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Collar "Dana Ultra": reviews and instructions for use
In this article we will talk about the parasitic collar of Api-San "Dana Ultra". Feedback and instructions for use will be discussed in detail.
general characteristics
The collar is available in the form of a polymer tape with a fastener that contains the following active ingredients: fipronil, ivermectin, pyriproxifene. Also the composition includes auxiliary substances:
- Dioctyl phthalate;
- Polyvinyl chloride;
- Zinc stearate;
- Calcium stearate;
- Fine chalk;
- Soybean oil, epoxidized;
- dye.
The collar "Dana Ultra", reviewed below, has a length that depends on the size of the animal. So, for large dogs a polymeric tape is produced with 80 cm din, for medium-sized dogs - 65 cm, for cats and small dogs - 49 cm. Each collar is packed into a sealed polyvinylchloride bag, which, in turn, is placed in a cardboard box. Keep it in a packaged form at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees. Direct sunlight should not fall on the packaging. In this form, the collar will retain its validity for 2 years.
Mechanism of influence
Refers to the antiparasitic combination drugs "Dana Ultra" (dog collar). Testimonies indicate the effectiveness of the tool, but let's examine in detail the mechanism of its operation. The collar acts as follows. Gradually, active substances of a wide spectrum of action start to be released from its surface, preventing the appearance of larvae and sexually mature lice, fleas, withers, sarcopthoid and ixodid ticks, nematodes of housing and public utilities.
In this case, pyriproxyphene and fipronil are distributed throughout the body of the animal, practically not absorbed. After that, they accumulate in hair follicles, epidermis, sebaceous glands, which allows them to protect the animal from parasites for a long time. On the degree of impact, the collar refers to substances of the 3rd class, "moderately dangerous". The product is well tolerated by animals, does not have a resorptive-toxic and irritating effect. It is toxic to birds, rabbits, fish and other hydrobicides.
In which cases, animals are recommended to wear the tape "Dana Ultra". The owners' feedback indicates that often veterinarians themselves assign such adaptations to animals. Let's list the cases when wearing a collar is considered necessary:
- For destruction and protection against lice, fleas, withers, mites.
- For preventive purposes, to prevent otodectosis (ear scabies).
- For destruction and protection from nematoses.
Mode of application
It is quite easy to use the product. It is necessary to open the package neatly and put the collar on the animal, adjusting it to fit. Remember, there should be a gap of about 1-2 cm between the ribbon and the neck of the pet. After that, the end of the collar is passed to the free end of the fastener. The excess tape should be cut so that it does not interfere with the animal.
If there are a lot of parasites, it is recommended to wash the pet with a zooshampoo with an insecticidal action before putting on the collar. In order to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to treat the care items and litter of the animal with insectic-acaricidal means, following the instructions of the instructions attached to them. In the first days after putting on a collar, attacks and attachment of ticks are possible, but in a few days the parasites will fall off themselves. Continuous use of the tape "Dana Ultra" protects cats and dogs from parasites for as long as 4 months.
Side effects
The tape "Dana Ultra" is used for cats. Reviews indicate that it can cause unpleasant side effects. There are negative consequences in dogs. Although, as the owners of both types of pets write, they are quite rare. Among the side reactions should be:
- Allergic reactions;
- Vomiting;
- Muscular tremor;
- Increased salivation.
In case of occurrence of any of these symptoms, the collar should be removed and symptomatic and desensitizing therapy should be performed. Skin and coat should be washed with shampoo or soap. At the first use of the remedy, short-term bouts of anxiety and slight lachrymation are possible.
There are a number of contraindications for the drug "Dana Ultra". Reviews, however, show that the cases when the collar had to be abandoned for this reason, very little. So, contraindications:
- Individual intolerance of substances that make up the product.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Severe infectious diseases.
- Recovery period.
- Exhaustion and anger of the animal.
- The age is less than 2 months.
The collar is not recommended to be used in conjunction with other means of insect-acaricidal action.
Security measures
There are a number of safety measures that must be followed when contacting the Dana Ultra for Dogs. Reviews of buyers almost do not note any impact of the collar on a person, however, it is worth sticking to the rules. First of all, do not take the collar with not protected gloves hands, if they are present abrasions, cuts or other damage that violate the integrity of the skin. After the tape was worn on the pet, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap. If gloves were used, they should also be rinsed.
During the period of wearing the collar, you must ensure that the animal does not come into contact with children who are under 2 years old. Also, do not allow the child to touch the collar or play with it. This can not only cause various skin irritations, but also lead to the ingress of small parts into the respiratory tract of the baby.
«Dana Ultra»: reviews
Feedback from owners of pets confirm the effectiveness of the collar. At the same time, they say, it helps to get rid of not only fleas, but also from ticks (including earwax), as indicated in the instructions. This is especially pleasing to buyers. The collar protects even when the animal stays in the street for a long time.
In addition, it attracts a low price of the drug in comparison with analogues. There are almost no side effects. Animals are very well tolerated wearing a collar. Among the shortcomings is an inconvenient and unreliable clasp. There were cases when cats lost collars because of poor attachment.
Drops «Dana Ultra Neo»: reviews
Also under the same name, but with the addition of the word "neo", antiparasitic drops for animals are produced. Like the collar, they showed their high effectiveness against fleas, ixodids and ear mites. Assign the drug for both prevention and treatment. In both cases, judging by the reviews, the drops help perfectly. Also among the advantages are convenient packaging and almost complete absence of an unpleasant odor. In addition, cases of intolerance or the occurrence of side effects are rare.
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