
Apple tree "gloster": a description of the variety, photo

The apple tree, which pleases its fruits with a harsh winter, is not it the dream of any gardener? Are there such varieties in reality and what are they called? Of course, there are such apple varieties. They like their owners not only for their ability to give fruits even in winter, but also for excellent resistance to many diseases. One of these varieties is the apple gloster, a description of which you will learn from this article.

Variety description

The plant was obtained in Germany by crossing varieties "Richard delishes" and "Glokkenapfel". The apple tree of this variety is considered to be a strong late-spring varieties. The owner of the high round crown, the apple gloster well tolerates frosts to -20 degrees, and also has good resistance to powdery mildew. Fruit-bearing tree of this variety, grafted on a medium-grown rootstock, begins on the 4th year after planting, the yield for the 10th year is 75 kg from one tree. On dwarf stocks, the formation of full-bodied fruits occurs somewhat earlier - for the third year, while from one tree it is possible to harvest up to 5 kg of large apples.

Fruits apple-tree "gloster" forms large, their weight can reach 200 g. In shape, the fruits are round-conical, bright red with small yellow specks. The pulp of apples of this sort is dense, crunchy, moderately juicy, sweet and sour taste. To sing apples begin by the beginning of October, and consumer maturity is reached after the new year. Fruits are stored up to 4 months, transport is easily tolerated.

A feature of the variety is that the tree forms one fruit per inflorescence, so there is no need to remove excess ovaries that overload the plant. Thanks to this apple tree "gloster", a photo of which you can see in this article, annually brings great yields.

Features of care

For the normal development of a tree at a young age, it is important to carry out annual pruning, leaving only those branches on the tree that do not interfere with the growth of others, and are located at an angle of 45-60 degrees relative to the trunk. In the following years, when the skeleton of the tree is already formed, it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning, and also gradually replace the old branches with new ones.

Apple-tree "gloster" needs watering only during periods of prolonged drought. It should be noted that the variety responds well to fertilizing with organic fertilizer. In order to provide food, it is necessary to add 3 buckets of humus or rotted manure per tree every year to the trunks. To fill the need for microelements, it is possible to carry out foliar top dressings with a solution of microfertilizers for apple trees.

The bark on the trunk of an apple-tree "gloster" is very sensitive to sunlight, therefore, to prevent burns, the stem is protected by whitewashing. It is especially important to do this before the onset of winter.

Tips for increasing yields

Since this variety is characterized by a strong and long growth, fruiting can be postponed to a later date. To make the tree bear fruit early, gardeners resort to some tricks:

  1. Folding the branches down helps to stop their growth and provokes the plant to form on them the rings on which the main crop is located.
  2. Treatment of the tree with special means, which inhibit the growth of shoots, also acts on the tree positively, forcing it to enter into fruiting earlier.
  3. Helps to increase the yield of summer pruning, as well as fertilizing without nitrogen-containing substances.
  4. Gardeners note that apple-tree "gloster" better binds fruit in the presence of pollinators - other varieties of apples, for example, "aydared" and "Jonathan".

Are the fruits of apples "Gloster"

Apples of this variety contain a lot of substances useful for the human body. They include iron, ascorbic acid, vitamins and trace elements. All this allows us to say that it is useful to include apples "gloster" in the diet of people who have undergone heart attacks, who suffer from anemia and a decline in strength. In addition, such apples will be useful to those who want to lose weight, because their caloric content is very low, and the fiber contained in the fruits is able to cleanse the intestines from various toxins.

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