HealthSupplements and vitamins

B1 vitamin: use. Products containing vitamin B1

Know about the benefits of B vitamins, probably, everything. Today we will separately talk about an element such as B1 - a vitamin needed for metabolism and hematopoiesis, a unique microelement, which is very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, good brain work and the whole body as a whole. Doctors call it also thiamin.

What is needed for B1 (vitamin)

First of all, it participates in the metabolism. Its main function is to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in all tissues of the body. By the way, this is an important nuance, which draws the attention of the creators of vitamin complexes for weight loss. The lack of any element, let alone B1 (vitamin activity and youth), entails a slowing of metabolism. It is thanks to B1 that each cell begins to actively develop the energy necessary for vital activity and the performance of specific functions. Since all tissues and organs are filled with energy, the organism lives full life, muscles, brain and nervous system work equally well, therefore, we all manage and do not get tired too much.

Many may argue that this is not entirely true, because the energy enters the body from fats and carbohydrates. What does B1 (vitamin)? The fact is that the body cells can not use fats and carbohydrates in pure form, for them only the ATP molecule is important. That is, fats and carbohydrates should be transformed into adenosine triphosphoric acid, otherwise the cell will remain hungry if the nutrients are abundant. This is the great mission of such an element as B1. Vitamin triggers processes that translate fats and carbohydrates into a form in which the cell can absorb them.

First of all, with thiamine deficiency, the cells of the nervous system suffer, because they require a constant influx of energy and do not have the slightest reserve. Expenditures are colossal, energy provides fast transfer of impulses along nerve fibers.

Assimilation of thiamine

It is with food that we need to get vitamin B1. In what this element is contained, we will discuss it a little later, but now we will consider how its assimilation takes place. Absorbed thiamine into the bloodstream from the small intestine. This process is saturable, that is, the amount of vitamin that can be absorbed into the blood is limited. This is why an overdose of B1 is almost impossible. A day from the small intestine can enter the blood only 10 mg of this element, the rest will be excreted with feces. Of course, this only applies to the natural intake of the vitamin with food. Injection also delivers the substances directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Often deficiency of such an important trace element, as thiamin (vitamin B1), is caused by gastrointestinal diseases. It can be peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis and other ailments, characterized by a violation of the structure of the organs. In this case, the absorption of the vitamin can be difficult, and against a background of fully adequate nutrition, you have to additionally prescribe injections.

What happens after getting this element in the blood? Thiamin spreads to all tissues and organs, after which it performs its physiological functions. First of all, it gets into the brain and nervous system, according to the residual principle, vitamin B1 is distributed between skin cells and hair. After thiamine has fulfilled its function, it is subject to destruction in the liver and excretion from the body together with urine. Such a cycle passes in our body vitamin B1.

Lack of B1 in the body

We need to monitor the vitamin B1 content in everyday food and introduce additional sources of this element into the diet. Why is it so important? Because water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body, and for the normal functioning of our body, their daily intake is necessary. I would like to draw the attention of girls who practice starvation, combining it with the reception of the vitamin complex, that vitamin B1 itself is only a catalyst for the transformation of fats into energy. Thus, if you have not eaten anything and just drank a vitamin complex, your cells will remain hungry, which will affect your health.

How does the lack of vitamin B1 appear? We can observe two options - hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency. In the first case, the patient will notice a decrease in mental activity, a deterioration in the activity of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. The severe and prolonged lack of this element leads to serious diseases, which are called beriberi and Korsakov's syndrome.

What negative consequences do we see if a person loses vitamin B1 for a long time? Deficiency of thiamine leads to a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Carbohydrates are not processed into an ATP molecule, and therefore, in the blood accumulate products of incomplete processing of carbohydrates, and this is lactic acid and pyruvate. These metabolites penetrate the cells of the brain and spinal cord and disrupt their work, because they are highly toxic substances. Due to the deficiency of ATP molecules, constipation, atrophy and neurological disorders progress. Children, because of the energy deficit, which had to come from carbohydrates, begin to consume proteins, which entails a development gap.

Syndromes of hypovitaminosis B1

Those who have already experienced the consequences of a shortage of trace elements, know how much vitamin B1 is needed. The patients' testimonies confirm that they wrote off their condition for dozens of different diseases and tried to treat them, but everything turned out to be much simpler. So, you can observe several symptoms at a time or only one of them. It's irritability and insomnia, fast fatigue and inability to concentrate, depression and bad memory.

Physiological changes are manifested as a chill when the room is warm enough, impaired coordination of movement, sluggish appetite, dyspnea, even with minor physical exertion. In addition, you may notice a drop in blood pressure and strong swelling of the hands and feet.

If the patient has a chronic shortage of thiamine, you can observe a constant headache, poor memory and shortness of breath. In addition, the person gives a staggering gait and general weakness.

Products - sources of thiamine

So, we have already figured out that B1 is extremely important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It is he who improves blood circulation and helps to renew the cells, provides a person with vital energy and increases mental abilities, especially this is important in childhood. The school period is an already great test for the child, and if you do not provide his diet with everything you need, this can affect your academic performance. In what products does vitamin B1 contain the largest amount to be exactly enough to provide the body with precious energy?

Vegetable products

Not without reason, nutritionists say that vegetables should be on the table every day. It is potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts and broccoli that are good sources of B1. But they are not alone. A great source of B vitamins are legumes. This is beans, peas and lentils. Ideally, these products should be on the table every day a little. Do not forget the bakery products made from wholemeal with the addition of bran. Irreplaceable sources of B1 are nuts, including peanuts, which is considered a nut, although it refers to beans. In summer, you need to eat more greens, because in the leaves of parsley and spinach also a lot of thiamine. In winter, we will get dried fruits, in particular raisins and prunes, seeds and cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

This is a fairly large range of products, they are available and can be daily on your desk. So, we have listed only plant products, we turn to food of animal origin.

Products of animal origin

If you want to be healthy and beautiful, daily you need to combine in your plate vegetables and meat, fish and cereals, fruits and sour-milk products. Only in this way will you get a complete diet that will provide you with everything you need. So, in what foods of animal origin are there many B1 vitamins? This is primarily red meat, that is pork and beef. White meat (chicken), despite its popularity among healthy eating programs, contains little that is useful, except protein. On the second place are offal: liver, kidneys and heart - so the liver can take a worthy place on the table. Next, mention fish, eggs (yolk) and milk.

It should be noted that if you set out to lead a healthy lifestyle and optimize the diet, then you need to exclude drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol, since they are able to destroy the vitamins of group B. The maximum should be reduced sugar, as well as quit smoking. Then all the vitamin B1 supplied with food will be used for the benefit of the body.

Consumption rate

For an adult, an average of 1.1 mg of thiamine is required per day. For men, this dose is slightly higher - 1.2 mg. Pregnant and lactating women should eat about 1.4 mg per day. It is clear that you can accurately measure the amount of thiamine possible only with the use of vitamin complexes. But you can be sure that by optimizing food, by introducing enough meat and fish products, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, you will be provided with everything you need. Moreover, an overdose of vitamin B1 is impossible by eating foods containing it. After all, the body will take only as much as it needs.

Medical application

Sometimes doctors prescribe a supplement such as vitamin B1. Instruction for use says that you should take thiamine only on the recommendation of the doctor and on the basis of the analysis. The doctor can choose any form of the drug at his discretion - injections or pills. Indications for use can be not only avitaminosis, because thiamine is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of a variety of diseases (neuropathy, anemia, encephalopathy, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, neuritis, neuralgia and many others).

Often skin ailments and severe intoxication are the reason for the doctor to prescribe B1 (vitamin). The instruction confirms that this is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body with poisoning and treatment for alcohol dependence.

Vitamin B1 for skin and face

Of course, a sufficient amount of thiamine in the body is a prerequisite for the skin and hair to look amazing. Today, there are many masks recipes in which thiamine chloride injection is added . It should be noted that such an application does not have any therapeutic effect. If the problem is inside the body, then take vitamins B1 inside. A hair mask with thiamine addition can only maintain the appearance of the curls, but nothing more.


Vitamin B1 is a vital microelement, and care must be taken to ensure that the body does not experience shortages in it. First of all, you need to optimize your diet, include in it useful products, rich in various useful substances, including vitamin B1. If it is impossible to comply with this rule (busy schedule, business trips), you can eliminate the shortage of trace elements with the help of a vitamin and mineral complex, but it should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

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