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Animals listed in the Red Book in the Crimea: their types and causes of extinction

Almost in every corner of the planet there are rare animals listed in the Red Book. In the Crimea, where there is a rather diverse climate and unique nature, there are also unique species of fauna that are on the verge of extinction.

The Red Book of Crimea

At the present time, work is still underway to create this protection document, although this idea was born a long time ago, thirty years ago. In Ukraine, it was not realized, because the Red Book was one for all regions. To this day, a group of authors (Kryukova, Privalova, Luks, Costin, Maltsev, etc.) have contributed to the solution of the problem of preserving flora and fauna on the peninsula, releasing such books containing information on rare plants and animals of the Crimea. Although there were lists of those animals that needed protection, they had no official status.

In 1999, the initiative group established under the Council of Ministers of the Crimea presented the concept and proposed lists - which animals are listed in the Red Book of Crimea, which is still under construction. Discussion and analysis collection entitled "Issues of the development of the Crimea" published all the materials on this topic.

Work on the Red Book

This process became possible thanks to the integration of Crimea into Russia, where Red Books for each region were created. Despite the fact that the list with the names of rare and endangered animals has already been compiled, much work remains to be done. It is necessary to monitor the number of individuals of rare species and determine their habitats.

Animals listed in the Red Book in the Crimea will be designated by a special eight-scale scale, which determines the degree of rarity. The smaller the number, the less often one or another species in nature occurs. As it turned out, from the list of applicants there is none with a mark above five. The first position was taken by the beluga as an almost extinct species. In total 893 representatives of fauna are planned to be included in the Red Book.

Today, the protection of wildlife in the Crimean peninsula has increased in accordance with the legal field of Russia. Administrative, and sometimes criminal, responsibility threatens not only in cases when animals that are listed in the Red Book in Crimea are being destroyed, but also when they are kept in captivity.

Limiting factors

Features of flora and fauna on the peninsula of Crimea are determined by its geographical location. The vast territories adjacent to the Black Sea basin are located practically at the intersection of migration routes of various representatives of flora and fauna.

According to observations of scientists, in Crimea there are very high rates of genetic erosion, due to which several species of plants have already disappeared over the past decades. In addition, rare animals of the Crimea, listed in the Red Book, suffer from a factor of concern, environmental pollution and human-induced human activities.

Protected animals of Crimea

The rare mammals, inhabitants of the Crimea, are the common shrew, the steppe ferret, the number of which is rapidly decreasing. Under constant protection are mouflons - wild sheep from the family Polorohy. In the whole of Eastern Europe, the only herd of these beautiful animals was left and it was formed in the Crimea from the livestock, which was kept in the Chucheleski zoo, which at one time belonged to the royal family.

An amazing lizard belonging to the family of spindles, with an unusual name, yellow-beluga also belongs to the vanishing species. Because of external resemblance to a snake, she often loses her life. Although, if you look closely, except absent legs, these reptiles have nothing in common. The zheltopuzik has a large head and quite noticeable eyelids. Its color is yellowish-sandy with a bright dark pattern in the upper part of the trunk. Like all other animals of the Crimea, listed in the Red Book (photo can be found in this article), this lizard is strictly protected by law.

Inhabitants of the sea

Under threat of extinction there is a monk seal (or a white-fingered seal). Today there are only about 600 individuals of these animals on the whole planet. The monks called them a short coat on their heads and a tendency to seclusion. Clumsy and unwieldy on land, the seals surprisingly agile in the water, can swim quite far from the shore and dive to a depth of 500 meters in search of fish.

Their body length reaches more than two meters, and the body weight on the average is about 300 kg. The males are covered with black thick fur, in females it is slightly lighter - from gray to brown. The lower part of the body is light, almost white, for which the seal was given the name of belobruchy.

Dolphins of the bottlenose dolphins are Crimean animals listed in the Red Book of Russia. These active and funny creatures are able to jump up to 5 meters in height and swim at a speed of 40 km / h. The fishing of these dolphins in Russia has been banned since 1956.

Birds under protection

In the list of birds protected by the law there is a crane gray. Today, hunting is banned everywhere. In Crimea, this bird lives mainly on boggy meadows, reed beds and lakes.

Owl is a very rare bird on the peninsula. Active life leads at night, feeding on small vertebrates and animals.

The pink starling is also listed in the Red Book. Only one place of its nesting in the Crimea is known - Mount Opuk.

Today is guarded and a red-bellied rabbit, dwelling in the mountainous areas of the peninsula.

In many countries, the list grows from year to year, listing animals listed in the Red Book. In Crimea, the adoption of measures to conserve the population of rare and endangered species is of particular importance to Russia today.

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