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What is the dispute in biology: the definition of the concept, the structure and functions

Spores of living organisms are amazing cells. On Earth, they can be in very low or high temperatures, high pressure and radioactive radiation. It is proved that the spores are even in outer space, traveling in the vast universe. What is a dispute in biology? What is the secret of these cells?

Spore: Definition in Biology

In Greek, this word means "sowing". But the presence of these cells is characteristic not only for plants. What is a dispute? In biology, there is a clear concept: these are cells of asexual reproduction. With their help, the process of reproducing themselves is carried out by bacteria - unicellular organisms that do not have a nucleus.

Mushrooms are also capable of spore formation. Everyone saw how the bread, which for a long time is in a plastic bag, begins to become covered with a white coating - molds begin to develop on it. Over time, the raid begins to acquire a gray or green color. This means that the fungus has already formed spores and begins to multiply. And here is another example. In a damp room, mold fungi often settle on walls that begin to "bloom." Getting rid of mold is difficult, because the fungus can spread spores a few meters away.


So we figured out what a dispute is. In biology, all living objects are considered from the point of view of the interrelation of the structure and the functions performed. Cells of asexual reproduction are of different shapes: elliptical, oval, round. Since they are resistant to the action of various biological factors, their surface apparatus is arranged in a special way. It consists of two shells, the space between which is filled with complex compounds of proteins with carbohydrates. To enhance protection from mechanical influences, some spores on their surface have special formations called "stiffeners".

The internal contents of cells of asexual reproduction are represented by the cytoplasm - an internal semiliquid medium. In it are located chromosomes and apparatuses for protein synthesis.

Spores of plants

With the help of such cells many plant organisms can reproduce.

Spore plants - this is an adaptation for the reproduction of the very first and primitive plants. This is primarily algae. For example, unicellular chlamydomonas forms zoospores - mobile cells. As a result, several identical organisms are formed from one individual.

The first people on land, the higher spore plants, are also capable of sporulation. Mosses, mushrooms, horsetails and ferns form special organs of asexual reproduction - sporangia. They contain asexual reproduction cells. Plants that have such organs are called sporophytes. In moss-like sporangia is represented by a pedicle with a box. When ripe, the capsule opens, the cells enter the ground. In the presence of water, they germinate in the sex generation - the gametophyte, which in mosses is represented by a green leaf-stalemate "carpet". Quite differently, the situation is with the rest of the representatives of spore plants, which everyone is used to seeing as a gametophyte - a green plant. These plants have a process of alternation of sexual and asexual generations.

Spores of bacteria

The bacteria spore is not only a cell by which the organism multiplies. When adversity occurs, the bacteria have to defend themselves in order not to perish. It turns into a dispute in which the amount of moisture decreases significantly, the level of intensity of all processes of vital activity decreases. When the conditions change for the better, the dispute discards the shell, from it comes an absolutely viable bacterium. It can be concluded that for bacteria sporulation is not a means of reproduction, but an opportunity to survive.

What is a dispute in biology has been known for a long time. Since the appearance of the first living organisms, it was with the help of these cells that the process of reproduction took place. Undoubtedly, disputes do not ensure the recombination of genetic material, as a result of which the appearance of new useful traits becomes simply impossible. However, the exact copy and preservation of all the properties of the body are guaranteed by spores.

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