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Amazing predictions of Casey about Russia. Edgar Cayce: predictions about Russia

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, an amazing man lived in America . He could heal the sick and predict the future of the whole world. E. Casey knew beforehand the time of the beginning of the Second World War, the victory of the USSR in it, called the date of signing the surrender by the Germans, and even listed the cataclysms that will befall the land in the 21st century. For example, not so long ago an earthquake occurred in Japan. Casey's predictions about Russia were banned in the USSR, as they promised his disintegration and predicted the collapse of communism.

How is this possible?

In Kentucky in 1877, the future healer and prophet appeared. How could a typical boy develop such a talent? Researchers, psychotherapists and doctors of medical sciences describe this state as the ability to enter a level of transnational consciousness in which a person manages to see cause-effect relationships. In this stay there is no past and future, the medium is in the present.

The very same E. Casey called this state a universal mind. His prophecies throughout his life fit on fourteen thousand sheets. Among the records, the researchers discovered the predictions of the American soothsayer about Russia. Edgar Cayce endowed her with the role of savior of peace and humanity.

What contributed to this gift?

In information sources, information about the origin of Casey's gift to foresee the future is different. There are data on the hereditary component. His mother heard voices all the time and acted according to their prompts. Edgar's grandfather was able to move the objects of furniture with the power of thought. The very same medium, being a schoolboy, could sleep on the textbook, and the next day tell all the material set out in it. At the age of thirteen, Edgar was left without a voice after a laryngitis. And supposedly a meeting with a local hypnotist turned his life around. He managed to fall into a trance, describe the causes of his dumbness and prescribe a cure. Casey woke up already talking.

Exact details of what happened are unknown, but Edgar Cayce 's prediction of Russia is known by years. And this causes humanity's interest in his person.

Events that occurred

The first good mission of the American psychic was healing the sick. He, going into the astral, described aloud the affliction of a person and gave recommendations for its elimination. Incredibly, but sometimes they were whole prescription reminders. Waking up, Edgar forgot what he was talking about, and did not believe what was written by stenographers (assistants) during the session. Being conscious, he did not even know the names of the drugs that he prescribed to the patients.

Later, in addition to seeing the hidden ailments, he opened the gift to prophesy the future of the people. The first predictions of Casey about Russia concerned the collapse of the Union. Why only these events belong to Russia? This question can arise from the reader. Because this state is the legal successor and successor of the USSR.

From what happened in history, he foresaw: earthquakes in Chile (1960), Antarctica (1988), Turkey (1990), Japan (2011); The death of D. Kennedy; Women's premiership in the UK; Date and outcome of the Second World War. There were predictions of Casey about Russia. He promised a crisis in the country after the collapse of the totalitarian regime, which in the future the state will overcome. And his homeland Edgar predicted the Great American Depression and the fall of stock exchanges.

Was there a connection with the cosmos?

In his notes, Edgar talked about the mysterious incident that happened to him. Allegedly, unknown people arrived at an unreal object for that time and took him to space. In the unknown space, he was told of extraordinary abilities and told that he could teleport to anywhere in the world and broadcast about events that were or will occur in a particular place. From a scientific point of view, such a case looks absurd. Everyone knows that at that time mankind did not know about the rockets of spacecraft, not to mention UFOs.

Casey claimed that, hitting the space above the planet, he saw the near future of the Earth. Only Casey's predictions about Russia in the ecological plan were rosy. Edgar witnessed the most terrible events. He saw the consequences of an atomic strike on Hiroshima, volcanoes in Hawaii, the flooding of America, earthquakes and a radioactive catastrophe in the Land of the Rising Sun.

3000: Russians will become Martians

The end of the world and the coming of the messiah before the coming apocalypse were seen by the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce. Predictions about Russia promised her salvation and new religious development. It is this country that will become a revival of civilization with a center in the western part of Siberia. The climate on the planet will change due to the shift of the earth's axis, many coastal states will disappear. Russia will accept on its territory those who lose their native lands. And the peoples who will be in friendly relations with Muscovy, will live better.

Casey foreshadowed China's dominant position in the world and friendship with Russia. He prophesied to these countries the joint colonization of the Moon, Mars, and that the civilization of individual galaxies will contribute to this process. In the publications on this account, the authors' skepticism is traced. Who knows, maybe in a thousand years it will still be possible to expand the territory suitable for human life.

Heart of the world

"Natural cataclysms are designed to destroy those who have been warmed up," Edward Casey explained. Predictions about Russia concerned its salutary role for all mankind. He said that the religious development of this country is capable of giving the world hope.

"Unbelievers still have a chance of salvation, and they should use it. The goal of the entire earthly society will be the construction of a new Jerusalem. Only then will the rebirth come. " The medium promised changes in the ideas of religious thought, which Russia will contribute. He believed that the principle of living in friendship with his brother was laid in this country. And thanks to this feature of the Russian people, Muscovy will give humanity hope for salvation and become the heart of the world.

Also, Casey's predictions about the future of Russia also applied to her leader. Edgar described him as a person with unique opportunities, such that no one in the world does. And the intellect of the new leader will allow the country to learn fantastic technologies.

The agreement between the US and Russia

In his prophecies Casey mentioned the relationship of the two superpowers. Would know then the seer, what rivalry for the dominant position began between the above states after World War II! And after the annexation of the Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the situation has grown to the limit.

However, E. Casey's predictions about Russia are connected with friendship with the American people. Perhaps, the reason for this reconciliation will be natural disasters, which the clairvoyant predicted to his country. There is a possibility that the US will resort to the help of its opponent. In 1934, information appeared about the division of the Earth in Western America, about the flooding of part of Japan, about changes in Antarctica, the Arctic. Later, in 1941, the prophet expanded the description of the catastrophes. He said the end of the existence of the states of Georgia, Carolina, and the east coast of America. Safe areas will be the southeast of Canada, Ohio, Indiana.

The future of the Russian people

Many may ask: "Why will Russia become a beacon of hope?" The Russian people always had unity, friendship and spiritual development in their priority. Children are taught how to love and help their neighbor by fairy tales, proverbs and example. In Western countries, relations between people are more mercantile. Everyone knows the wide Russian soul. It was sung by poets, and it remains unknown to other nations. It is the Russians who are characterized by unselfish friendship, generosity and obedience to God. And Casey's predictions about Russia were based on the religious aspect and the principle of mutual assistance laid down in the people.

As for Western Siberia as the center of civilizations, it is even a scientifically proven fact. The territory where this region is located is considered a safe place. There has not been and will not be seismic shifts, floods and tsunamis. Edgar described it as a place where there is accumulation of clean energy, able to protect the earth from energy and environmental disasters.


Casey did not consider his prophecies as true. He understood that it is impossible to completely determine the course of events, explaining this by the dependence of the future on the will of man and the entire population of the planet Earth. "Living by the word of God, you can expect the best changes in life," - said Edward Casey.

Predictions about Russia concerned her victory over the United States in terms of world domination. Due to the inclination of the earth's axis and impending catastrophes, Casey singled out the Russian land, dubbing it the safest place. And the religiousness, the spirituality of the Slavic people, Edgar, placed in the head of salvation all the unbelievers, who in the future will suffer from their life position.

The scale of the legacy of an outstanding seer is impressive, and his predictions to a sane person seem ridiculous. But the fact that in the present time there is a climate change in the world is a fact. The change of the poles of the Earth is a prophecy that is coming true today.

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