Computers, Computer games
Where can I find the collector's car in GTA 5 and how can I rob it?
In "GTA" 5, your main goal is to earn as much money as possible, because with their help you can buy expensive and fast cars, powerful weapons and other useful items. You can invest in business and real estate, trade shares on the stock exchange and so on. However, for all this you need to get an initial capital, which is also earned in various ways. Some gamers prefer to rob random passers-by, others watch at ATMs and attack richer people. Someone is robbing stores, and someone is aiming for more and storming banks. But in this article we will talk about another method, which is far from being the most difficult, but at the same time brings a good income.
Now you will find out where to find the collector's car in GTA 5, as well as how to rob it and, of course, whether it is worth the effort that you will spend.
Why rob the collector vans?
Before you find out where to find the collector's car in GTA 5, you need to figure out whether you really want to engage in such robberies. So, your goal in this case is to track down the right van, attack it and collect the money that it carries. As already mentioned, doing this is not so difficult, especially if you have a prepared strategy, and as a result you will get a fairly impressive amount for a simple robbery - at least five thousand dollars.
Even from those passers-by who withdraw money from ATMs, so much money does not fall and very rarely you can expect to carry out such a large revenue from ordinary stores. A robbery of a collection van is much safer than a raid on a bank. Accordingly, you need to find out where to find the collector's car in "GTA" 5.
Find a van
If you're wondering where to find the collector's car in GTA 5, then you do not have to worry - in most cases, in time, such machines will find you. You only need to monitor the mini-map, because that's where you can see the van that you are interested in - its icon is blue and looks like the letter "V" in the circle. If you see such an icon on your map, then you need to try to catch it on its way. This is a cash collection van.
It will not be difficult to do this, because wagons usually travel on a pre-planned route. You will have only one time to follow this route, the second time you will be able to calmly attack, representing on which stretch of the road there will be less witnesses and more freedom of action. And then without problems your first cash collection machine will be plundered in the "GTA" 5. Finding it, by the way, can be easier if you know some secrets.
Using the card
So, what to do if your goal is a cash collection machine in the "GTA" 5? Find it will not be difficult, but you should understand that you have to spend a lot of time. Los Santos is quite impressive, and the vans travel on specific routes that you need to track. To make it easier for you, you can use a special card on which all the points where cash collection vans appear will be indicated in advance. However, you must understand that this way you will kill a huge part of the entertainment that the game gives you. It is much more pleasant to track everything yourself and find out in your own hands where to find the collector's car in GTA 5. GTA 5 is a game that prepares you a lot of surprises, so do not give up on them and use various turn-based guides or cheats.
Stop the van
So, now you know where to find the collector's car in GTA 5, but this, naturally, will not be enough to get the money that is transported in such vans. Accordingly, you need to learn how to rob them, and it will not happen in a random way - random attacks will be easily prevented. You should work out a plan for how you will stop the car, and also how you will storm it.
Naturally, you have several options. One of the simplest is to shoot at least two wheels out of four. You can block the road with another car, set traps on the road and so on - the choice is yours, but you should definitely take care that all elements of your plan are tied together. For example, do not block the road by the car on which you are going to hide.
Storming the van
After you stop the cash collection machine, you will need to deal with the guards - naturally, you should do this as soon as possible so that they can not call for reinforcements. As soon as this barrier is removed, you will need to deal with an armored door, behind which are hidden the very five thousand, which were discussed at the very beginning. Again, here you have a choice - you can shoot a castle from your weapon or blow it up with a grenade or explosive. And all - you will only have to hide with money until the police arrived.
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