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An analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Muza." The image of Muse Nekrasov

Nikolay Nekrasov is a person whose importance is difficult to underestimate. Russian literature and social thought look completely different if you look at them from two time points that determine the dates of their arrival and departure from them. Analysis of the poem "Muse" gives us the key to a deeper understanding of the creativity of this author.

Poet and Citizen

The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov opened a new era in the development of Russian literature of the nineteenth century. Nekrasov marked a number of semantic directions, which he simply did not exist. The poet was one of the first who could draw the attention of his reader towards a simple Russian worker. His poetry is imbued with a vivid civil feeling. For a deeper understanding of the poet's creative method, it is best to analyze some of his works that are considered to be key. To those, of course, is the verse of Nekrasov's "Muse", dated 1852 year. In a sense, it is software. In this early work for the first time images and meanings that will pass through all subsequent work of the poet are designated.

Analysis of the poem by Nekrasov "Muza"

In this lengthy text the poet reflects on the sources of inspiration and creativity. Here two opposite beginnings are clearly indicated, to which the poet's inspiration is attracted - the aspiration to the transcendental heights and compassion to simple humble people who are far from the heavenly spheres. And the lyric hero of the poem on behalf of the poet makes his final choice in favor of those who need his songs on earth. The image of Muza Nekrasov appears in his poem in the form of "... an eternally crying and incomprehensible virgin". Inspired by her, the poet is immersed in the whirlpool and the boiling of earthly passions. He finds his calling in the first place to be heard by earthly people, and not by transcendental angels. A glance through this allegory on all subsequent work of the poet fully confirms the choice he made in his youth.

Through the years of hard work

A demanding analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Muza" allows to draw a conclusion that the work was traditionally enough in form and excessively pretentious in content. But such a conclusion will be groundless. With all the naivety of their poetic declarations, Nekrasov carried faithfulness to them through his whole life. And she was very difficult. The path to prosperity and fame lay through long years of hard work and existence on the verge of poverty. For many years, the poet did not stand out as anything special against the background of those people who addressed his poems. Actually, all this terrestrial whirlwind and depicted in his early poem "Muse" Nekrasov. Analysis of the text of this work allows us to understand from which sources he drew his inspiration. The poet recognizes the power of only one muse - "The sad companion of the sad poor, born for work, suffering and bondage." It should be understood that this choice was rather unusual and even challenging. He contradicted the generally accepted opinion about the elitist appointment of poetic creativity.

Stylistic features of the new poetry

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Muse" testifies to the moral and aesthetic choice that the poet made. Already in this work clearly marked the circle of images and themes to which the author intends to devote all his future creativity. At the same time the poem itself is written in a fairly traditional language. But the point here is that further movement in the chosen direction required new expressive possibilities. It was pointless to write about serf peasants in the language of salon poetry. And Nikolai Nekrasov was at the height of the chosen mission. He introduced into the Russian literature whole lexical layers, which before him in the literary Russian language was practically nonexistent. The imaginative poetic system of Nikolai Nekrasov turned out to be vividly individual. His inimitable style has spawned a lot of followers and imitators.

Singer of the working people

Poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov deduced in his work such a gallery of images, the appearance of which until quite recently it was impossible to imagine. Serf peasants, if they appeared on the pages of literary works, only in the form of characters of the second and third plan. For many, this turned out to be a surprise, but at the forefront of Russian literature were simple toilers-tillers, peasants "from the plow". The enlightened aristocratic public got acquainted with the world of the Russian common people. This was, without exaggeration, a poetic discovery. He committed the faithfulness to his aesthetic principles, once designated in the poem "Muse", Nekrasov. An analysis of the subsequent literary process shows that his open view of the world turned out to be a backbone for Russian art. The poet has created a whole direction. Not only a literary school, facing the everyday existence of the common people, but also a new direction in public thought and journalism.

Path to freedom

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Muse" after his writing testified only to the direction chosen by the poet in the development of his work. But he could not even imagine the public resonance that poetic creativity could bring. With his poetry, Nicholas Nekrasov woke up in society forces that, like himself, did not suit the existing order of things. Of course, he was not alone in his aspirations. A powerful upsurge of the Russian social movement led to radical changes in the established by the centuries the foundations of Russian society. Under strong pressure from below, in 1861 such a medieval vestige as serfdom was abolished . This was a grandiose event in Russian history, but, according to the poet's testimony, did not bring the people the expected happiness and general prosperity. But all the subsequent movement of social thought was inspired, among other things, by the poetry of Nekrasov and his followers. Virtually all Russian revolutionaries and progressive public figures were devoted fans and readers of the poet.

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