
Analogues and instructions for the use of "Lomefloxacin"

What can replace such a medicinal product as Lomefloxacin? Analogs of this drug, its purpose, inhibitions to use and therapeutic properties will be discussed below. Also, you will learn how to properly use this tool, and in what dosage.

Form of medicament, its packaging and components

In what packaging is the product being manufactured? Where is its instruction for use? "Lomefloxacin" is a tablet placed in blisters and packed in paper bundles along with an annotation.

What ingredients does the product include? The active substance of this drug is Lomefloxacin hydrochloride. It also includes other auxiliary components.

Therapeutic properties of the drug

What are Lomefloxacin tablets? The instruction states that this bactericidal antimicrobial drug, which belongs to a group of antibiotic-like drugs, that is, fluoroquinolones, and represents the second generation of these drugs.

What determines the antimicrobial effectiveness of the drug in question? These properties of the Lomefloxacin tablet (400 mg) were obtained due to the fact that its active substance is capable of developing a blocking effect on the DNA-gyrase (i.e. bacterial enzyme), which provides supercoiling. In addition, this agent creates a stable compound (complex) with its tetramer, and also destroys the transcription and replication of the DNA of bacterial cells, which causes their subsequent death.

The expressed activity of this medication is manifested with respect to such gram-negative aerobic bacteria as gonococcus, salmonella, pseudomonas aeruginosa, hemophilic and intestinal rods, cholera causative agent, meningococcus, shigella, morganella and so on. Also, the drug "Lomefloxacin" (400 mg) has a depressant effect on proteins, chlamydia, campylobacter, mycoplasma, legionella, some pneumococci and staphylococci.

One can not help saying that this drug is highly effective against mycobacteria tuberculosis. It is able to reduce the timing of their excretion, as well as the quickest resolution of existing infiltrates.

The therapeutic effect of Lomefloxacin is observed even with its small concentrations in the blood. However , resistance is very rare.

Kinetic ability of medicinal tablets

How is the medicine absorbed? What does the instruction for use say? Lomefloxacin has a good absorption capacity. After taking the drug, its peak plasma concentration is reached within 55-85 minutes.

With plasma proteins, this medicine binds only by 10%. It also has good absorption properties in various organs and tissues (including genitalia, joints, respiratory tract, ENT organs, pelvic organs, bones, peritoneum, soft tissues, etc.), where its content is 5-7 times higher Plasma.

It should be specially noted that some of the lomefloxacin is metabolized and forms several derivatives.

The withdrawal period of this drug is 9 hours. It is excreted through tubular secretion along with urine (70-85%) and feces (25-30%).

Indications for prescribing

Few people know, but in the pharmacy networks you can find not only Lomefloxacin tablets, but also Lomefloxacin + Pyrazinamide + Prothionamide + Etambutol + Pyridoxine. In this case, both mentioned medicines are indicated for use when:

  • Infections (purulent nature) of the skin, as well as soft tissues (including burns, infected wounds, etc.);
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea (including blepharoconjunctivitis and chlamydial conjunctivitis);
  • Infections of the digestive tract (for example, with cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis);
  • Respiratory infections (including recurrences of chronic bronchitis);
  • Infections of bile ducts;
  • Infections in the genitourinary sphere (for example, with urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis (including in the complex treatment of people with rapidly progressing forms of the disease, as well as increased resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin and resistance to chemotherapy);
  • Before and after transurethral surgery (only for prophylactic purposes).

Prohibitions to prescribe antimicrobial tablets

In what cases can not you use the medicine in question? What does this tell us about the instructions for use? Lomefloxacin is contraindicated for use when:

  • Bearing of the fetus;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Personal sensitivity of drugs belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones;
  • At a minor age (possible inhibition of the development of the skeleton).

Instructions for use

"Lomefloxacin" - tablets, which are shown only to oral administration. They should be taken once a day, regardless of the meal, drinking about 230 ml of ordinary water.

The duration of treatment with this medication depends on the diagnosis, as well as on the severity of the pathology and sensitivity of the pathogen.

Uncomplicated bronchitis and bronchopneumonia of the acute course are treated with a dosage equal to 400 mg of the drug for ten days.

In the treatment of chlamydia (urogenital), including bacterial chlamydia and gonorrhea-chlamydial infections, patients are prescribed 400-600 mg of medication per day, with a duration of up to 28 days.

Treatment of recurrences of complicated pneumonia and bronchitis of a chronic type is carried out in a daily dosage equal to 400-800 mg of the agent for two weeks.

With mycoplasmal infection , the medication is prescribed 400-800 mg per day, with the duration of taking the tablets in 3 weeks.

Infectious diseases of the urinary tract can be treated with 400 mg of the drug. In this case, treatment of uncomplicated cases is carried out for 5 days, and complicated - 14 days.

With gonorrhea of an acute nature, the drug "Lomefloxacin" is recommended for taking in a dosage of 600 mg. As for the chronic form of this disease, its treatment is carried out in parallel with specific immunotherapy. In this case, the medication is taken in a similar daily dose for 5 days.

Therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis may take 14-30 days (in some cases up to 3 months). This disease is treated with a dosage of 200 mg twice a day.

In renal pathologies of severe or moderate nature, as well as people undergoing hemodialysis, "Lomefloxacin" is prescribed in the amount of 400 mg per day, with its further reduction to 200 mg.

Phenomena of a negative nature

What are the negative effects of Lomefloxacin tablets? The instruction indicates the following reactions:

  • Bronchospasm, increased sputum secretion, nausea, cough, dysphagia;
  • Dyspnea, vomiting, respiratory infections, diarrhea, dysbiosis;
  • Flu-like symptoms, taste perversion, epigastric pain, flatulence;
  • Increased levels of liver enzymes, dry mouth, bleeding GIT;
  • Constipation, arthralgia, calf convulsions, discoloration of the tongue, myalgia;
  • Pseudomembranous colitis, headaches, changes in appetite, vasculitis, dizziness;
  • Insomnia, soreness of the chest and back, asthenia, nervousness, a feeling of general malaise, depression, tremor;
  • Hyperkinesis, fast fatigue, convulsions, hallucinations;
  • Pain in the eyes, noise and pain in the ears;
  • Dysuria, increased excitation, hematuria, paresthesia;
  • Crystaluria, impaired vision;
  • Albuminuria, glomerulonephritis, leukorrhea, edema, polyuria, epididymitis, difficulty urinating, orchitis, painful urge;
  • Cyanosis, anuria, hypotension, vaginitis, tachycardia, extrasystole, perineal pain, bradycardia;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding, thrombocytopenia, vaginal candidiasis, myocardial infarction, myocardiopathy, phlebitis;
  • Progression of heart failure and stenocardia, purpura, cerebrovascular disorders, itching of the skin;
  • Pulmonary embolism, photosensitization, increased fibrinolysis, urticaria, lymphadenopathy, hyperhidrosis;
  • Nasal bleeding, exudative erythema (malignant), a feeling of chills, gout, hot flashes;
  • Superinfection, hypoglycemia, candidiasis, thirst.

Overdose with pills

In case of an overdose of Lomefloxacin tablets, patients experience nausea, erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, prolongation of the QT period, dizziness, convulsions, confusion, and an increase in adverse reactions.

In view of the fact that hemodialysis is ineffective in case of an overdose, the therapy of the above conditions is based on the available symptoms.

Interaction with other medicines

When Lomefloxacin is combined with Teofillin, its metabolism is almost not suppressed.

With the simultaneous administration of antacids or sucralfate, chelate complexes are formed that reduce the bioavailability of lomefloxacin. That is why the interval between taking these medicines should be at least 4 hours.

The joint use of "Lomefloxacin" and high doses of caffeine extends the half-life of the latter.

When treating tuberculosis, you should not conduct a parallel reception of the drug in question with "Rifampicin", otherwise it will lead to antagonism of the action.

Simultaneous reception of NSAIDs increases the toxicity of drugs and can cause seizures.

"Lomefloxacin" is able to increase the effectiveness of anticoagulants for oral administration.

Medications, which are blockers of tubular secretion, inhibit the excretion of "Lomefloxacin."

Special Recommendations

In renal pathologies, mandatory dosage adjustment is required, which depends on the QC parameters.

For the duration of therapy, it is necessary to refrain from prolonged exposure to any sources of ultraviolet radiation, including sunlight.

Vitamin preparations, including various mineral supplements, should be taken 120 minutes after or before taking the tablets in question.

Similar drugs

The medication "Lomefloxacin" has many analogues. Experts consider the following substitutes for the main substitutes: Abaktal, Elefloks, Zanotsin, Tsifran, Avelox, Tsiprolet, Zofloks, Cyprinol, Quintor, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin "," Tarivid "," Levotek "," Pefloxacin "," Levoflox "," Ofloxacin "," Norbaktin "," Ofloks "," Norfloxacin ".

Lomefloxacin tablets: reviews

With the reliable establishment of an infectious agent that is sensitive to the second generation of fluoroquinolones, and also with the correct selection of medicinal doses and long-term treatment, the reviews about the agent in question are of a purely positive nature.

According to the patients' claims, this medication has proved to be an effective antimicrobial drug that copes with various pathological microorganisms. However, some users say that sometimes this drug causes the development of certain side effects, but, as a rule, they are mildly expressed or pass independently immediately after the end of therapy.

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