Spiritual development, Mystic
Where does the fiery serpent come from and who is in danger? Slavic mythology
Slavs believed that evil is many. In their mythology, there was an interesting character - a fiery serpent. In Western countries there is a similar being - an incubus. He seduces widows and virgins, taking away their vital powers. It is said that the fiery serpent can now penetrate into the dwellings of imprudent beauties, doing its own black work. How to deal with it, do not fall for tricks? Let's understand.
Different names were received by this mythological creature in the villages. Some clicked his "snake-lyubaka", others - "raid fire", others called it easier - "maniac", the fourth - "charming". However, everyone described the purpose of his appearance in the same way. The essence came only to widows and unmarried maidens, and seduced by miraculous gifts. Surrendering to the tempter, the woman faded from a strange passion, perished.
The fiery serpent was not for everyone. On the paths and roads in the evenings he scattered bait - all kinds of gifts. That a ring or a handkerchief beautiful will put, then beads shining will hang out on bushes. To that girl who lifts an object without a blessing, there was a fiery serpent at night. With a glowing beam or a fiery broom, he flies to the hut's pipe and gets inside. And before the beauty, he is in the guise of a man that she misses. If the victim is a widow, then the spirit looks like her deceased husband, the damsel is an absent friend.
To recognize a charmer, to distinguish from a real young man is simple: he is said to have no ridge. Like all other evil spirits, a fiery serpent can not correctly pronounce the names of saints. For example, in his mouth the Lord is "Sous Christ", and his mother is "Chudodoroditsa".
Why does a charmer come to his sacrifice?
The evil spirit of the Slavs appears as a punishment for sins. The fact is that pious people were forbidden to grieve over the dead, to miss the missing. This was considered an unworthy, bad thing. Such feelings only arose among those who do not believe enough, and this is a serious sin. In addition, the tempter could be interested in a girl who lost her innocence before the wedding. The fiery serpent felt that the woman was sinful, and tried to seduce her.
At first the snake gave her gifts, testing. If she showed unreasonable greed, then he himself appeared. This mythological creature, as legends say, entered into sexual relations with a sinner. The woman suffered from this. She transferred her feelings to the missing (or deceased) loved one in an evil spirit, that is, gave him life energy. This affected her health, both physical and spiritual. The girl gradually became dependent on the caresses of the demon, tormented when he was not. Communication could lead to a false pregnancy. According to the legends, the fetus was in the body abnormally long - up to several years. When the delivery came, instead of a baby, sand or a firebrand emerged from the belly. Sometimes the child was born. It was black, cold, with hooves instead of legs. There lived such a devilish passion for a short time.
How the fiery serpent was cast out
Slavic mythology contains several recipes for combating evil power. A decoction of oedolen-herb or thistle was given to the sick man. The same plants were hung on the walls of the room as an amulet. It was desirable that a woman told about her guest at night to an outsider. In the eastern Slavs this condition was considered mandatory. If a woman can open, to understand that something bad is happening to her, then there is a hope for salvation. In addition, widows often did not go to bed alone and put a child in bed. Then the charmer did not appear. It was recommended to read over the maiden a prayer from the prodigal demon, which was contained in the treasury of Peter the Tomb. And the doors, windows and chimneys were consecrated with the sign of the cross, pronouncing the word "Amen!". If these methods did not help, then the people respected in the village talked with the sick. They urged to put a cross on the being being. Naturally, the fiery serpent did not agree to this. If the girl was persistent, he disappeared forever.
The original method of protection
There is such a belief that you can get rid of the charmer in a special way. You need to get dressed and put your children in the groom with the bride. To the question of the devil's being about why she does it, you have to answer that she takes her brother. The charming man will say that this is not allowed. It should be answered: "Does the dead walk to the living?" In the Carpathian villages they assured that the fire serpent was no more to the unfortunate one.
The danger of this being is that under his influence the woman was not just sick, but was losing her mind, becoming inadequate. After a while she put her hands on herself. Sin fell on all her offspring to the seventh tribe, so the unfortunate tried to get out of the clutches of evil by all means.
An evil force in Slavic mythology
Legends of the fiery serpent are among many peoples. It occurs in Russian epics and Serbian epic songs. Plots in many respects echo. For example, there is a story about how this creature seduced a woman who later gave birth to a son. The child grew up and defeated his evil father in a fair fight.
In the tales of the eternal struggle of light with darkness, too, a charmer is mentioned. There he appears as an assistant to the devil, who inspires passion for an unprotected woman.
On the Right-Bank Ukraine there are legends in which this creature is called "obasyasnyk." This is the groom-dead man, who is to the sinner. To prevent his visits, it is forbidden to look at the stars in Vlasyev's day.
It is interesting that many peoples in mythology have evil beings with similar characteristics. Surely they were not just invented, something was the basis for the appearance of such legends in people who did not communicate with each other. Or maybe, as conspirologists say, they were specially introduced into folk art by those who wished to accustom people to obedience? What do you think?
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