EducationThe science

Visual-figurative thinking is what?

Visual-figurative thinking is the extraordinary ability of a creative person to see non-standard things in everyday things. Thanks to the ability to think creatively, new projects are born in the world, discoveries are made, and life becomes not a template, but unique for everyone who knows how to see in it is not an ordinary cycle of events, actions and objects.

Why is it important to develop non-standard thinking?

Each of us is born a unique person. The society and the framework of personal growth once in the last century made people a united and cohesive collective, the worker and middle class lived within the regime and the minimum required manifestations of their needs, but creative people always stood out from the crowd - in the 19th century this type of people was The higher society, then the creative brethren (beau monde) ceased to be an aristocratic cell because each poeticist was eager to go there. But today, a visual-figurative type of thinking is a special state of the soul that is inherent in people that the world needs. At present, the ability to see the world in its own projections is not limited to painting, translations and writing talent, although to the proper degree these qualities are also very much appreciated. Computer technologies and the development of various fields of activity, where freedom of style and self-expression is only welcomed, led to the development of the qualities of non-standard thinking. What does it mean? What qualities for a successfully developing creative company will make your resume outstanding and without competitors?

Visual-figurative thinking

Visual-figurative thinking is:

• First of all, creativity. This approach to any task allows us to find ways of artistic, non-standard, creative perception. Spontaneity and unusualness accompany creative thinking.

• Of no less importance is the ability to fully immerse yourself in the process of creating new and different ideas. It's patience to bring it to the end, and perseverance to resist all adversities. History knows examples of greats that were not recognized and considered the most average, and centuries later the whole world uses their inventions or admires their masterpieces: Edison, Mozart, Rembrandt, Picasso, Shakespeare - geniuses of his time.

• Dynamism. This distinguishes the creativity of a living person from the generation of computer options. The brain of a creative person is a dynamic system, with its own system of patterns of activity. It develops together with the world and its needs, which means that it knows which trends are currently popular. Revolutionary solutions are invented not by a computer, but by a person, and therefore visual-figurative thinking is one of the factors that opens up a huge number of opportunities and perspectives for a creative person (designer, couturier, artist, poet, musician, etc.).

How to develop non-standard thinking?

• To develop constantly, to be interested in novelties and internal technologies of processes, to receive deep knowledge of things that constitute the sphere of your interests.

• Practice depicting on paper thoughts that can not be embodied in forms: how does love, fear, how does photosynthesis occur, what is motion, and so on.

• Do not look for the correctness or justification of your decisions. The reality is ambiguous. One and the same thing can look like this:

- So;

- not this way;

- Otherwise: millions of other versions.

• Do not focus on one form of expressing thoughts - this is the first step back. Do not despair if you are not understood: look for other ways. Walt Disney, now known in every corner of the globe, was once fired from the journal agency for lack of imagination. Dare and do not stop developing.

• The formula for self-expression: "You do not see things correctly or wrong. You see them as you see. " Learn the vision of the world and the interpretation of events and subjects in children.

Children - geniuses of non-standard solutions

The creative abilities of the child do not need to be developed. The important thing is not to ruin them. Neither the analyst nor the logic is present in children's actions and decisions, their answers to tricky questions are most often sincere and direct, but each of them is the truth and creativity of the purest water.

How is the mechanism of child perception? Coming to the world, a small man infinitely and constantly learns all the space surrounding him. A huge amount of information for the newborn and the pace of brain development for several years cover all areas of life. Developing visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking are inevitable processes of self-awareness and knowledge of the surrounding world. Psychologists believe that children's non-standard thinking before the age of four has a visually-effective type (when a child breaks a toy to find out what's inside, why it's light or soft), and after four, when the baby becomes a person and can assume that it makes noise inside Car or vacuum cleaner, visual-shaped thinking begins to develop.

Opinion of psychologists

Among the children of the younger and preschool age, visual-figurative thinking is a process in psychology that allows a child who can not speak on an equal footing with an adult, to operate with other means to satisfy his needs. Later, when his initial vocabulary and concepts are already sufficient to not be explained by gestures, the child's imagination becomes both an intuitive encyclopedia of knowledge and a generator of ideas for solving problems.

A creative child is a successful and multifaceted personality

Curiosity, lively interest, surprise and developing intelligence can not be squeezed into frames if you want to see a creative person in the child , rather than a stencil of one's own beliefs. The foundation of this experience will subsequently repeatedly become the basis for success in adulthood. Puzzles, puzzles, drawing and riddles - children are very fond of such games, and the essence of this is simple: thanks to them they get the skills of spatial and visual-figurative thinking, connections of causes and consequences of events and actions.

Visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers is the ability to solve problems in the mind thanks to the ability to apply images of accumulated circuits and algorithms. This is the beginning of the formation of abstract-logical thinking, and then - the ability to reason, understand, perceive, remember, analyze, etc.

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