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Wise quotes about the house

A house is not only a place where a person lives, but also his personal living space. It is in our own apartment that we can really relax, recover after the nervous tension received at work. Only at home we really rest and regain strength. Therefore, there is such a wise saying - "My house is my fortress". This is actually so.

Quotes about the house help to assess the importance and significance of the comfort with which the person surrounds himself. When you read such statements, feelings of warmth are created and it becomes possible to look differently at the habitual way of life in order to appreciate all that you have. The following quotes about the house demonstrate the position of humility and pacification.

"A house is not a place, but a state of mind" (S. Ahern)

Since in the apartment a person spends a significant part of the time in his life, it is there that he feels most comfortable. In the evening people come back from work and come to the atmosphere of comfort and rest. There is relaxation and harmony, so it is possible to spend time well and with benefit for the whole organism. If a person did not have such a personal angle, he probably would not have been able to fully exist. Quotes about the house completely correspond to people's ideas about life, about how it should be arranged.

In themselves, we radiate energy, which envelops the space of the apartment, creating in it a unique atmosphere. You will not find two identical houses in the whole white world, they will necessarily be something different from each other. The state of the soul is how we perceive ourselves in a particular space.

"He who does not have a home can be anywhere" (EM Remarque)

As a rule, such persons can not find comfort anywhere. They are everywhere looking for comfort, comfort, but something constantly prevents you from feeling happy. The thing is that they do not have a specific place where they could bow their head, fully rest, reflect on the events taking place. Quotes of writers about the house show family and personal values. Creative people, as a rule, more scrupulously seek answers to questions about the meaning of life and are actively engaged in self-knowledge.

"There is a native hearth where people love and wait for us" (Byron)

Quotes of the great about the house would be incomplete without this remarkable saying. The hearth is usually called not so much the place of physical habitation, but rather the spatial dimension, where people are met by loved ones and loved ones. Where you are happy to see where you will go to heal the wounds of the soul and there is a true home. In such a place, you can remove social masks, allow yourself to be weak, achieve a state of comfort and comfort.

Relaxation is achieved due to the fact that it becomes possible to express their emotions in full, and not to silence them for fear of receiving disapproval from their superiors. It is for this reason that conflicts that have arisen at work are easily "treated" with warmth and comfort.

"The house is where your heart is" (P. Strahy)

When a person speaks about himself, in most cases he understands the existence of a large and friendly family under his own well-being. A house is a place where close people gather, deeply in love with each other. Willingness to give care, warmth, understanding shows that several people are well together.

Thus, quotes about the house allow each of us to find their own individual values, look at the intimate surroundings with acknowledgment and gratitude. A person can not be happy alone, no matter how hard he tries to prove the opposite to himself or to someone nearby. Each of us needs to understand and recognize our own uniqueness.

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