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What you can make from pink salmon: recipes

Pink salmon is the most popular species in our country from the Salmonidae family. This is a valuable commercial fish, widely distributed in the waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, the Kola Peninsula, the Lena River in Siberia and Korea. Pink salmon from all its relatives is the most accessible and at a price. It can be found in canned, frozen or fresh form in any supermarket.

This is an excellent source of protein and omega-6, omega-3 fatty acids. And the last in 100 g of product so much that is covered by 100% daily human need for them. Let's talk about what can be cooked from pink salmon and how not to spoil this valuable product. In addition to the secrets of cooking, we offer several interesting recipes that can even decorate a festive table.

How to cook pink salmon?

The easiest and quickest way to prepare pink salmon is cooking. Before you start the fish should be prepared. It all depends on how it was bought: carcass, loin chunks or steaks. In fact, for the soup and various soups, the first option is best. Fish should be thoroughly scraped, gutted and rinsed under running water. Frozen product thaw at room temperature. With regard to the actual cooking process, then:

  • Lay pieces of fish or carcass in cold water, bring to a boil and then lower the fire to an average level;
  • Salt at the very end of cooking;
  • Cook the fish under the closed lid, so you will retain the aroma and juiciness;
  • To ensure that the pieces do not fall apart add a small amount of any vegetable oil to the broth;
  • The cooking time depends on the size of the pieces, for the whole carcass is enough 20-25 minutes, while the meat should be easily divided into individual plates.

Not everyone knows what can be cooked from pink salmon fresh or frozen. On the first, we recommend you a fragrant and unique Finnish cream soup. Who, if not the northern people and avid fishermen, knows the sense in red fish.


Under the unusual and difficultly pronounced name lies the traditional Finnish soup of red fish. It is dense, rich and rich, as it is suitable for a winter dinner. The set of products is simple and accessible:

  • Pink salmon (fillet) - 350 g;
  • Leeks - 1 piece;
  • Potatoes - 350 g;
  • Fatty cream - ¾ cup;
  • Water - 3 cups;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. L .;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. L.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. L.
  • Salt, dill, lemon, pepper - to taste.

This is the most optimal, budgetary and fast version of what you can cook. From fresh-frozen pink salmon or fresh. The process will take no more than half an hour.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the olive oil and put the finely chopped leeks on it. As soon as it becomes soft, add water, laurel leaves and bring to a boil on high heat. Put potatoes cut into large pieces (or small one-piece) into a pot. Cook until ready. Then add the pieces of fish, cook for 5 minutes, pour in the cream and mix well. In a separate bowl, mix the starch from one st. L. Water, completely dissolving it. Kashitsu add to the pan and boil the soup until thick. You can increase or decrease the amount of starch depending on taste preferences. The more it is, the thicker the broth. In the hot soup, add butter. Before serving, each serving is abundantly sprinkled with herbs and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Cooking for a couple

This is an excellent option for those who are fasting, dieting or just want to organize a few days off for the body, for example after the holidays. What can you cook from fish? Pink salmon is a fish from which it is possible to make excellent steaks for a couple. No special recipe is required. It is enough to have a steamer or multivark with this function. Well, then the whole thing - in your personal preferences.

Use different vegetables. For example, carrots, corn, zucchini or green asparagus beans, peas, beans, as well as various greens. Red fish perfectly complement the spinach. You can cook all together or individually. To the dish did not seem fresh, add garlic, lemon juice or a little soy sauce, a variety of spicy herbs.

Grilling pink salmon is delicious

Pink salmon has earned the fame of dry fish, which in fried form is quite hard, and even taste it special. The opinion is absolutely wrong. Fish is great for frying, just need to know how to do it.

Firstly, marinades. They are necessary to ensure that the meat of the fish remains juicy during the preparation. Use soy sauce, lemon juice, wine, cream, the best suited is white and black ground pepper, ginger, basil, dill, parsley.

Secondly, keep in mind that you can make delicious fried fish pieces from pink salmon only if the temperature and time conditions are met. If you overdo the fillet in a frying pan it will be hopelessly dry. Further position can save only sauces and various refueling.

Third, fry the pink salmon without removing the skin, so it will not fall apart and remain juicy. It is not necessary to cut the fillet into too small pieces, preferably before serving cut it portionwise.

Roasted pink salmon in a honey-soy marinade

The recipe is surprisingly simple, but at the same time original and interesting. The pink salmon, cooked in a spicy marinade, turns out juicy and tender. All you need is a salmon fillet (about 1 kg), 1 tbsp. L. Butter (melted), brown sugar, olive oil, honey, soy sauce and a clove of garlic (crushed).

Divide the fish into eight equal parts. In a shallow and wide bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients until smooth. With the resulting marinade, pour the pink salmon fillets and leave for at least 30 minutes, but not more than an hour. Prepared pieces fry in a pan (grill or with non-stick coating) until cooked. First lay them with a peel down and cook for 10-20 minutes. On low heat. Periodically water the remains of the marinade. Ready meat should be laminated onto plates. Serve fish hot, with steamed vegetables and a light yogurt sauce with dill and lemon. This dish is an excellent variant of what can be cooked from the fillet of pink salmon quickly and deliciously.

Pink salmon on charcoal

This method of preparation is somewhat similar to the previous one. As with the frying option, remember to pre-soak the fish in the marinade, as well as the time. Pink salmon, cooked on charcoal, can decorate friendly gatherings and diversify all the usual meat barbecue. In this case, preference should be given to fresh or chilled fish, as frozen will be noticeably inferior in quality and taste. Variants of what can be cooked from pink salmon on the coals are many. Use whole carcass or portioned steaks, pieces of fillet or make shish kebabs.

Pink salmon on the coals entirely: recipe

You will need a large fish, weighing 1.5-2 kg. Clean it from scales, gut, rinse thoroughly under running water. Then grate on all sides and inside with olive oil with salt and pepper. You can stuff it with a lemon with greens of dill and parsley. Put the fish on a foil, oiled, and with a tourniquet twist so that the head was attracted to the tail. Around the fish, place a little alder chips and add water. Cook the fish on charcoal for an hour, then let cool and serve to the table.

How can I make pink salmon in the oven?

One of the most popular ways of making pink salmon is baking in the oven with the addition of various vegetables, spices and spices. There are as many recipes as there are lovers of red fish. The main principle in this case is not to overexpose, otherwise the meat will be dry. The optimum cooking time is 30-35 minutes, make an amendment in one direction or another, depending on the size of the pieces or carcass.

Start an acquaintance with the roasted pink salmon from the simplest version. Divide the carcass into two large loin strips, peel them from the bones. Prepare a shallow baking dish to fit the fish. At the bottom, put pieces of butter (4 tablespoons) and 2 tablespoons. L. Chopped parsley or dill. Place in an oven preheated to 240 ° C. Leave until the moment the grass begins to hiss in the melted oil. Take out the shape and put the pink salmon fillet skin up. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes. Then remove the peel (it should be easily separated), salt the fish and season with pepper. Put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Lubricate the prepared fish with butter and sprinkle with greens, before serving, decorate with lemon wedges.

It is impossible not to mention such a way of making pink salmon in the oven, like baking in a dough. It can be yeast, flaky or even sandy. Pay attention to one more traditional Finnish recipe - Kalakukko pie. The dough is made from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. The most important thing in this pie is the filling, which consists of pieces of red fish, pork bacon and fatty cream.

Lightly salted pink salmon

On the question of what can be prepared from pink salmon (frozen or fresh) for snacks, the best option is a spicy saline. The process is extremely simple in execution. The time of pickling depends directly on the size of the fish. So, for carcass weighing 1-1.5 kg is enough 4-5 days, small pieces sometimes last for a day. When cooking lightly salted fish, observe the proportion of sugar and salt 1: 2. Rub with a mixture of fish and dense layers in a sealed container. Place it in the refrigerator and take it. Along the way you can add lemon juice, various greens (the most popular dill), pepper. Ready fish can be used for making sandwiches, canapés, unsweetened profiteroles with a filling from cheese cottage cheese, etc.

What can you cook from the milk of fresh pink salmon?

If everything is clear enough with the fish and it can be cooked by any of the generally known ways of cooking, the only reasonable question is what to do with the milk. Sometimes he puts even the experienced hostess at a dead end. Salmonids are large in size and even though the pink salmon is their smallest representative, the milk is quite large. We will not delve into specific recipes, but just recall that this is part of the fish, and, therefore, it can be prepared by all the above methods.

For beginners, we suggested that you can cook from pink salmon, and more experienced for sure pushed a couple of interesting ideas. Preparation of fish should not rest on one particular recipe. This is a very interesting, useful and tasty product, which is easy to enter into the everyday menu in a variety of ways. Cook, simmer, fry, salt, bake, cook on the grill. In a word, experiment.

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