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The best books on business: rating

Everyone once thinks about creating their own business, but many have not encountered this and do not know where to start. What are the business books worth reading in order to open a profitable company?

Top 21 Best Books

Before opening your case, you should carefully study the literature that will help you to realize yourself. If you have a business for a long time, but the profit does not increase, the best books on business and self-development will help you.

Kiyosaki Robert and prioritization

The first place in our rating is taken by Kiyosaki Robert. The title of the book is quite clear and concise - "Before starting your business." This printed publication will help to prioritize and understand who the entrepreneur and hired worker are.

This book is especially useful because it most accurately describes the mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs. After reading it, you will understand that the future of your business is only in your hands. The publication of Kiyosaki differs in that it helps to fully understand the difficulties that you will have to face in the development of your business.

Stephen Covey and the Signs of Highly Effective People

An honorable second place was taken by "Seven Skills of Highly Effective People", whose author is Stephen Covey. This book is little inferior to the previous one. It allows us to realize how much time we spend on the phone, laptop and TV. The author believes that in this way a person not only spends his life for nothing, but also hides the fear of opening a business.

Critics believe that Covey's book is very special, and it makes it special. "Seven skills of highly effective people" will allow you to look at your life differently. Thanks to this publication, you will learn how to live with profit.

David Nowak. The story of a dizzying career

On the third place of our rating is the book of David Novak "How I Became a Boss". This publication tells of a "random" career in a large corporation. "How I Became a Boss" is included in the best books on business in Russia. Novak described how he achieved a good career. The author believes, on the one hand, that he achieved everything thanks to work and diligence, and on the other hand, that his career is a fluke.

The book helps to realize their ambitions and achieve a dizzying career. By the way, the author himself began as a full-time copywriter, and now he is the director of a global company.

David Ogivli and his reasoning about the advertising field

The winner of the fourth place in our rating of the best books for self-development is "Ogivli about advertising", author of which is David Ogivli. This publication helps to realize in the field of advertising. The book contains many valuable recommendations. Particularly useful is that the author refers to his experience. The book found a huge number of fans in the face of marketers and advertising workers.

"How to ruin your own business." Bad advices to a Russian businessman, "Konstantin Baksht

Books on business and self-development help to understand the future entrepreneur, how many obstacles can stand on the way to becoming one's business. The essay "How to ruin your own business: Bad advices to a Russian entrepreneur" is no exception. He also takes the fifth place of our rating. The author of this publication is Konstantin Baksht. It examines and systematizes the typical mistakes of entrepreneurs. Konstantin offers his options for solving them, and also tells how to build a business properly.

Marcus Buckingham: "First, break all the rules!"

"First, break all the rules!" Occupies the sixth place and tells that even simple work requires a talented approach. The author of the book is Marcus Buckingham. The edition allows to understand to the future businessman, that its employees should perform only that work which is well given to them. This is the guarantee of a successful company.

Michael Lewis. "Poker Liars"

The rating, which includes the best books about business, was not without the "Poker of liars." It was written by Michael Lewis. The edition explains that the more complex the monetary schemes, the harder it is to keep track of them. Lewis believes that a person first of all must be ambitious. Incredibly interesting work of Michael Lewis takes seventh place.

Jay Conrad Levinson. Technique of successful sellers

Our list of books on business in the eighth place is complemented by "Guerrilla marketing", whose author is Jay Conrad Levinson. He describes the technique of work of sellers, who increase their sales from year to year.

The book is useful in that it helps to understand how to get a big profit at low costs. This is a very valuable skill for every entrepreneur.

Clayton Christensen. Best essay on innovation

Books on Internet business are especially popular recently. The ninth place of our rating is the best publication about innovations. Kleiton Christensen's essay "Innovator's Dilemma" helps to understand the beginning entrepreneur that the user needs something new, based on old basic needs. The author believes that the Internet is developing business.

Bennis Warren. The influence of vital values on the development of a leader

Bennes Warren's book takes the tenth place, and it is in it that management is seen from the point of view of leadership. The author finds out how the epoch and human values influence the formation of the leader. Bennis Warren described the formation of leaders of any historical era. The most useful edition is for beginners and experienced managers.

Kennedy Gavin. Reference book of the negotiator

The eleventh place is the book of Kennedy Gavin "You can agree on everything! How to achieve maximum in any negotiations." According to the readers, this is the bible of the negotiator. In it, step by step the author reveals the principles of the negotiation process.

Kennedy talks about traps and mistakes in setting priorities. Gavin's book will provide invaluable assistance to those who often negotiate, namely, businessmen, sales managers and special services. Particularly pleasant is that the publication is written in simple spoken language. Reading such a book will be useful not only for entrepreneurs, but also for ordinary readers.

Johnson Spencer and his book-parable

The best books on business and personal development on the twelfth place is complemented by the allegory of Johnson Spencer in the book "Where is my cheese? Know your dream." This is a kind of parable. The book reveals the deepest truths that concern changes in the life of the reader. Cheese is everything we achieve, what we strive for. It can be anything, from work to personal relationships.

The labyrinth in Johnson Spencer's book is where you look for your cheese. Having carefully studied the entire book, the reader will understand how to cope with difficulties and achieve greater success.

The successful leader of Peter Drucker

"Effective leader" - the most famous book by Peter Drucker, and she deservedly takes the thirteenth place of our rating. The essay explains the theme of the effectiveness of intellectual workers who become managers.

A good leader is not only a mind and a constant work. To be a successful boss, it is enough to follow simple rules, which are described in Peter Drucker's book.

Covey Stephen and seven rules

The fourteenth place is occupied by a book with a global meaning - "Seven Skills of Highly Effective People", whose author is Covey Stephen. This publication had a huge impact on the fate of millions of people, including Bill Clinton and Stephen Forbes. The book of Covey Stephen systematizes the life values of man and the goals set by him. It helps to reach them. The author shows that everyone can become better.

The book does not promise a quick change. Any improvement takes time and effort. If you want to maximize your potential, this book is for you.

Michael Gerber and his myths about his own business

Books on business should accompany every novice and experienced entrepreneur. They will help self-fulfilling. Michael Gerber and his book "Small business: from illusions to success, return to the myth of entrepreneurship" occupy the fifteenth place of our rating. She tells how to build her own business. The edition is read quickly and easily. Also in it Michael reveals the differences of work from business. Gerber's edition helps to look at the problems that are connected with the organization and formation of small business in a new way.

Hamel Gary. "Competing for the Future: Creating Markets for Tomorrow"

In the sixteenth place - Hamel Gary and his book "Competing for the Future: Creating Markets of Tomorrow." It is dedicated to a firm that builds its future. It illustrates the experience of organizations that, despite everything, have overcome their problems. The author offers a completely new approach to building the future of the company. The printed edition of Hamel Gary was included in the best books on business.

McDonald's and Love John

Who among us does not know McDonald's fast food chain? It is about her that will be discussed in the book of Love John, which took seventeenth place. In his essay the author tells about the history of the development of a well-known chain of fast food restaurants. Its creator is a journalist who decided to devote his life to a well-known corporation.

The author took five years to write the book. He collected a lot of information, which he outlined in his work. The book describes in detail the way fast food chains from small businesses to the global brand.

"Steve Jobs," Walter Isaacson

The best books on business help themselves to realize themselves. The rating continues. Eighteenth place is co-founder of a well-known company of the world scale. Who among us has not heard about Apple? About it and will be discussed.

Walter Isaacson is a journalist, biographer, who in 2012 published a book about Steve Jobs. The author worked on the publication for more than three years. They carried out a tremendous work. Walter recorded more than 50 interviews with Steve Jobs and interviewed about a hundred of his relatives. The release date was scheduled for November, but in connection with the death of Jobs, the book was released in October 2012. Later, the author was paid a round sum for the possibility of screening the work.

It does not matter whether you are a fan of gadgets from Apple, the book allows you not only to learn about the life of a genius, but also to understand that this can become everyone. It will help to reveal their ambitions. Walter Isaacson's book must necessarily be read not only to aspiring entrepreneurs, but also to those who are just looking for themselves.

"Jobs' rules: the universal principles of success," Carmine Gallo

The nineteenth place in our rating is book "Rules of Jobs: Universal Principles of Success," authored by Carmine Gallo. It's no wonder that this book, like the previous one, refers to the great genius - Steve Jobs, because many businessmen imitate him, they are admired.

Steve Jobs turned our world around. In his book the author singles out the seven rules of great genius. These principles will help not only in business, but also in everyday life. The essay will be interesting to businessmen and managers, as well as fans of Steve Jobs and just fans of motivational literature.

Radislav Gandapas, "Kama Sutra for the speaker, 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver the greatest pleasure, speaking publicly"

It's no secret that a successful businessman should not only be able to count everything on a step forward, but also speak well. This skill is rarely taught the best books on business and self-development. The list is supplemented by a unique essay by Radislav Gandapas, who will teach you oratorical art.

Radislav Gandapas is a famous business coach in Russia who regularly conducts training webinars and classes. Talking to an unfamiliar person or speaking to the public in many of us causes panic fear. This quality of the entrepreneur is bad for his business.

"Kama Sutra for the speaker .10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure, speaking publicly" will help learn to control the attention of listeners, get the better of their own excitement and properly structure their story. The book of Radislav Gandapas is recommended for reading to those who often appear in public and communicate with a large number of unfamiliar people. In addition, the essay will be useful to an ordinary reader who can not communicate freely with other people. The publication of Radislav Gandapas "Kama Sutra for the speaker, 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure, speaking publicly" quite deservedly complements the best books on business.

"My life, my achievements," Henry Ford

Are you looking for a book in which everyone will be described, and every word is worth its weight in gold? Henry Ford's essay "My life, my achievements" - just for you. Books on business and self-development are often overwhelmed with unnecessary arguments that do not carry the necessary information. The publication of Henry Ford differs in that it needs to be read carefully and completely, because each sentence carries valuable information.

The owner of a well-known car manufacturing company talks about his life. "My life, my achievements" tells how the author changed the world of business. Henry Ford's approach to his work is astonishing. If he was not satisfied with the price of metal, then he opened his metallurgical production. Henry Ford believed that the work that interests you, can not tire.

The author's sketch is full of clever ideas, it is one of the few that must be read.

On the way to success

Books on business are an excellent option for self-development. After reading the best essays and taking valuable information from there, you can easily become a successful and self-sufficient person. Books on business will help reveal hidden talents, learn to achieve your goals and go to the end to your dream. In our rating, we selected the most useful essays for start-up entrepreneurs. Read with pleasure and become better with every read edition!

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