LawCriminal law

What is sabotage, its composition and difference from terrorism

Conflicts between and within states in the modern world are gaining momentum every day. Weapons, military equipment, skills of fighters and means of struggle are improving. Banditry, espionage, terrorist acts, sabotage - all these crimes acquire a special status and are classified as particularly serious. What is sabotage, what are the acts of sabotage and how is this crime punished?


The Latin term diversio is translated as "deviation, distraction". A diversion refers to acts planned by criminals (or a criminal) aimed at damaging, destroying or destroying important objects with the intent of inflicting damage to economic security and undermining the state's defense capability.

Diversions are carried out on the territory of the state where hostilities take place, or on the territory of the enemy. At the same time, an important factor is that these actions should not be connected with direct military operations - they are conducted secretly and secretly.

Corpus delicti

  • The main goal of sabotage is the destruction and destruction of economic, material infrastructure and undermining the defense capability of the state.
  • Objective signs of a crime are the commission of actions aimed at destroying, damaging or destroying important state objects.
  • Any person from 16 years of age, regardless of citizenship, can be recognized as a crime subject .
  • A crime is considered to be committed from the moment of the end of the act itself (arson, sinking) and does not require actual destruction of the object.
  • Sabotage actions are recognized as a crime only if the guilty person has a direct intent.

What is sabotage in the full sense? This is the totality of all the above-mentioned signs: the existence of this goal, objective characteristics, an adult capable legal subject who committed these acts with direct intent.

Types of sabotage actions

Destruction, damage or destruction of important state facilities (bringing them to partial or complete unfitness) can occur in several ways:

  • explosion;
  • arson;
  • flooding;
  • Use other methods of damage to objects.

This list is specified in art. 281 "Diversion" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is exemplary. In any case, unlawful actions must be active, present a public danger and lead to serious consequences of a destructive nature.

Objects of diversion

What is a sabotage for the state? This is the destruction or damage to the most important facilities for the population, authorities and military structures. What objects are considered important for the country:

  • Enterprises;
  • buildings and constructions;
  • Transport and transport system facilities;
  • Objects of communication;
  • Objects of vital activity of the population.

What is the difference between a diversion from a terrorist act

According to Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, terrorist acts are acts (explosion, arson, etc.) aimed at intimidating the population and causing harm to health (including causing death), significant property damage with the aim of undermining the activities of state or international bodies and organizations.

Thus, the main difference between a terrorist act and diversion is the goal pursued by the offender. In the case of sabotage, the main goal is to undermine the state's economic security and violate its defense capability, in case of terrorism, to intimidate the population and state authorities in order to undermine their authority and force them to take decisions indicated by the criminals.

Let's sum up: what is sabotage under Russian legislation? These are deliberate acts committed by a person who has reached the age of 16 with a direct intent aimed at undermining the country's infrastructure by destroying or destroying important facilities with the aim of weakening economic security and reducing the state's defensive capability.

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