Sports and Fitness, Fishing
Winter fishing on the pike on the jungle. Pike fishing in winter: gear and baits for winter fishing
Pike is considered one of the most interesting inhabitants of Russian reservoirs. But most importantly, it is always a welcome trophy.
Short description
Pike lives in almost all lakes and rivers, with the exception of some eastern and northern regions. She keeps, as a rule, in those places where it is easier for her to catch the prey, for example, near boulders and snags, next to the washed up banks and by the reeds. The pike grows rapidly, faster than many other fish. She is gluttonous and omnivorous, eats all the inhabitants of her pond, not even scurrying with pike juveniles. This predator reaches almost one and a half meters in length and up to thirty-five kilograms in weight.
In addition, she has an excellent appetite, sometimes swallowing prey in half its size. Pike is caught year round. And although some believe that in the summer it bites worse, it's not entirely true. Fishing for bait this season is extremely exciting.
But quite another thing - winter fishing. Fishing for pike at this time can not be compared to any other quiet hunt. Bites of it are so diverse that even experienced professionals are sometimes surprised. Winter fishing for pike with javelins is especially popular.
Seasonal features
This predator is the best representative of our reservoirs in terms of the consistency of its catching. Fishing for this toothy booty is possible all year round, as it is always active and regularly eats. Even during spawning, unlike many other fish, it is quite easy prey. But the greatest popularity is enjoyed by pike fishing in winter. Tackles and baits for winter fishing should be strong and catchy.
At this time the spring zhor of this predator begins, which, however, is not as fascinating as winter fishing. Catching of pike during this period lasts throughout its rolling down to the main habitat. Predators hold, as a rule, near the ducts, along which their extraction descends. In summer, the pike is usually found in driftwood or in the grass. Her zeal becomes more capricious and short, having great breaks. The most active time for biting is early morning or late evening. At night the pike keeps close to the shore. It can be caught in small ruts.
Experienced hunters believe that catching in the summer is the most uninteresting and not as fascinating as winter fishing. The search for pikes and gear during this period is important, but the main factor affecting the catch is the "mood" of the catch.
October is the best month for spinners. The predator follows the stern fish and moves to the deeper places. At the same time, the result brings any kind of fishing - trolling, jig, to large vibrations or turntables.
Unforgettable winter fishing
On the pike in the regions where the first ice was established, it is best to go with spoon-baiters and a balancer. During this period, the predator is more correct to catch from under the ice. Excellent is characterized by winter fishing on the pike zherglitsami. Where there is still no ice, the predator continues to be caught in any jig bait.
In general, winter fishing for pike depends largely on the temperature of the water. With the increase in the thickness of the ice, this fish goes farther to the depth - to where it is warmer. The warmer the water, the more active it manifests.
With the onset of winter, along the first ice, the pike can still be found both near the shore and in deeper places. Whereas in a deaf moth the predator slides closer to the riverbeds or to deep lake pits.
Where to search for pike
Unfortunately, the bottom relief is not always known, so fishermen have to drill holes almost at random. Therefore, for winter fishing on the pike was the most effective, experienced hunters do just ten, and sometimes even more excavations. At the same time, each of them must be harvested no more than three to four minutes. And if the bites do not happen, just go to the next hole.
The activity of pike in the cold is markedly reduced. However, this is typical for most fish in our water bodies. Pike moves this season rarely, most often it just stands somewhere in the thickets. In addition to herbaceous vegetation, this predator can be caught in a buckwheat or along the edges of deep pits, near rocks and other shelters.
A few tips
Winter fishing for pike is characterized by the fact that this toothy inhabitant of the underwater world does not feed often, usually once or twice a day. Therefore, getting on her feeding is quite difficult, because "for fattening" the coveted prey of a hunter leaves at different times. Comparatively active biting is observed in it either during warming, or over the first ice. And if you believe the note, on cloudy days, when the low clouds, winter fishing on the pike is much better than on clear frosty days. At the same time, it can pass round the clock.
Another important characteristic that you need to pay attention to is the diameter of the socket. From it, too, depends on the winter fishing of pike on the jail. Successful fishing is due to the correct size of the ice borer, because a large predator from a hole with a small diameter can not be pulled out. Therefore, if the fishermen know that there are many large individuals in the pond, a larger ice sheet will be needed. In addition, in order to pull out the pike it was more convenient, it is necessary to take with you on a fishing bagore.
Time of fishing
The clay of this fish depends on weather conditions and fishing time. In order for it to be "viable", you need to keep a close eye on the weather. Like most underwater inhabitants, the coolest winter fishing for pike is the end of November and beginning of January. In deaf-mowing, it just becomes stiff and therefore stands motionless. But if in this season an unexpected thaw or a south-west wind blows, then it can get up and start actively pecking.
On a pike with zherlitsami
This tackle for catching a toothy predator in winter is not as elegant as, for example, for a similar hunting for pike perch. It has certain requirements. For example, the coil should be chosen so that it can be freely scrolled. Therefore, it must be worn on the axle with a bushing made from a material that will not stick to it. You need to install it ten centimeters above the ice level.
The coil itself should be wide, and the line should be wound so that the sides are left free: this prevents overlap.
In addition, the winter fishing on the pike with the javelins does not welcome rapid dumping. Leashes should be tungsten, so that toothy prey could not eat them. The length of the line should be selected based on the depth of the reservoir.
Where you need to put the gerfits
They need to be placed not above the pits, but at the slopes or at middle depths with a flat bottom. Winter fishing for pike zharmlitsami, suggesting the possession of large specimens, is somewhat different. Since at a depth of trophy individuals live alone, then where there is a pike, much better not to put.
Often the variant of arranging the staggers according to the chess order is working. When the shy fish starts to rush, frightened by the tramping of feet and sounds of the icebreaker, then at this time it may well stumble upon a hovering bait.
On the first ice, winter fishing for pike is good for large spoon-bait, while somewhere in the middle of January there are smaller ones. However, in any case, they should be characterized by a narrow form with a length of forty to eighty millimeters and a gold, shiny silver and matte color.
An alarm for a spoon-bait should be taken more rigid. In this case, it is necessary to use a fishing line, and not a braid, so that the moisture freezes on it less. Pike prefers a simple game of spoon-bait. Therefore, it should be raised slowly, making small breaks.
Experienced fishermen use this technique: picking up a weak cloud at the bottom, they are leading up a spoon. After raising a little, they make a jerk, then they shake it several times with five-second pauses. It is necessary to rise, and again the whole cycle repeats. With a smooth day, the spinner can be allowed to float freely at a height of ten or fifteen centimeters from the ground.
Regardless of what the pike fishing is carried out in winter - on the dagger, the spoon and the balancer - you need to be prepared that this strong fish can break, tearing the line or tearing the rod from the hands.
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