Food and drink, Recipes
Bagels. The recipe is simple regardless of the ingredients
As you know, bagels - this is a traditional flour product of Russian cuisine, but very few people know that it was invented not by Russians, but by Eastern European Jews. Baranka and drying in the old days most often called Moscow, and bagels - Odessa.
At the end of the 17th century in Vienna, a Jewish baker presented the Polish King Jan Sobieski with a gift for having defeated the Turks. It was a bun in the form of a stirrup. So the special shape of a donut is not accidental. So far, in Poland, a bagel is given on the occasion of the birth of a child.
How the Jews moved around the world, and so did the popular recipes of bagels. In the Russian Empire bagels learned in the beginning of the XIX century, and then in the United States. Until now, a bagel in America is considered a Jewish dish, and its classic recipe consists only of water, flour and yeast.
Bagels. The recipe is normal
Due to the fact that the dough for the donut is cooked before baking, it becomes sticky and sticky. Yeast dough according to the classic recipe is prepared as usual: it is rolled out with thin sausages that wrap around the finger, giving the product the usual shape of a donut. Then the prepared semi-finished products are dipped in boiling milk or water (maximum 15-20 seconds).
Bagels. Recipe with sesame seeds and seeds
You will need water mixed in equal proportions with milk - 250 ml, 15 grams of fresh yeast or one teaspoon of dry, 450 grams of wheat flour, two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, 30 grams of butter, one egg, sesame , Poppy seeds, seeds.
First, dissolve your yeast in four tablespoons of diluted warmed milk. Next, mix the dry ingredients in the container, make a hole in the center of the flour. Then add the yeast, the softened oil and the remaining liquid to the well. Now pour in a little whipped protein and knead the dough for ten minutes until it becomes elastic and soft.
Place the dough in a greased container and manually scroll it so that it is smeared with a thin layer of oil. Then cover and leave for one hour, until the dough is doubled in volume.
Then divide it into twenty equal parts. Now each piece roll on the surface, sprinkled with flour, in the form of a roller length of 15 cm. Lubricate the ends with water, squeeze them together (should the ring turn out). Cover your rings with a tissue and leave for ten minutes.
Boil water in a large saucepan. Make less fire. Put a bagel bag here and cook for fifteen seconds.
Now take your bagels with a whisk, shake them, transfer them to a greased baking sheet. Then grease them with yolk and so bake for 25-30 minutes (220 degrees).
Bagels. The recipe for minced meat
Prepare for cooking bagels, milk, minced meat, sunflower oil.
Preheat milk, dip into it for ten minutes bagels, then stuff them with minced meat. Now stuffed bagels fry in a pan. The dish looks nice in a kind look.
Bagels. Recipe with minced meat and cheese
Take 350 grams of bagels, 450 grams of minced meat, one onion, 200 grams of hard cheese, some salt and pepper, hot milk.
A very simple recipe for bagels with minced meat and cheese. To prepare it, combine the minced meat with the chopped onion, salt and pepper at your discretion, mix thoroughly.
Now in hot milk, soak your bagels for five minutes on both sides. Then put them on a plate.
Then from the minced meat form the balls, put them in the holes of bagels and squeeze a little. Put on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
15 minutes before full availability, sprinkle the bagels with cheese.
These bagels will be delicious both hot and cold, and without a filling they can be consumed with tea, coffee, cocoa, milk and hot chocolate.
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