditioned by the fact that bifurcation is a place that is constantly exposed to increased blood pressure. It is here that it should be distributed along two common iliac arteries. The result is a different kind of swirl of blood and the damaging effect of these flows on the vessel wall in the place of bifurcation.
In addition to possible aneurysms in the field of aortic dissection, there are excellent prerequisites for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This is due to the fact that the traumatization of the vessel where there is bifurcation of the artery in 2 parts, happens much more often than in any other areas. Gradually increasing in size, this plaque can significantly reduce the blood flow in the pelvic organs and in the lower extremities.
Syndrome of aortic bifurcation
This pathology is very dangerous. It brings a lot of unpleasant feelings to the patient and can seriously damage his health. Most often, this syndrome is accompanied by a lesion not only in the area of the aortic bifurcation itself, but also in other areas. It is a question of renal, as well as common iliac arteries. Further pathological process is spread only in a quarter of patients.
The main signs of aortic bifurcation syndrome are circulatory disorders in the vessels of the lower limbs and small pelvis. Accordingly, the main clinical manifestations also relate to these areas. If we talk about the lower extremities, then the patients feel quite pronounced pain. They have a so-called intermittent claudication.
Such clinical manifestations are so pronounced for the reason that it is ischemic (with a lack of blood supply) pain is the strongest. A distinctive feature of intermittent claudication precisely in the syndrome of aortic bifurcation is the fact that pain sensations are localized not in the lower legs, but mostly in the hips and even gluteal muscles.
If we talk about the manifestations of the pelvic organs, then it should be noted that they are characteristic only of men. They are expressed in the reduction of libido and the weakening of the erection, including impotence. Diagnosis of aortic bifurcation syndrome is based on a decrease in blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities, which is determined by measuring the blood pressure in a given area and the strength of the pulse wave. To confirm the diagnosis, a sphygmo- or rheovasography is performed. Without specialized treatment, the severity of the course of the disease is aggravated.
Separation of the carotid artery
Bifurcation is a phenomenon that is characteristic not only of the aorta, but also of the carotid artery. There is its division at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage. In this case, the right and left carotid arteries, despite significant differences in their length, still divide into the outer and inner branches here.
As in the case of the aorta, such a bifurcation is a place of increased danger. It is also possible to develop aneurysms and other pathological processes due to increased blood flow in this area of the vessel. The outgoing arteries are smaller in diameter about 2 times compared to their "ancestor". As a result, it is in the place of bifurcations that there is an increased risk of thrombosis and embolization. For this reason, in the case of the emergence of an appropriate clinic, doctors will first examine the sites of artery division, and then the rest of their sections.
Bifurcation of the main airway
The trachea is a hollow organ that is responsible for holding the air to the bronchi and further to the lungs. In its structure there is a large number (up to 26) of cartilaginous rings, which do not allow the trachea to subside.
Bifurcation of the trachea occurs at the level of the upper edge of the V thoracic vertebra. In children, it is located somewhat higher. In addition, when breathing in, the bifurcation level shifts about 2-3 cm downward. Here, this large airway is divided into right and left main bronchi. In the future, they themselves are repeatedly broken up. The main meaning of the trachea bifurcation is the crushing of one large airway into 2 smaller ones. This is necessary for bringing oxygen directly to both lungs. Bifurcation of the trachea occurs at an angle of approximately 70 ° . When inhaled, this indicator may increase slightly.
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