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What is literary process

The term "literary process" can introduce a person unfamiliar with his definition into a stupor. Because it is not clear what kind of process it is, what is caused, with what is connected and according to what laws exist. In this article, we will discuss this concept in detail. Special attention will be paid to the literary process of the 19th and 20th centuries.

What is the literary process?

This concept denotes:

  • Creative life in the totality of the facts and phenomena of a particular country in a certain epoch;
  • Literary development in a global sense, which includes all ages, cultures and countries.

When using the term in the second meaning, the phrase "historical literary process" is often used.

In general, the concept describes the historical changes in the world and national literature, which, developing, inevitably interact with each other.

In the process of studying this process, researchers solve many complex problems, among which the main is the transition of some poetic forms, ideas, currents and directions to others.

The influence of writers

The literary process includes writers who, with their new artistic techniques and experiments with language and form, change the approach to describing the world and man. However, the authors do not make their discoveries in an empty place, since they necessarily rely on the experience of their predecessors, who lived both in his country and abroad. That is, the writer uses almost all the artistic experience of mankind. From this we can conclude that there is a struggle between new and old artistic ideas, and each new literary trend puts forward its creative principles, which, based on traditions, nevertheless they are challenged.

Evolution of trends and genres

The literary process, therefore, includes the evolution of genres and trends. Thus, in the 17th century French writers proclaimed instead of baroque, which welcomes the willfulness of poets and playwrights, classic principles that envisioned strict rules. However, already in the 19th century, romanticism emerged, rejecting all the rules and proclaiming the freedom of the artist. Then came realism, expelled subjective romanticism and put forward its demands for works. And the change of these directions is also part of the literary process, as well as the reasons for which they occurred, and writers who worked within their framework.

Do not forget about the genres. Thus, the novel, the largest and most popular genre, has experienced more than one change of artistic trends and trends. And in every era, it changed. For example, the vivid example of the Renaissance novel - Don Quixote - is completely different from the "Robinson Crusoe" written in the Enlightenment, and they are both dissimilar to the works of O. de Balzac, V. Hugo, C. Dickens.

Literature of Russia of the 19th century

The literary process of the 19th century. Is a rather complex picture. At this time, the evolution of critical realism is taking place . And representatives of this direction are NV Gogol, AS Pushkin, IS Turgenev, IA Goncharov, FM Dostoevsky and AP Chekhov. As you can see, the work of these writers is very different, nevertheless, they all belong to the same stream. In this respect, literary criticism in this respect speaks not only of the artistic individuality of writers, but also of changes in the very realism and method of cognition of the world and man.

In the beginning of the 19th century, the "natural school" came to replace romanticism, which already in the middle of the century began to be perceived as something that prevents further literary development. F. DOSTOYEVSKY and L. Tolstoy are beginning to attach greater importance to psychologism in their works. This was a new stage in the development of realism in Russia, and the "natural school" is outdated. However, this does not mean that the techniques of the previous current stop using. On the contrary, the new literary trend absorbs the old, partially leaving it in its original form, partially modifying. However, we should not forget about the influence of foreign literature on Russian, as well as, however, domestic literature on foreign literature.

Western literature of the 19th century

The literary process of the 19th century in Europe includes two main directions - romanticism and realism. Both of them became a reflection of the historical events of this era. Recall that at this time there is an industrial revolution, the factories are opening, railways are being built, etc. At the same time, there is the Great French Revolution, which led to uprisings throughout Europe. These events, of course, are reflected in literature, and from completely different positions: romanticism tends to evade reality and create its ideal world; Realism - analyze what is happening and try to change reality.

Romanticism, which arose in the late 18th century, is gradually becoming obsolete around the middle of the 19th century. But realism, which only appears in the early 19 th century, by the end of the century is gaining momentum. The realistic direction comes out of realism and manifests itself in about 30-40 years.

The popularity of realism is explained by its social orientation, which was in demand by the society of that time.

Literature of Russia of the 20th century

Literary process of the 20th century. Is very complex, intense and ambiguous, especially for Russia. This is connected, first of all, with the emigrant literature. Writers who turned out to be expelled from their homeland after the 1917 revolution, continued to write abroad, continuing the literary traditions of the past. But what happens in Russia? Here, a variegated variety of trends and trends, called the Silver Age, forcibly narrows to the so-called socialist realism. And all attempts of writers to move away from him are brutally suppressed. Nevertheless, the works were created, but not published. Among such writers are Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, of the later antagonist writers - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Venedikt Erofeev, etc. Each of these writers continued the literary traditions of the early 20th century, before the advent of socialist realism. The most interesting in this connection is the work "Moscow - Petushki", written by V. Erofeev in 1970 and published in the west. This poem is one of the first examples of postmodern literature.

Until the end of the existence of the Soviet Union, almost no works are published that do not relate to socialist realism. However, after the dissolution of the country, literally the dawn of book publishing begins. Everything that was written in the 20th century is being published, but it was forbidden. There are new writers, continuing the tradition of literature of the Silver Age, banned and foreign.

Western literature of the 20th century

The Western literary process of the 20th century is characterized by a close connection with historical events, in particular, with the first and second world wars. These events greatly shocked Europe.

In the literature of the 20th century, two major trends are distinguished: modernism and postmodernism (the 1970s are emerging). The first include such trends as existentialism, expressionism, surrealism. At the same time, modernism most vividly and intensively develops in the first half of the 20th century, then gradually surrendering postmodernism.


Thus, the literary process is the totality of trends, trends, works of writers and historical events in their development. Such a notion of literature makes it possible to understand the laws by which it exists and what influences its evolution. The beginning of the literary process can be called the first work created by mankind, and its ending will come only when we cease to exist.

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