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Beautiful male names on the "M"

Choosing a name for a child is a responsible step that will affect his entire future life. In addition, this is a very difficult procedure, because there are an unthinkable number of options, and choosing one is sometimes extremely difficult. In this article we will discuss some of the male names on the "M". Among the variants offered by us there will be rare and fairly frequent variants. But all of them are distinguished by the beauty and melodic sound that was the main criterion of our selection.

Makar - happy

From the Greek language, this name is translated as "happy" or "blissful." Once it was quite popular in Russia and it was worn by many boys and men. In general, this name makes its owners kind and benevolent people. At the same time Makars differ stubbornness.

Maximilian the Great

Like many other male names on the "M", Maximilian's name comes from the Latin language. The name means a great, great, strong person. By nature, Maximilians are very thorough. The person bearing this name demonstrates such qualities as hard work, perseverance, seriousness. At the same time, he can be shy, since Maximilian's modesty is in high esteem. On the other hand, they have inherent conservatism. Maximilians hardly discover new experiences and very rarely revise their views, habits and values. Try to avoid experiments, preferring to follow a proven path, even if it is not so effective. They are stubborn and never make concessions. In addition, people with this name are honest and do not forgive anyone and never.

Marat - coveted

Arabic is the source from which a lot of male names appeared on the "M". The name Marat is one of them. It means "desirable". However, there is a second etymology - French. According to her, this name is translated as "pond".

As for the character of the person bearing this name, it can be described by the word "peace-loving". Marat easily contacts with surrounding people and shows friendliness and hospitality. Therefore, he always has many friends and friends. Marat readily comes to the rescue when she is required of him. In addition, people who bear this name, often represent a creative nature.

Muhammad - worthy of praise

This is another Arabic name, which translates as "worthy of praise." Muhammad is the name of the prophet-founder of Islam, and therefore it is quite popular among the followers of this religion. Officially it is believed that today it is the most common male name in the world. The person who wears it is distinguished by diligence in deeds, diligence, calmness and, at the same time, a vivid sensuality. Always and everywhere he tries to earn public recognition.

Mark the Hammer

As already mentioned, Latin is the language from which many male names originated on the "M". Mark is also one of them. This means the word "hammer". However, a person wearing this terrible name is usually soft, friendly and sympathetic. In business, he is practical, discreet and always keeps sanity.

Michael - who is like God

The name Misha, Michael - of Jewish origin. It means "who is like God" and is connected with biblical mythology through the image of the archangel Michael.

The Michaels are very stubborn and difficult to influence when it comes to important issues. In smaller cases, however, they can show flexibility and even indifference. In addition, people bearing this name are distinguished by sentimentality, sensuality and the desire for an ideal. Therefore, one of the essential features of men with the name Mikhail is an impenetrable desire to correct other people's shortcomings.

Martin - like Mars

This is another Latin name originating in the name of the Roman god of war. You can translate it using the words "similar to Mars". Nevertheless, in life a person with this name is very calm, reasonable, and sometimes timid. An indispensable feature of the Martinov - commitment and responsibility. They always keep promises and bring matters to the end.

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