
Who are the arias? Culture, language

Who are the arias? This question stirs modern minds. However, history lovers can understand it somehow. Actual it became under the authority of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. The German theory of "pure race" - a consequence of the error of the researcher Max Müller - still does not give rest to some people. Some regard it very negatively, especially in our country, others are trying to find a rational grain. However, now another question is urgent: "Who are the Slavic arias?" He is very surprised by professional historians, sociologists and political scientists. Let's try to figure out where this term came from and who are the arias.

The concept of "Slavs"

We will try to reason objectively, one might say, from a scientific point of view, as far as it is lawful to say so. Slavs are an ethnos, not a people. The difference is that an ethnos means a set of peoples that share common historical roots. As early as the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the Slavs were divided into three branches: western (modern Kashubians, Luzhichans, Czechs, Slovaks, etc.), southern (modern Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, etc.), eastern (modern Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians). Of course, the name of many historians was different: antes, sklaviny, etc. In history, there is no reliable information about a single people of the Preslav people. About him, only linguists reason on the basis of an analysis of linguistic similarity and difference. It is for them to determine the approximate separation of one group of Slavs from another, the influence of other cultures, terrain, etc. There is not a single real scientist who would use the term "Slavic-aria" in his work. Why such a myth? We will try to understand.

Myths and Reality

Two unrelated concepts - "Slavs" and "arias" - was united by a certain Alexander Hinevich. His followers carried the idea to the masses. Despite the fact that the Slavs and arias are just as incomprehensible concepts as, for example, "yellow - cold", the idea appealed to many. In our country is gaining popularity "rodorevstvo", i.e. faith in ancestors. Calendars, holidays, time zones, phraseological units, etc., are being written under the fashion trend. This has an explanation: communism, with its rejection of Christianity, gave birth to several unspiritual generations who refused to accept Christianity during its revival. And the "Slavic-arias" came at the right time. In addition, the new religion, neopaganism, has become "true", an alternative. In fact, it turned into a protest to the social system. And this attracted young romantics at all times. Add here the rejection of morality, rituals - and we will get an ideal religion. The main postulate - "we are believers, but nothing is required of us" - made the idea of neopaganism attractive. Against this background, inspire the idea of not just "rodorevstva", and Slavic-Aryanism is not difficult.

Who are the arias?

The study of this concept began in the XIX century. In Europe, at this time, distorted translations of Indian shastras began to fall. Serious work on this issue belongs to Arthur Avalon, who first began to explore this topic. Mass popularity of the author led to the growth of imitators, less talented, who began to replicate "sensations" in their works.

To consider that arias are a single race, a nation, is mistaken. In the Indian sastra, there is indeed a mention of a single pranaroda, who is supposedly the ancestor of all former people. This idea was developed by the Frenchman Arthur de Gobineau, who created a racial theory. He called the Aryans a single people, from which all the others came. The idea was not just popularity, but a large-scale development under the authority of Adolf Hitler. He modified the racial theory, declaring the superiority of the Germans over all the others, and included the Germans among the direct "pure" descendants, unlike the others - "dirty, half-blooded".

In fact, there was no such thing as arias (Aryans) in relation to a single nation. Then where do the myths come from? Who are the arias? They did not invent them artificially.

In the ancient body of Indian laws - "Manavadharmashastre," the term "Arya" translates as "noble". This was the name of the representatives of the higher castes - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas. That is, these are the three highest castes of pranarod, speaking in modern language - "the cream of society". In addition to the Aryans, this people had two other castes - sudras and candals.

Is Arius a friend or an enemy?

Despite this, the permissibility of the existence of a single, primordial European people is not abolished. Many European and Oriental languages are close to each other. All of them belong to the Indo-European group. Therefore, we can assume that there was still a single people. Historians believe that under this notion should be considered a group of tribes of Ancient Iran. Literally "aria" is translated from ancient languages as "friend". And at the same time as an "enemy". The opposite meaning of one and the same word is a common practice of ancient languages. That is, it could be either a friend or an enemy. Perhaps it was a man from a foreign tribe. That is, an Aryan is a foreigner originating from another tribal community. He can be really a friend, and then become an enemy. The hypothesis is confirmed by the presence of the god Aryaman in the Vedic pantheon. He is responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Ukraine - the birthplace of the Aryans?

Most researchers today are inclined to believe that the arias lived on the territory of ancient Iran. Do not tie it to the modern Shiite state in the Middle East. Its territory is relatively small. Ancient Iran is a vast territory of the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea. That is why among Ukrainian historians there is an opinion that the prerevropians lived exactly on the territory of modern Ukraine more than 5 thousand years ago.

The hypothesis of a single pranarode

There is a hypothesis that the unified pra-folk (Indo-Europeans, Arians) divided into two branches: the Iranian and the Indo-Aryan. The term "Iran" itself means "the land of the Aryans". In support of this, scientists have proved the similarity of the Indian Vedas and the Iranian Avesta. According to the theory, from the united Iran the group, possibly one of the tribes, separated, and approximately in 1700-1300. BC. E. Went to India, where she remained definitively. If this is true, then the theory of the origin of the prereuropeans from the territory of Ukraine has the right to exist.

Linguistic theory

Linguists also support the territory of origin of the Aryans from Eastern and Central Europe, since here a single language branches into many dialects, which is logical when it develops naturally in one territory. In India, there is only one Indo-European branch, which speaks more about migration than about origin and development. In addition, the aliens encountered a group speaking local languages, which subsequently affected the development of the language as a whole.

Kurgan hypothesis

Archaeologists also tend to believe that the Aryans originally inhabited the Black Sea area. The artifacts of the famous Yamsk culture are cited as evidence. It is believed that here invented the first chariots, which allowed to capture quickly huge areas. Such theories, unfortunately, give rise to pseudoscientific fabrications on the basis of scientific facts. Like, the direct descendants of the Aryans are Russians, Germans, Ukrainians or anyone else. Against this background, different Slavic arias appear. It is possible that common ancestors originated from the territory of the Black Sea region, but later dispersed and divided into many other nations over time, and later their descendants returned to these lands. The followers of the exclusiveness and "purity" of one nation in comparison with others manipulate these facts, tying the ancient single root only to one leaf, and not to the whole tree.

The cultural heritage of the Aryans

The arias left behind a multitude of written monuments. These are the Vedas, Avesta, Mahabharata, Ramayana. From the nomadic people, they turned into sedentary farmers. Breed cows, horses. They were familiar with irrigation, knew how to forge copper and gold products. As a primary weapon used a bow and arrows. They had no clearly expressed caste system, as in India. However, the top of the hierarchy - priests and aristocrats - enjoyed enormous influence.


Summarizing, we can say that a single race of Aryans, perhaps, never was. Most likely, thanks to war chariots, a certain group of tribes, perhaps not even close relatives, spread its influence over vast territories. Hence the emergence of a single Indo-European language of peoples that have never been close historically.

However, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of who such arias are. Every day we are moving away from him, and scientific theories are replaced by pseudo-scientific statements. It is possible that the arias are a people that has spread its influence. But it is possible that this group of unrelated, but similar in cultural terms tribes, settled on different sides from a single center.

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