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What to feed birds in winter. What to feed street birds in winter
Even in a hungry winter period, each species of bird has a preference for eating a certain food. Who will fly to your feeder? It will depend on what is stuffed there.
Unique feed
What to feed birds in winter? This question bothers many of us with the onset of cold weather. How to properly feed birds in winter, advise ornithologists. They recommend making a mixture, seventy-five percent of which will consist of sunflower seeds. Due to its high caloric content, this product will become the main energy source for small birds. Sunflower seeds are eaten with pleasure by grain-eating birds and woodpeckers. They love this forage feed, tits, etc. To survive in winter cold conditions allows a large number of vegetable fats that are contained inside the seeds of this crop.
Plants' seeds
What to feed street birds in winter? Some birds prefer oats, millet, millet, rice and wheat. Carnivorous birds will certainly visit your bird feeder if oats and millet are poured into it. This meal will be accompanied by goldfinches, sparrows, green fishes and other birds. Grains prefer to peck and pigeons.
Tits-azure, as well as most species of carnivorous birds love nettle seeds. Burdock seeds are the main food for goldfinches. But bullfrogs prefer a different food. They like to eat seeds of horse sorrel.
Products of animal origin
How can you feed birds in winter? As a top dressing in the hungry for the feathered period in the menu you can include meat, fat, and also beef or chicken fat. These products will be liked by tits, nuthatches, and also some other species of birds. However, it should be borne in mind that meat and fat should be unsalted. How to feed birds? Salo or meat should be cut into small pieces and stringed on a string. Then the products are hung on the branches of trees or on bushes. But in order to not feed the crows, jackdaws, magpies, dogs or cats, place the pieces should be away from the ground. To hang the string is necessary among the thin twigs, on which heavy birds can not sit.
Why feed birds in winter with these foods? The fact is that in a hungry period, feathers need high-calorie food. Fat of animal origin, which is in a mild state, is better mixed with other foods, preparing a kind of puff cake. Place it in a grid of vegetables and hang it in available for feathered places.
What to feed birds in the winter? The most beautiful visitors of feeding troughs - waxwings, mushrooms and bullfinches - are attracted by berries of hawthorn and mountain ash. Fruits should be prepared in advance, drying the autumn harvest.
Seeds of trees
Among ordinary urban plantings, there are often ashen and maples. The seeds of these trees are called krylatkami. In autumn, most of them shower land and become inaccessible to birds. If you do not know what to feed birds in the winter, collect the cold weather of the lionfish and hang them on the feeding troughs. This feed is fond of eating waxwings, bullfinches, and also some other birds that visit bird canteens.
Nuts, cones and acorns
This food must be harvested in autumn. Bases are the basis of the winter menu for claws and woodpeckers. Acaris prefer to eat jays. By procuring this feed for the birds, you can draw protein to your feeder.
Menu for bird canteens
If you want to diversify the food that you put in the feeder for feathered visitors, then you can prepare special meals for small guests. In the menu for birds, it is recommended to include fifty percent sunflower seeds, thirty-five white millet, and fifteen corn kernels. If you decide to feed feathered high-calorie food, then make a "cake" for them. It should include three cups of softened margarine or fat, the same amount of grain or millet, and also one cup of sunflower oil. In the "bird pie" can be added Hercules, as well as everything that is at hand. It can be apple purification and any seeds, chicken eggs and kernels of nuts, honey and sugar, as well as sweet syrup. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and set for hardening in the cold. The dough can be given to the birds at once. To do this, it is placed in a plastic cup or cardboard box. The tanks are suspended in the trees.
Feeding the crook
If you decide to feed these birds, you can put minced meat, fish and fish in raw or cooked form, cottage cheese and eggs, a variety of cereals, pieces of vegetables and fruits, canned or steamed corn. They will gladly peck nuts. A bird can leave a whole raw egg. Its contents it will gently drink, and the shell, as a mineral top dress, will eat. In the bird feeder for these birds can be a variety of chicken offal - hearts, heads, necks, etc. What can not be included in the menu? This list includes milk and sausage, canned food and potatoes, citrus and tomatoes, fatty cottage cheese and fried foods.
What can not be put in the bird feeder
When compiling the bird menu, it is worth considering some limitations. For this you should know what you can not feed birds in the winter.
In the menu for birds, it is strictly forbidden to enter any sharp, salted, fried, and also acidic foods. Black bread is a big danger for them . This product causes diarrhea in birds, which leads the birds to certain death. The fact is that black breads contain a large amount of salt.
This component is harmful to the health of the liver and kidneys. When feeding, birds often leave a certain part of the food in their craw. If there is bread, then it swells and quickly begins to wander. This process can lead to the death of the bird. Rye bread is a particular danger. In this product, when mixing dough, yeast is added more than in wheat. Birds in winter are very difficult, and therefore any disease can become for them simply deadly.
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