Sports and FitnessAthletics

World record for tightening. Nominations, conditions, technology

One of the oldest types of physical activity are pull-ups on the bar. What is this and what records exist in this exercise? These issues will be discussed in the course of the article.

What is pull-up?

This exercise is known to absolutely every person. We came across him at school. Someone handed in standards for pull-ups, someone used them in bodybuilding, and some even devoted a significant part of their life to doing cross-training.

How many can

Classic pull-ups on the bar were always considered to be a rather difficult exercise, and those who knew how to do them well always aroused delight among those around them. How much does an average person pull up on average? In calculation, we will take, of course, only men, because this exercise is much easier for them than for women. So, if you remember the lessons of physical education in school, the average standard for a high school student was 12 times. Some, thanks to training, reach a rate of 20-25 times. Finally, high-level athletes who devote a lot of time to pull-ups can give out approaches in 40-60 repetitions. If we talk on average, then every man who is at least engaged in sports can pull 8-10 times.

But what is the world record for tightening? This question is of interest to very many, not just athletes. People are just wondering to what level you can develop your indicators in this exercise.


In fact, there is no single record for pulling up on the bar. In this exercise, there are a huge number of nominations that have created a lot of different high achievements. In most cases, world records of pull-up differ either in the time allocated for the exercise or in the way they are performed. For example, repetitions with different grips can not be suitable for one nomination. Women's half of humanity also participated in the achievement of high results. First of all, when setting the record, it is supposed to determine the time interval for which the maximum number of times must be drawn.

World record for tightening. Types and nominations

Most of the achievements are already in the third millennium. For example, American Jason Petzold in June 2009 pulled up 50 times in 60 seconds. Among women, the highest achievement belongs to Elizia Weber, compatriot Jason. Her result was 37 repetitions. Also, the world record for pulling up a Vietnamese soldier was officially approved. He performed 100 repetitions in 3 minutes.

Other records of tightening on the bar were made in a much longer period of time. So, a certain Stephen Highland in 2007 performed about 2900 repetitions in 6 hours. And the repeated world champion in pull-ups, American Jason Armstrong, set several records for 12 and 24 hours. During this time he was tightened 3165 and 3355 times, respectively. Highland also showed very good results in these categories. Some argue that he even beat the achievement of Armstrong and set a new world record for pulling up.

Why such a small difference in the results? Because, no matter how prepared an athlete, he still can not equally well and quickly pull up for a long time. Most of the forces go away in the first hours, and then the result of the person depends on his will. During repeated execution of exercise at the athlete muscle groups start to be strongly "hammered". This is primarily the latissimus muscles of the back, as well as the biceps. Because of the long and hard work, they get a huge load. Another factor that influences the records is the condition of the palms of the athlete. Everyone who has ever tried to pull himself up knows that too long vises on the crossbar can be quite painful. Therefore, it is not uncommon for athletes to finish their performances precisely because of this pain.

But what record for pulling up on the bar is installed in one approach? For men, it is approximately 470-500 times and is unlikely to be broken in the near future. Guinness's record for tightening belongs to the Russian Nikolai Kaklimov, who in an hour managed to perform 844 repetitions.


What conditions should be met when making world records for pulling up? Of course, one has to say about the quality of implementation. All of the above records are unsurpassed technology. Now there were many unofficial records, in which serious violations were committed (jerking with legs, swinging, incomplete pull-ups). All this is not allowed when setting records. Tightening should be carried out only due to muscle contractions, smoothly and confidently. Also, no changes in the amplitude of movements are allowed. They should occur from the bottom point (hanging on the straightened arms) to the top (chin above the crossbar). Athletes who set records for some long time period are allowed to make as many as possible approaches and relax freely between them. The result is fixed only after the time allotted to the athlete expires or he himself declares the termination of his work.

How to achieve the highest results?

The world record for tightening is an absolutely unattainable result for ordinary people. Why? Because you have to make an incredible amount of effort and a very long time to achieve this success. People who have established the highest achievements have spent most of their lives on this. This is not one or two years of training. Therefore, we will continue to admire the stunning approach of champions!

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