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Where do chipmunks live in nature?

In Latin, the name of the chipmunks is written by Tamias. As for the Russian name, there are two versions of the origin. One of them is borrowing and transformation from the Tatar language, where "chipmunk" is written as "boryndyk". The second option is the origin of the Mari word uromdok, but the adherents of this version are few.

Chipmunks are widespread in North America, they inhabit almost the whole continent. All existing species live there except for the Asian, or Siberian chipmunk, which is found in Eurasia and on the territory of Russia.


Depending on the species, the animals reach a size of 5 to 15 centimeters, the tail can be from 7 to 12 centimeters. Weight ranges from 20 to 120 grams. All chipmunks have one thing in common - five strips, which are located on the back along the length.

Between the strips are separated by black or gray lines. Otherwise, the animal's fur can be red-brown or black-brown. Because of external similarity, most types of chipmunks are difficult to distinguish from each other. In total there are 3 species of rodents, but each of them is divided into 24 subspecies, so that only specialists can deal with belonging to a certain family.

Where do the chipmunks live? Photo, species distribution area

As mentioned above, a large number of animals live in North America. The spread of chipmunks is so widespread that they are found both in central Mexico and on the polar circle. American chipmunk lives in the eastern part of the North American continent, while 23 subspecies live in the western part.

It is interesting to know where the chipmunk lives, in which zone of Russia. This is the Far East, Magadan region, Sakhalin Island. Rarely, but found in Kamchatka. But most of all he liked the cedar and deciduous forests of Primorsky Krai. In good years, the number of animals per 1 square km is 200-300 pieces.

In central Europe, there are chipmunks, who fled from farms where they are bred, and were able to adapt to the wild. The last species is a small chipmunk, which inhabits the territory of Canada.


Chipmunks are a squirrel family and look like a squirrel. However, there is a big difference between the two species. Proteins prefer to spend a lot of time on trees, while chipmunks settle on the ground. Most often they are found in forests, but sometimes they live in open areas overgrown with shrubs.

The forests where the chipmunk lives, in which zone, depend on the location. For example, in America - this deciduous forest is widespread in New England, in Russia - the taiga, and Canada - coniferous forests.

Despite the fact that the chipmunks are lodging on the ground, they need trees. As a rule, where chipmunks live, there are windbreaks, a large amount of windfall, and the earth is covered with plants, where it is convenient to hide.

It is these places that the chipmunks are looking for, and if there are no trees on the terrain, but the bushes densely cover the earth, they can adapt here. Another important requirement is the presence of a nearby reservoir. Therefore, to search for where chipmunks live in nature, it follows in the forests - on the banks of rivers and lakes.

Rodents dwelling

In order to make a house, the chipmunk rips out a hole. Its length can reach 3 m, burrows always branch. In the hole, there are necessarily two branches that end in dead ends - these are the toilets of the animal.

There are always several pantries for stocks and living quarters. In them the rodents lining the floor with leaves. Here they sleep in winter and at night, and also here their children are born and grow. When a burrow is digging, they hide the earth behind their cheeks and take it away from the place where they live. The chipmunks in the forest hide the entrance to the burrow carefully. It is under a fallen tree, in thickets of bushes, under an old rotten stump. It is almost impossible to find a mink without the help of a dog.

Life of rodents

Chipmunks love heat and hate rains. That's why they are shown in warm weather and frolic when they are warm. The exception is species that live in places with constant precipitation.

In winter, animals fall into a hibernation, but not as tightly as gophers. They periodically wake up and are backed up by supplies from the pantry. Sleeping chipmunk, laying his face on his abdomen or turning his flexible tail.

In early spring, the inhabitants of the mink, which are located on sunny slopes and are the first to be freed from snow, go out for exploration. At this time the chipmunks are still inactive, spend two or three hours in the open air and prefer to bask in the sun. Most often they can be seen on the tops of trees in the sun.

At this time, the chipmunks do not move far from the burrow. They eat kidneys on nearby plants or eat up winter stocks. When the sun warms, the rodents pull out the damp supplies and put them to dry in the sun. If warm days are again replaced by cold, the animals go to the mink and wait for this spring.

In summer, in the heat, the chipmunks get out into the air early enough, but so that the earth warms up. Their business they do before the onset of the heat of the day, the second exit - in the evening. In places where the weather is constantly warm and there is no heat or cold, chipmunks can be observed all day. In the autumn, animals get out of the holes after the air warms up. This continues until it becomes quite cold.

Animals do not tolerate rain and feel them perfectly. In places where the chipmunks live, a few hours before the beginning of the downpour, they become hemp and make special sounds, different from their usual "conversations."


Chipmunks prefer to live alone and zealously guard their apartments. During periods of mating, they communicate with the opposite sex, after which the offspring appear. This happens in May, and then in August. In the spring, before the birth of the offspring, the chipmunk can choose the old hollow as a house, because he does not have to think about wintering, and there are fewer enemies on the trees.

Siberian chipmunk brings offspring once. The number of newborns is 4-8 individuals. Their relatives from America give birth two times to 3-4 four cubs. Chipmunks become sexually mature already in the first year of life. In wild conditions, the life of the animal is 3 years, in captivity, the figure can reach 10 years.

Young chipmunks spend a lot of time in the nest. When they are old enough, they start looking for food near the entrance. Gradually begin to go deeper from the hole.

While the young are small, the female is not far from the entrance to the burrow and, in case of danger, starts sniffing uneasily. Then the children quickly run back, issuing a response squeal.


Small rodents have many enemies. These are birds of prey, small animals, people and sometimes bears. The latter most often excavate the mink of the chipmunks and eat up their stocks. When the animal is jealous of the enemy, it begins to writhe anxiously at certain intervals.

After that the chipmunk lets the enemy within 30 meters and looks carefully. In the event of a real danger begins to run, issuing a continuous frightened squeak. Chipmunks often hide from pursuers in thickets or try to climb a tree. They do not lead their enemies to the burrow.


The main food of rodents is what they can get in the forest. Basically it is plant food, but sometimes there may be small insects. Chipmunks like to eat kidneys, grains, hazelnuts, plant shoots. If nearby grow some cereals, the chipmunks are happy to eat grain from them.

Sometimes these animals can become real pests. With a small size of the field, located next to the burrow where the chipmunks live in the forest, you can completely lose the crop. And all this by the forces of small rodents. In addition, chipmunks eat berries, mushrooms, can eat apricots and other fruits, inadvertently planted by people next to the hole.

Winter stocks

The stocks of the chipmunk are very diverse. In the course are all kinds of food that he can get around his hole. The reserve is maintained throughout the waking period.

According to the researchers, where the chipmunks live in Russia, their winter food reserve reaches about 6 kilograms. All the food the animal divides in appearance, and even the grain of different cultures is in different piles. All food is added to the litter of dry grass or leaves, and between each other the piles are separated by leaves from leaves.

Interesting is the extraction of grain. If the ears do not grow too close, then the animal searches for the richest plant in the grain and jumps on it. Under the weight of the stem bends and, holding it with paws, chipmunk bites off the spike itself.

After that he grabs the grain, hides them on the cheeks and runs off into his burrow. If the ears grow close and they are not tilted, the chipmunk bites the stem until it reaches the seeds.

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