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As in the "Avatar" to become an outcast, or a guide to the reputation

So, today we will understand how to become an outcast in the "Avatar". In addition, in general we will get acquainted with such a notion as reputation in this game, and also learn how to control it. It is worth considering the fact that the rating is not available for all the characters. And at the very beginning of the game you are unlikely to see this player in the player's passport. Let's try to figure out how to become an outcast in the "Avatar" quickly and without problems.

What is it?

But first, let's consider why you need a reputation in the game? This innovation, as already mentioned, attracted many users to the application, prompted interest to it again. Only reputation level 15 is available. Up to this point, you should not even think about how to become an outcast in the "Avatar", because all actions will be useless.

Reputation helps to show your behavior in the game, and also gives you access to new costumes, actions and opportunities, that is exactly what keeps the audience in the game. Now it makes sense to somehow control their behavior during the game process because any activity will begin to influence the rating. How to become an outcast in the "Avatar" quickly? What does that require?

Names and advertising

For example, think of a name (nickname) that would violate the rules. Or just make it obscene so that users complain about you. A formal complaint is just a downgrade. This is what we need to achieve the desired status. An outcast is a character whose reputation has reached a point of about -600. And we will have to try to succeed.

Another option that will help you figure out how to become an outcast in the game "Avatar" is spam and advertising. In a chat, write as many such messages as possible. In this case, complaints against you are inevitable. And you will lower your reputation lower and lower, approaching the desired result. This is exactly what you need. But in this way, to achieve the status of an outcast is difficult, tedious and long. The process can be accelerated. How exactly?


The holy rule of the future outlaw is to quarrel with everyone and for various trifles. This is not only a fast, but also a sure way to success. If it became interesting how to become an outcast in the "Avatar", then it's time to begin to swear, insult and offend other players. And you need to do this so that you are complained.

Indecent expressions help very well. This is a very popular technique. If you have a lot of friends, then try to negotiate with them. For example, you offend a friend, and he complains about you. In the end, everyone will be happy. Your rating will fall, and your friend will go up. So no one will have to think long over how in the "Avatar" become a custodian or an outcast.

In cases where friends are missing or there are not enough of them, you will have to debor in the application itself. And do it regularly, often and actively. By the way, if you do not show activity in the game, then the reputation is also reduced. With all this, try not to behave yourself. The more inadequate the behavior, the closer you are to the goal. Remember this, and then you will not have to suffer for a long time with getting the rank of an outcast.

Lying and betraying

The last variant of the development of events is the registration of so-called false complaints against other players. For this reputation will also be reduced by the administration of the application. However, not immediately, but only after checking your request.

A very popular technique is a complaint about "asterisks" in the chat. So the system disguises obscene expressions. Practice shows that a complaint about this phenomenon will really lower your reputation. After all, antimat (the so-called replacement of words with "asterisks") was also invented so that users could express their emotions without harm to other players. And complaints about it are inappropriate.

Among other things, complain to other players for any reason. But so that they are false. For this you will approach the status of an outcast. For example, bother administrations with messages that someone has scraped you or wrote a foul language. Blame everyone for a variety of violations, which are not in fact. Lies - this is another way that will help lower the rating to -600. Every day you will have to work hard and work hard on this action. And be careful when your complaint is true. Then the rating will be increased. And in case of getting the rank of a rogue it is very inappropriate.

The end of all business

As you can see, becoming an outcast in "Avatar" is pretty easy. Although many players claim that in practice everything is much more complicated than it seems. Behave like a bully and a thug. In this case, you will be able to reach the outcast point in the application.

Do not believe the offers that offer you to install special utilities for reputation editing. All this is just a hoax. Plus, the use of such content entails the blocking of the game account. Even if you really want to try the application in action, do not do it. After all, the game specifically designed honest ways to work with the reputation. And you can easily understand how to become an outcast in the "Avatar".

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