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What sexual reproduction differs from asexual. Features of reproduction

One of the main abilities of all living organisms is reproduction. There are two main options for the formation of new individuals. Specialists sing out sexual and asexual reproduction .

Methods of self-reproduction

Every living organism can create similar individuals. Many plants and lower animals use an asexual method of self-reproduction. For the generation of offspring, one parent is sufficient to form daughter organisms.

But this information is not enough to understand what sexual reproduction is different from asexual. These forms of reproduction of offspring are fundamentally different. So, sexual reproduction is possible only with the participation of two parental individuals. The sexual method is characterized by the fact that gametes are formed. These are special reproductive cells with a haploid set of chromosomes.

Main differences

Sexual method is considered more progressive than asexual. It is used by the vast majority of sentient beings to obtain offspring. To understand, than sexual reproduction differs from asexual, it is possible, if to know the following.

The first form of reproduction requires the participation of two parents. In each of them special sex cells - gametes are produced. In the process of reproduction, they merge and form a zygote. It is from it that a new organism is formed.

In the asexual reproduction gametes are not needed. A new individual is formed from somatic cells. It is an exact copy of the parental organism. This method of reproduction makes it possible to quickly get offspring.

Features of asexual reproduction

Self-reproduction of new organisms from somatic cells has its advantages. Knowing them, it is easy to explain the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. It makes it possible to create a large number of individuals in a short time. In this case, the resulting offspring is no different from the parent. Subsidiary organisms are exact copies.

This method of reproduction is beneficial to those organisms that live in unchanging conditions. Genetic variability in asexual reproduction can occur only as a result of genetic mutations. In the process of such self-reproduction, cells are divided, as a rule, by mitosis.

Higher animals can not reproduce themselves asexually. The only exception is cloning them artificially.

Types of asexual reproduction

There are several options for creating organisms themselves without the participation of specialized sex cells. Finding out how sexual reproduction differs from asexual, do not forget that the last way of reproduction of offspring is divided into several types.

Separately, fission, sporulation, vegetative reproduction, including budding, and fragmentation are singled out. With each of these methods a new individual is formed from one or a group of somatic cells. By division the protozoans multiply: amoeba, green euglena, paramecia. Also this method uses certain bacteria.

All groups of green plants, mushrooms, some bacteria and protozoa reproduce by spore formation. Disputes are formed in special structures - sporogony.

Explaining the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction, do not forget that these methods differ significantly. After all, when self-reproduction without the participation of gametes, somatic cells begin to divide. For example, vegetative reproduction is possible with the help of cuttings, mustaches, roots, rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, corms.

Features of sexual reproduction

To obtain progeny, this method requires two individuals of the same species that produce special sex cells. The appearance of offspring is possible when they merge and form zygotes. It is worth remembering this, telling us about the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.

Gametes contain a haploid (single) set of chromosomes. These cells are formed during meiosis. It is with their help that genetic information is transmitted from both parents to the daughter organisms. The process of fusion of gametes is called fertilization. As a result, haploid nuclei unite and form a zygote with a diploid set of chromosomes. This is the basis for the intraspecific variability of organisms.

Explaining the characteristics of asexual and sexual reproduction, we must not forget that gametes are of two kinds. They are produced by male and female individuals. But in nature there are such kinds of organisms that can produce simultaneously two kinds of germ cells. They are called hermaphrodites. So can breed small crustaceans, earthworms, snails, some fish.

Possible exceptions

It is possible to understand how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction, if one knows that the first method is characterized by the formation of special gametes, and in the second method, the somatic cells of the parent organism begin to divide.

It is important that one person is sufficient for asexual reproduction, and two are needed for sexual reproduction. True, do not forget about exceptions. They include hermaphroditism and parthenogenesis. Although gametes from different individuals often participate in the first indicated form of reproduction, and in the organism processes occur that interfere with self-fertilization.

One of the varieties of sexual reproduction is parthenogenesis. With this method, female sex cells are able to develop into a new individual without the participation of male gametes. Produce in this way can both some animals and plants.

Depending on the number of chromosomes in the female germ cells, diploid and haploid parthenogenesis is distinguished. This mechanism of reproduction allows you to regulate the number of offspring and their types. For example, the queen bee can lay eggs, from which the females (uterus, working individuals) or males (drones) will leave. Reproduction - sexual and asexual - in classical versions does not have such possibilities.

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