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22nd week of pregnancy: stirring in the lower abdomen, size of the fetus

There comes 22 week of pregnancy. The movements in the lower abdomen are finally distinguished against the background of other processes occurring in the body. Now they are no longer confused with a banal rumbling or swelling. You, along with the crumb, have already passed half the way of development, and the most difficult and responsible part of it. This period of pregnancy is characterized by an increasing need for iron. And most importantly and interesting is what happens to your precious baby, how it grows and develops.

22 weeks - how many months?

The second trimester continues , it's 22 weeks pregnant. The movements in the lower abdomen are not only obvious, the baby is already trying to play with you, and you can guess the time of activity and rest. This is the most calm and cloudless period for the entire pregnancy, the baby is not too big, and my mother feels easy, there is the opportunity to lead a full-fledged, active life. But at the same time, regular movements make it clear that life develops within you. There is a second week of the sixth month of pregnancy - not so much time remains until maternity leave.

The abdomen has already significantly increased, now my mother needs to purchase special clothes, in which it will be convenient. But at the same time, the stomach is not so big as to stop tying shoelaces or leading a habitual way of life. It's time to think about special means for moisturizing the skin, since the constant tension of it can lead to the appearance of ruptures.

Fruit in this period

The doctor put a note in the card stating that 22 weeks of pregnancy had begun. The wiggling in the lower abdomen at this stage is one of the factors that signify the correct development of the child. If until now you have not felt the slightest movement of the child, the doctor will necessarily prescribe an additional examination to assess the condition of the fetus. There comes the phase of active growth of the baby and his preparation for life outside the mother's tummy.

Transforms and appearance of your crumbs. His hair starts to grow, his eyebrows are clearly visible. So far, the hair is colorless, since the melanin did not show up. The kid begins to actively explore the world around him and himself. He bends legs and pens, moves them. This is what Mom feels at the 22nd week of pregnancy. The perturbations in the lower abdomen are nothing more than a manifestation of this activity. Now the crumb already knows how to suck his finger, and the development of the brain allows you to make a choice: tilt the head or lift the finger to the mouth. The eyesight and taste receptors of the baby actively develop - this will allow him to know the world after birth.

Fetal ultrasound

The second planned ultrasound marks the 22nd week of pregnancy. Stagger in the lower abdomen gives the doctor information for adjusting the period, and the survey will allow you to calculate the estimated date of birth as accurately as possible. In addition, the uzist studies the fetus for possible developmental defects. For completeness of the conclusion the doctor defines parameters of a body of the kid and a parity of its parts. This survey usually stores 22 weeks of pregnancy. The photo of your ultrasound can be placed in the frame, until the first picture of the newborn appears there.

Fetal size

Your child is still very small, but every day it will change and grow. There is a 22 week gestation, photos of the fetus demonstrate a real little man with a few angular forms. Its height from the top to the tailbone is about 16 cm, and to the heels - about 25 cm. That is, inside you is a creation the size of a large banana. Only from this moment it is possible to estimate the growth of the child completely, before this small bent legs were not taken into account. The weight of your crumbs is about 300 g. Despite the miniature sizes, all the major organs and systems are already formed and are able to function fully. True, he has almost no chance to survive at birth at the moment.

Palpitation can now be easily audible with a conventional tube, through the anterior abdominal wall of a pregnant woman. The first stage is completed - the formation of the lungs, now the baby begins to make the first episodic breaths. This moment is characterized by 22 weeks of pregnancy. Photo of ultrasound can capture the moment when the baby inhales and swallows the amniotic fluid. This is an excellent training of the intestines, which is already starting to work. The result will be the original feces, which is called meconium. It is a black viscous mass that will begin to separate from the intestine in the first days after birth.

Development of the fetus

If you are 22 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus has already reached its first serious stage. The brain is almost completely formed, its intensive growth slows down, now it reaches a weight of about 100 g. The brain contains a full set of cells, now it's time to perfect reflexes. Actively begin to develop glands of internal secretion, trigger sweat glands, increase the size of the heart, continue the deposition of calcium in bone tissue. Surprisingly, there is another indicator that characterizes the 22nd week of pregnancy. The size of the fetus is still very small, but the spine is already fully formed.

Woman at 22 Week

You have already had an ultrasound. According to the results, the doctor confirmed that 22 weeks of pregnancy are under way. Development of the fetus is all that mothers today cares. But it is equally important to know what is happening to your own organism. Now you have reached half way. This is a significant mark, further time will fly even faster, bringing the term of childbirth closer every day. Now the top of the uterus is located at the level of the navel, and gradually it will rise even higher. You need to make sure that you get enough iron, now it's really necessary. This is required by a growing baby, placenta and a constant increase in the amount of blood. Surely a gynecologist will prescribe iron-containing medications as soon as the 22nd week of pregnancy goes. Development of the fetus takes place by leaps and bounds. Now there are high demands for a woman's nutrition. This we will talk about a little later, but for now we will continue to discuss the feelings of the future mother.

Changes at week 22

At each woman by this time many questions accumulate, practically all of them are connected with development of the kid and forthcoming sorts. Therefore, it is worth to register for maternity courses, as soon as the pregnancy reaches 22 weeks. The photo of the fetus still shows the blurred outlines of the little man, but very soon it will grow, so it is worthwhile to prepare in advance. You still have about 14 weeks to fully meet the delivery.

In the meantime, it becomes more difficult to sleep. This is understandable from the point of view of physiology. The first difference is that you started snoring. This is due to hormones, due to which the nasopharynx is swelling. There can be only one way out - sleeping on your side or half sitting. There is another violation: as soon as a woman lies down, an attack of heartburn intensifies. The way out again is to put more pillows under your head.

Seizures are another unpleasant symptom that occurs when pregnancy is 22 weeks. The photo of the fetus is the only thing that can bring moral relief. After all, you do not suffer in vain. The reason for seizures is usually trivial - a muscle protest against the excess weight that you have to wear. Try rubbing at night with special balms, make warm baths, take different positions, put cushions under your feet. Until the end of the period will have to experiment, because until you have only 22 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the fetus will only increase, delivering more physical discomfort, but also the joy of approaching the encounter with the miracle.

Feelings during this period

The most interesting period is the 22nd week of pregnancy. What happens to the baby, now you can judge not only according to the results of the examination by the doctor. You from now on constantly feel his movements, he not only warmes up, pushing his mother, but also sends her certain signals. So, for example, the activity of a child can mean a demand to reduce loud music. But there are also more alarming signals. Too frequent and sharp movements of crumbs can mean a lack of oxygen, and the absence of stirring for more than a day is an altogether ominous symptom. So opens the period of communication with the baby 22 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to your child, now you can feel like never before, because he responds to your touch and invitation to interaction.

Recommendations of doctors

If you have reached this period, then most often it says that normal development of pregnancy is going on. Week 22 is the time when mom needs to pay close attention to her own health, especially in the urogenital system. Pregnancy often provokes an exacerbation of such diseases as cystitis and pyelonephritis. This can have very serious consequences, so it is necessary to regularly undergo examinations, take urine. Disturbing symptoms are severe swelling, painful thirst and mild urination.


The doctor will send you to the examination to assess the development of pregnancy (22 weeks). As usual, it will be necessary to donate blood, according to which doctors will determine the level of sugar, the number of leukocytes and red blood cells. The second ruler is the urine. The most disturbing symptom is the presence of protein in it, it can lead to gestosis, a formidable complication. To prevent him, the doctor regularly weighs, measures the abdominal circumference, checks for swelling.


Normally, they do not change throughout pregnancy. These are all the same mild light discharge with an acidic odor. If they change their color and smell dramatically, they become greenish and bubbly or yellow - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important not to delay with medical help if blood has appeared in the secretions. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent the deterioration of the situation.

Sex on week 22

It is not a reason for the lack of an intimate life and 22 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements at the moment of parents' closeness usually subside, it seems to freeze, so as not to interfere with mom and dad to be alone. Perhaps it is calmed down by the rhythmic movements and hormones produced by the mother at this moment. But the postures that contribute to strong compression of the abdomen, is not recommended. Do not forget that you are now three.

Nutrition women

Imposes special restrictions on the diet of 22 weeks of pregnancy. How many months will it pass before you can afford harmful, but delicious foods! After all, there is still long-term breastfeeding. But motherhood is worth it, so you'll have to wait. Now you need to monitor your weight, which means that the food should be extremely useful and natural. Try to minimize in the diet white bread and pastries, sweets, smoked products and semi-finished products. You need protein, so you can eat lean meat and fish, sour-milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. Proper nutrition is the guarantee of normal development of the child. Light birth to you!

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