Speaking about non-standard methods of skin care, it is worth noting such an option as the use of apple cider vinegar, which will even out the skin and rid it of the "orange" peel. Speaking about apple cider vinegar from cellulite, the reviews of which are striking in their positive direction, do not think that this method can be considered a panacea for this unaesthetic phenomenon.
Nevertheless, the use of this liquid as an additional stimulant for the improvement of skin will produce a good effect. Moreover, perhaps the apple bite against cellulite will not show itself best after 3-4 sessions, but for these few attempts to bring your skin in order you will notice its amazing smoothness, softness and evenness.
When you are going to fight cellulite, you need to correct not only your diet, but also physical activity during the day. And an additional stimulus will be wraps, which will use apple cider vinegar from cellulite. Reviews of this procedure report some laboriousness, but most women agree that applying this method is not difficult and very effective. To begin with, mix the vinegar and hot water in equal proportions and allow the resulting solution to cool to a temperature that will not be unpleasant to the body. Next, it is quite abundant to moisten the resulting mixture of place, afflicted with orange peel, thus using apple cider vinegar.
Wrapping of wetted surfaces should be carried out with the help of food film or special cosmetic film-stretch. Next, give the skin extra heat, to enhance the effect. You can do this, for example, wearing a warm dressing gown or pants, as well as wrapped in a blanket. Keep on the skin of apple vinegar from cellulite (the reviews advise you to repeat this procedure every other day) for about an hour, after which it is necessary to wash the resulting mixture with water. The water temperature should not be too high. After the rinse, smear the skin with any moisturizer, except for anti-cellulite. To obtain a visible effect, it will be necessary to repeat this procedure no less than fifteen times.
In principle, the use of apple cider vinegar from cellulite, feedback about which inspire hope for effective skin smoothing, can also be used as an aid in the massage. It is desirable to do this procedure not with hands, but with a special massager, using a special mixture. You can prepare it yourself. This requires apple cider vinegar (against the cellulite in this recipe should be enough for six tablespoons), two spoons of any vegetable oil, better than olive, as well as a teaspoon of sea salt. In the absence of the last ingredient, you can use common salt, which should initially be dissolved in the vinegar, and only then add the oil to the resulting solution. Massaging the skin with such a composition is desirable for at least twenty minutes for twenty days in the morning.