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Arctic omul: where usual, photo, prohibition on catching

Many dishes from the world are available to try the dishes from the Arctic omul. This is a real delicacy with unique taste characteristics. But to see firsthand what the Arctic omul, so to speak, in its natural environment, was lucky to the few.

Scientific approach: classification of the species

First of all, let us cite a scientific classification. Omul is a passing fish, which belongs to the class of radiant fish and is part of the Salmoniform group. The family in which the omul consists consists of Salmonids, and the genus Sigi.

Fish prefers a benthonic lifestyle, is omnivorous. Its habitat covers the Arctic Ocean basin and the Siberian rivers.

What does "passing fish" mean?

The term "transitional fish" is applied to those species whose life cycle partially passes into the sea, and sometimes in rivers that flow into this sea. As for the species under consideration, spawning of the omul is like in rivers, and feeding in the coastal zone of the Arctic Ocean. This type of passing fish is called anadromous. If the fish leaves the sea to spawn from the river, it is called catadroma.


Fish omul (the photo is placed in the article) has an almost regular, elongated body shape. This means that the middle axis passes through the trunk and middle of the head. The mouth of the fish is finite, small in size. The upper and lower jaw are of equal length. Eyes are medium in size.

The side is beautiful silvery, and the back is with a brownish-green hue. Sometimes on the sides a thin black strip is visible. On the belly the color is much lighter. The Arctic omul is covered with fine dense scales. Fins and tail, as well as sides, are silvery in color. On the back there is a fatty skinned unpaired fin located behind the dorsal. It consists of adipose tissue without fin rays. During the spawning period, males develop epithelial growths, which makes it possible to distinguish visually between males and females.


Omul, whose photo allows you to determine the size of the individual, a fish that is difficult to call large. The average representative has a weight of about 800 g. Occasionally, fishermen come across larger individuals, whose weight can reach 2 kg. The body length of large specimens of the Arctic omul is about 50-60 cm. The life span of this species is from 10 to 18 years.


Describing what the Arctic omul is, two kinds are usually meant:

  1. Coregonus autumnalis.
  2. Coregonus autumnalis migratorius.

The second species is called the Baikal omul. It is an endemic fish that inhabits the freshwater Baikal. From the lake, where the omul is found, it leaves to spawn in rivers. It occurs in the autumn period, from September to November.

The Baikal omul is somewhat larger, its average weight reaches more than 1 kg. The largest fish caught by fishermen had a weight of 7 kg. The average length of the omul is 60-70 cm. A number of hypotheses have been voiced about how this species could seep from the ocean into Baikal. Traditionally, this fish was identified as a subspecies of the Arctic omul (Coregonus autumnalis migratorius), but later the results of genetic tests identified it as an independent species - Coregonus migratorius.

Scientific hypotheses

Since the final fatty point in the definition of the Baikal omul is not yet set, it will not be superfluous to describe how scientists try to explain its appearance in a freshwater lake. The most probable are 2 hypotheses:

  1. Omul on Lake Baikal is a local form, that is, an endemic fish, whose ancestors lived in the waters of Lake Baikal for millions of years. In support of this hypothesis, not only scientific facts, but also folklore sources (legends, legends, songs) are cited. And in opposition to the hypothesis, an opinion is advanced that endemics can not be found in other parts of the world, and salmonids similar to Baikal omul live in many places. In addition, the Arctic omul has very few differences from Baikal.
  2. Baikal omul swam into the lake during the interglacial period from the Arctic Ocean along the Lena River. In support of this hypothesis, there are facts of similarity between the two species.

However, if we take into account genetic studies, the Baikal omul is somewhat closer to the whitefish. This requires the advancement of new theories about the origin of the species.

Ban on catching omul in Lake Baikal

To date, the Baikal omul has been threatened. It's getting smaller and smaller. This led to the raising of the issue of a total ban on catching fish of this species for 3 years, beginning in 2017. This measure will preserve the species and restore it as a natural resource. Poachers, who illegally catch tons of fish every year, will be more severely prosecuted.

Buyers will not suffer from this, as it can be replaced in the markets and store shelves by an Arctic omul caught in the ocean (although these species differ in taste).

It is worth noting that similar measures were already taken in 1969, when the number of Baikal omul decreased catastrophically. The ban lasted until 1979, after which a conclusion was made about the restoration of the strength.

What do omuli eat?

Places where the omul is found, cool, rich in oxygen, with clear water. The species lives in packs, feeds on large crustaceans, gobies, fry of other fish. Fish are considered omnivorous. If there is no larger production, then they easily switch to plankton. During the feeding period, the species feeds very intensively to restore vitality. Chooses for this coastal, shallow bays. The water here is not too salty, rather brackish.

The diet of the Baikal omul is zooplankton, amphipods (a species of crustaceans), young growths of other species.


In the Arctic omul, sexual maturation occurs in 4-8 years. By this time, his body is not less than 35 cm. For spawning the species rises into rivers, passing sometimes more than 1,000 km. At the spawning passage the fish does not eat, as a result of which it loses weight heavily. Females sweep out all the eggs in one step. Caviar in the omul of the bottom species. It is not sticky, relatively large in size. Eggs in diameter from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Deferred caviar is not retained at the spawning site, it slips into the lower reaches of rivers. Observations on the river. Pechora showed that in the spawning herd there were individuals from 4 to 13 years old. For the life of the female spawns 2-3 times. Catching caviar, the fish down the river rolls into the sea.

The sexual maturation of the Baikal omul occurs at the age of 5 years. By this time its length is not less than 28 cm. In the spawning herd there are individuals from 4 to 9 years old. In the rivers for reproduction, the Baikal omul leaves with two jambs. The first goes in the beginning of autumn (September), the second at a temperature of 4 ° C (October-November). For spawning, a site with a rocky-pebble soil and a rapid current is selected. After spawning, the omul along the current leaves for Baikal.

Economic importance

Omula is considered a valuable commercial fish. But its catch is limited. The priority right to catch the Arctic omul, for example, in Chukotka, is enjoyed by indigenous people. The volume of allowable catch is determined by the regional Commission for the regulation of the production of anadromous fish species.

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