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SA Esenin, works

Golden curls resembling ripening spikelets ... A benevolent and enthusiastic face with blue eyes radiating light and warmth ... Constant thirst for activity, aspiration forward ... Unlimited love for the native land and everything connected with it ... A short but incredibly bright creative life ... Such thoughts Come to mind when mentioning the poet with the brightest name - Sergei Yesenin. His works are well known to every Russian person, including those who in principle have little interest in poetry.

Towards Creativity

His homeland is Konstantinovo, a small village in Ryazanshchina. The primordial Russian nature and its inexpressible beauty have forever entered the heart of the boy, captivated by her greatness, early awakened in him a propensity for poetry. By the age of eighteen, the young poet already had a notebook containing his first works. Yesenin, who sent them to St. Petersburg and was confident of soon recognition, was very surprised that they did not get into the capital's magazines. Then he decides to personally go to meet the glory. And the memories of his home all his life will warm his soul and inspire new creative search.

The first collections

In St. Petersburg, the young man was welcomed. "Go, you, my native Russia ..." - this and other works of Yesenin impressed Blok, Gorodetsky, later Klyuyev. His poems carried joy, sounded sincerely and unrepeatably. True fame is brought by the first collections, which are published one after another: Radunitsa, Goluben ', Rural Chasoslov, Transfiguration. They are mostly Esenin's works about nature: "Bird cherry", "The moon hurts a cloud with a horn", "Niva is compressed ...", "I left my dear home ..." and many others. A special world appears before the reader, in which nature becomes human and becomes the main character. Here everything is harmonious, colorful, picturesque and without falseness peculiar to people.

With trembling and tenderness young Yesenin relates to animals, which is most clearly manifested in the "Song of the Dog", tragically experiencing the death of only the born puppies.

Unusual metaphors, epithets, and comparisons aroused surprise and general delight: "swam ... the swan is darkness", "lace is laced ... clouds" and, of course, the famous "Russia is a crimson field".

After the revolution

Changes in the country, the poet initially took with delight. He associated with the revolution "transfiguration", which should go to the benefit of the people. In this peril there appear Esenin's works: "Jordan Dove", "Heavenly Drummer", etc. However, very soon the tone of the poems changes, and instead of enthusiasm, dull notes sound more and more often, caused by observations of the changes taking place in the country - the poet increasingly sees " Life "- and turmoil in his personal life. Most fully, these sentiments were reflected in the collections of the early 20's "Confessions of a hooligan" and "Moscow Kabatskaya". And the attitude towards him becomes contradictory: for some, he is still a singer of the blue Russia, for others - a brawler and rowdy. The same contrast can be seen in the verses of the 21-24 years, among which "Blue fire flashed", "I am the last poet of the village", "I do not regret, I do not call ...", "Honey, sit next" ...

"Fun" - perhaps the most famous work Esenina from the cycle about Moscow, conveying the thoughts and feelings of the poet. In it, he seems to sum up the lived life, shares with the reader the inmost.

And soon the acquaintance with A. Duncan and the European journey followed. Being away from the Motherland, Sergei Alexandrovich looked at his country in a new way. Now he was full of hopes and dreamed of serving the Motherland and the people. It was after the return that the poems "Drove the Grove ...", in which autumn relates to human life, the incredibly warm and gentle "Letter of the Mother" appear.

Trip to the Caucasus

Speaking about Yesenin, one can not help recalling his "Persian motives". They were inspired by a trip to the Caucasus, where Sergei Alexandrovich most acutely felt how dear his native places were. He expressed his feelings, contrasting Russian expanses with a distant Persian nature - the dream to visit this country was never realized. The poems of the cycle resemble a pictorial canvas, supplemented with live sounds. But the real poetry masterpiece was love lyrics, including Yesenin's most famous work from this series - "Shagane". This is a monologue addressed to a distant Persian woman, to whom the author told the secret thoughts about his native Ryazan land, about the girl remaining there.

"Good-bye, my friend ..."

These words begin the poem written by the poet before his death. It is more like an epitaph, which the poet addressed himself. Frank, born of prolonged mental anguish, this poem is, in fact, Esenin's farewell to life and people.

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