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Why dolphins are thrown ashore: the opinion of scientists

In recent decades, scientists are not yet very successful over the riddle, why dolphins are thrown ashore. The given problem causes the big response at the planet population. These animals are well studied, are considered intellectuals. There is an opinion that they communicate with each other using their own language. But these mass and single "suicides" absolutely do not fit into the set of reliable information that the researchers have already created.

Multiplicity of theories

It should be noted that specialists in various areas are engaged in the question of why dolphins are being thrown ashore. A lot of attention is paid to it by ecologists, together with them (or separately) labor and think physicists, climatologists and other professionals. Even conspiracy theorists have found it necessary to put forward their assumptions. The theme "Why dolphins are thrown out on land" was repeatedly raised by specialized commissions at the interstate level. It does not remain without attention. It is believed that solving this puzzle is vitally important for humanity. Many scientists argue that this is a very negative indicator. Allegedly this behavior of intelligent animals proves the fatal unreasonableness of human activity. It changes the planet so much that it makes it unsuitable for the normal existence of other individuals. They can not tell us themselves. We do not understand them. That's what sensible dolphins try to "reach out" to a stupid humanity in a way they can.

What Climatologists Say

These experts are considering the issue more broadly. They pay attention to the fact that mass suicides are committed by other living beings. In particular, they are interested in why fish are thrown ashore. This issue has been studied deeper. It is established that such an event occurs even when the water temperature rises above the permissible limit. That is, the inhabitants of the water simply feel uncomfortable. They will die anyway. If not from lack of oxygen (ashore), then from the inability to regulate the temperature of the body in the water. In such cases, a mass ejection to land occurs. These arguments they lead, when they try to explain why dolphins are thrown ashore. Climate specialists believe that blame should be placed on the general warming on the planet. The currents change, at the rate of which dolphins swim, they have a "coordinate system". There is an accidental swimming where there is no water. Just dolphins make a fatal mistake due to the fact that "beacons" are destroyed, which for them are ocean currents. This theory is close to physicists. Only their version considers the issue from another "bell tower".

On the magnetic lines of the Earth

Physicists have long admired the sonar abilities of marine mammals. This topic has received the most careful and serious study. Therefore, past the question of why dolphins are thrown ashore, they could not pass. As an acceptable version, they proposed to consider the change in the magnetic poles of the Earth. The point is that this process occurs naturally, periodically. The poles slowly shift, eventually completely changing the polarity of the planet. And physicists have long established that dolphins orient themselves in the sea along magnetic lines. Once the displacement of the poles has gone, the entire field changes. Dolphins, which do not have measuring devices, are capable of suggesting that the lines began to move, act as usual. This leads to a "route failure". Now, instead of frolicking in the depths, they jump out onto the land, guided by the instinct, which in this case brings them down. It turns out that the dolphins on the shore jump out not meaningfully, but by mistake. They do not have a mechanism that would adapt them to changing the magnetic poles.

Ecological theory

The work of mankind has long passed all the limits of reasonableness, these professionals consider. They claim that dolphins are thrown ashore because the dirty water of the World Ocean does not suit them. It is known that the mass of garbage is dumped into its waters, oil is spilled, chemical elements, mostly extremely harmful, fall with rain and sewage. So in those areas where the pollution indicator increases sharply, there are "suicides" of marine mammals. Judge for yourself, if you fall into the area of a gas attack, but there is no protective equipment, what will you do? Slowly die or in one fell swoop solve the problem? Ecologists attribute meaningful behavior to dolphins. They are saved from the disastrous dirt that our civilization "provides" them.

Evidence of ecologists

These specialists do not dwell on the promotion of theories. They are studying the animals on land all over the planet. Even to save them try. As evidence of their theory, they put forward the accumulated factual material. Thus, their efforts have established that in the respiratory organs of dolphins oil products are often found. They assure that this is the main cause of the tragedies that are being played out. But their opponents reasonably point out that not all animals are infected with the products of the negative activity of mankind. A lot of dolphins were completely healthy, without any contamination or contamination.

Another version of physicists

Specialists, many decades studying the behavior and incredible abilities of dolphins, shared their thoughts about the problem in question. They pointed out that these animals can indeed signal each other. Basically they use ultrasound. But, it is believed, their hearing aids have a superhuman sensitivity. We have never dreamed of such a thing! So, according to their conclusions, the release of dolphins ashore is due to the work of ship screws (other instruments). That is, these mechanisms create noise unbearable for susceptible animals. They are simply deaf. Consequently, they lose the ability to navigate. After all, it is proved that dolphins orientate in depths with the help of magnetic waves. Loud (in their opinion) noise disables for some time the auditory organ of animals.

Japanese unaccepted theory

Scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun put forward a completely original idea. It dealt mainly with whales, but also related to dolphins. The meaning was that these animals have a much higher intelligence than is commonly believed. They practically have their own civilization. Only it is not built in our way, therefore, mankind can not yet realize such an obvious fact. The width of perception is not enough. So, the Japanese say that marine animals can regulate the size of their populations. When they become too much, the part sacrifices itself so that the rest can live more comfortably. This theory was not accepted by the scientific community. She was criticized. There were even attempts to blame her "parents" for links with the "world government". Allegedly such an idea was to prepare humanity for the idea of the possibility of compulsory regulation of the population of the planet.

Ideas of conspiracy theorists

As you know, these thinkers know how to find a secret meaning in any fact. They propose to restate the question. That is, find out why the dolphins are thrown ashore? In their opinion, in these events there is a secret meaning. Dolphins as a civilization try to explain to cohabitants on the planet that something goes wrong. Mankind is on the fateful path leading to death. If all homo sapiens had died, the dolphins would have burned, but resigned themselves. It's not about that. Reasonable animals understand, conspiracy theorists believe, that the planet can be destroyed. Then their versions diverge. Some talk about the third world, naturally, atomic. Others say about the violation of the ecological balance. The result is one - no one will survive. Here the dolphins are trying to prove to their unreasonable humanity that it's time to stop and rethink the directions of their activity. It's time to work out a different concept of life on Earth. By the way, most esotericists adhere to the same position.

Time action, not theories

Fortunately, not everyone on the planet is solved by scientists. There are also ordinary people who are affectionately related to marine mammals. They are not particularly interested in scientific battles. It is important to save each dolphin, who by chance or by will was on the brink of death. They do not sit idly by. On the coasts, the public forces organize "patrols". Or people themselves are watching the situation. If animals are seen trying to settle scores with life, then necessarily there are those who want to come to the rescue. The dolphins try again to push into the water with all possible care, so as not to harm. Some individuals manage to save, which is very pleasing. And there remains the hope that the learned men will be able to find out the main cause of the phenomenon. Then intelligent animals will cease to perish.

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