
Insulin-isophane: instructions for use, analogues

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease, which, unfortunately, can not be completely eliminated. As is known, against the background of the disease, there is a disturbance of hormonal secretion in the tissues of the pancreas. And quite often the patients are prescribed synthetic insulin "Isofan". This substance controls the level of sugar in the blood, ensuring the normal operation of the entire body.

Of course, patients are interested in any additional information about the drug. How does the semisynthetic insulin "Isofan" affect the body? Instruction, contraindications, possible complications on the background of therapy are important points, which will be considered in the article.

Form of issue

It's no secret that diabetes is a widespread and dangerous disease that requires the use of various medications, including insulin. "Isofan" is the trade name of the drug, which is a ready-made mixture of semisynthetic hormones. The drug is available as a solution for subcutaneous administration. The drug is sold in glass bottles in a volume of 10 ml with a dosage of 40 U / ml. To prepare the solution, purified water for injection is used.

If other medicines with the same composition and properties as insulin "Isofan". Its synonyms are Insuman, Protafan and Khimulin. It should immediately be said that such drugs are only available on prescription or issued by an endocrinologist.

What are the properties of the drug?

Insulin "Isofan" is a semisynthetic hormone that has the same properties as the substance produced by the human pancreas. The drug reduces the amount of glucose in the blood by increasing the processes of lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis.

Synthetic hormone interacts with insulin-dependent receptors of cell membranes, activating metabolic processes inside the cell. After taking the drug, activation of the synthesis of certain enzymes, including glycogen synthases, pyruvate kinase and hexokinase, is observed.

The effect can be observed after 1-1.5 hours after the administration of the solution. Depending on the dose and characteristics of the patient's body, the maximum activity of synthetic insulin is observed after 4-12 hours after administration. The effect lasts from 11 to 24 hours.

Basic indications for use

The preparation "Insulin-Isofan" is used for diabetes of the second type (insulin-dependent form). It is also used for temporary insulin therapy. Sometimes such treatment is required for type 1 diabetes. For example, the administration of a solution is recommended to patients in cases when the hypoglycemic drugs do not give the desired effect.

The introduction of human insulin is required after some surgical interventions. This drug is also used in gestational diabetes mellitus (this form of the disease develops in women during pregnancy). Introduction of insulin to future mothers is recommended in the event that diet therapy does not have the desired effect.

Semisynthetic insulin "Isofan": instructions for use

In patients with type 2 diabetes, patients require lifelong therapy. The dose, the daily amount, the schedule of administration - all this is determined by the treating endocrinologist. It is important to follow all the instructions of the specialist. There are some general rules for using the medicine "Insulin-Isofan".

  • The solution is intended solely for subcutaneous administration. In rare cases, the doctor may recommend injecting the medicine intramuscularly. Intravenous injection is prohibited.
  • The drug should not be administered in the same place.
  • First, you need to shake the vial several times, then dial into the syringe the required amount of solution (the dose is selected individually).
  • The injection should be performed immediately after filling the syringe.

Vials with a solution are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. Before the introduction of the medicine you need to measure the level of glucose in the blood. In no case should you use the drug if you notice turbidity of the solution, the formation of sediment on the walls of the bottle.

Are there any contraindications?

The drug has some contraindications - these data contain instructions for use. "Insulin-Isofan" is not prescribed for patients with hypoglycemia. Contraindications include insulinoma, as well as hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug. It is worth noting that sometimes even changing the injection site can lead to an allergic reaction and the appearance of other side effects.

Possible side effects

This drug is necessary for patients with insulin-dependent forms of diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, therapy is associated with some complications. What violations can lead to the use of the drug "Isofan-Insulin"? The instruction contains the following information:

  • To the list of the most common disorders can be attributed to allergic reactions, which are accompanied by the appearance of rash and hives, a sharp drop in blood pressure, an increase in body temperature and the appearance of edema.
  • A dangerous consequence of insulin therapy is hypoglycemia, a condition characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels. Symptoms include pallor of the skin, palpitations, anxiety, sleep problems, a constant feeling of hunger. Such a violation, as a rule, is due to improper dosing or non-compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor. In the most severe cases, hypoglycemic coma develops.
  • The onset of treatment in some patients is associated with visual impairment. Strongly worry about this is not worth it, since in most cases such side effects go by themselves.
  • To the list of possible complications can be attributed immunological reactions, which also occur as the body adapts to this form of insulin.
  • At the beginning of taking the drug, skin reactions are possible, including redness and itching. They also pass by themselves.
  • The introduction of too large doses of the drug is fraught with mental disorders. There is increased irritability, anxiety, changes in behavior, development of depression.

It is necessary to understand that the insulin "Isofan" should be administered according to the schedule compiled by the doctor. Injection skipping is accompanied by the development of diabetic acidosis.

Insulin "Isofan": analogues

In modern medicine, synthetic human insulins (short and medium term of exposure), analogues of the human hormone, as well as mixtures, are used to control the level of glucose. Undoubtedly, the pharmaceutical market offers a lot of drugs that help to temporarily eliminate the symptoms of diabetes.

To the list of analogs, you can include such drugs as "Actrafan", "Biogulin", "Diafan". In some cases, patients are advised to take preparations of "Protafan", "Humodar", "Pensulin". Insulin "Bazal" and "Ferein" are also considered good. It is necessary to understand that hormones are serious drugs, and you can not use them yourself in any case. Only a doctor can pick up an analogue and determine the dose. For example, the presence of at least one additive in a solution in some patients can cause a massive allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock.

Information on interactions with other drugs

Before the start of therapy, you must tell the doctor about the medications you are taking. The action of synthetic insulin is enhanced by simultaneous administration with sulfonamides, adrogens and anabolic steroids, MAO inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The hypoglycemic effect is more pronounced on the background of the simultaneous use of the drug "Isofan" with ketoconazole, cyclophosphamide, quinine, chloroquine, quinidine, medicines containing lithium. By the way, against the background of therapy it is not recommended to drink alcohol, since ethanol enhances the effect of synthetic insulin.

Estrogens, oral concraceptives, glucagon, heparin, thyroid hormones weaken the action of the drug. The same can be said about nicotine, marijuana, morphine, some diuretics (in particular, thiazide and loop), tricyclic antidepressants.

In any case, it is worth noting that without the knowledge of the doctor, you can not change the dose or schedule of insulin intake. The appearance of impairment and adverse reactions should immediately be reported to the treating endocrinologist.

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